Coffee: Science Picture Challenge #2 ! 咖啡:科學照片挑戰 #2

in #sciencepic6 years ago (edited)

Many thanks to @mcw for hosting this competition and giving me a chance to learn more about science.
The details of the contest as the following link:

很多謝 @mcw 舉行這個比賽,給予一個機會,在忙碌的生活中了解多些關於科學的知識,下面是這個比賽的連結:

Today I want to talk about coffee. Many coffee lovers around the world, each country had their own coffee culture ! The taste of coffee was depends on the beans and the cooking method. All of the famous coffee beans are planted at south American. There are many methods to make a good coffee, today I choose the followings to introduce about science:

今天我想跟大家談談咖啡,世界各地都有咖啡愛好者,每個國家都有自己的咖啡文化! 咖啡的味道取決於咖啡豆的品種和不同的烹調方法,所有著名的咖啡豆都是在南美洲出產的,去煮一杯美味咖啡有很多不同的方法,今天我介紹以下跟科學相關的方式:

【Japanese-style slow-drip Coffee 日式慢滴咖啡】

In summer , people want to have a ice coffee. Most common method was melted the ice-club into the hot coffee. The clever Dutchman invented a method in the 17th century. Its principle is to extract coffee ice and water drip, coffee powder completely without pyrolysis, only two or three drops on average five seconds.

This is a classic Dutch Coffee Makers called Yama Coffee Maker about 24 inches tall. There is a top down flow of water. Ice water is placed in a chamber at the top of the apparatus. Coffee grounds are placed in a container underneath it. And finally, a receptacle is placed under that to catch the brewed drips. The water drips into the coffee, and once the grounds are saturated, coffee drips out from the grounds and into the receiving carafe. So it always use 6 to 8 hour to condense a glass 8 oz of iced coffee! If you go to travel in Japan or Korea, I suggest to try it!

The principle is to naturally penetrate water pressure by cold water, slowly dripping with cold water to 5 degrees Celsius low temperature extraction!

在夏天,人們都會想喝一杯冰咖啡, 最常見的方法是把冰粒融入熱咖啡中。 聰明的荷蘭人在17世紀發明了一種方法, 其原理是提取咖啡冰和水滴,咖啡粉完全沒有熱解,平均每5秒只有兩至三滴。

這是一部經典的荷蘭咖啡製造機,名為 Yama 咖啡機大約24英寸高,結構分上中下三層,上圖球狀物體稱上壺,主要放冰,冰隨室溫慢慢溶化。冰水滴下到第二層的位置,叫中壺,就是存放咖啡粉的所在,上壺底部有個開關,用以控制滴漏速度,冰水向下滴,通過咖啡粉,緩慢地滲到最底層的咖啡壺。這個方法要用6至8小時濃縮一杯8盎司的冰咖啡! 如果你去日本或韓國旅遊,建議可以品嘗一下!



【Syphon Coffee 虹吸式咖啡】

This method will occur at home or some homemade cafe! User friendly and clean the appliance easily. The most important skill to make a good coffee is the temperature of the water and the cooking time control!

The siphon pot is constructed as a upper chamber and lower bowl in the middle. The upper chamber is used to place ground coffee, while the lower bowl filled with hot water is heated with a burner. When the volume of steam in the lower bowl increases with temperature When it will make the water through the Stablizer bar to reach the chamber, the endless stream of steam support in the bowl. When the heating is stopped, the air under the bowl will gradually cool and shrink, and on the bowl has been soaked in hot water of the coffee solution, it will lose the next bowl of water vapor support and then re-flow down bowl, coffee dregs were filter cloth block and stay in the chamber, and finally, the bowl removed will be able to enjoy the next bowl of coffee.

The principle is use the pressure of boiling water to cook coffee.

這種方法將使用在家裡或一些家庭式的咖啡室! 非常易用及容易清潔的器皿, 要煮好的咖啡最重要的技巧就是水溫和烹調時間的控制!

虹吸壺在中間被構造成上部和下部, 上部用來放置磨碎的咖啡部粉,下部注滿熱水用燃燒器加熱, 當下部中的蒸汽量隨著溫度的升高而增加時,熱水就會通過導管到達上部,被源源不絕的水蒸汽流支撐在壺中。 當加熱停止時,下壺的空氣會逐漸冷卻和收縮,並且碗已經浸泡在咖啡溶液的熱水中,將失去下壺水蒸氣支撐,然後再次流到下壺,咖啡渣被濾布隔在上壺內,最後,將下壺取出,就可以享用咖啡了。



Science has made life comfortable!



Great post @kona. I bet it’s really good tasty coffee ☕️.





我個人比較喜愛香味重一點的,看看心情,有時會喝Latte', 重奶味,有時會加cream, 如果即磨咖啡豆夠新鮮,來shot expresso都會的😎😎

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