Stephen Hawking Is Dead And You (Probably) Don't Give A Shit

in #science7 years ago (edited)


Well, in case you missed it Steven Hawking is dead. And by dead I mean no longer alive. And by no longer alive, I mean all his biological functions have ceased. I can't believe it right? Steven Hawking can't be dead! Oh my god! I mean ok, he was 76 years old and had all kinds of medical problems...But he can't be dead? It must be a joke!

Judging from the headlines and the comments on mainstream media you would think the whole planet has fallen in a deep state of mourning and everything will stop functioning for a while.

But in reality, 99 % of the people "mourning" really don't give a shit. They have no idea about his work other than it's something about space, they have no idea about his life, chances are they haven't even watched the movie based on his life. Let's be honest for a moment. Unless you are a family member, or a friend or a scientist whose work is based on his work then you really don't give a shit about Hawkings. You will talk for a few days about his death, how "sad" it makes you feel and you will continue doing what you normally do like eating, pooping and hopefully having some sex here and there. And if he wasn't a disabled person you would probably not even know or "care" about his existence.

To be honest, I prefer all the douchy comments made by some religious people about how he "will finally find how he was wrong about god" or something to all the hypocritical tears that will be shed in media these days... They might be assholes but at least they are honest to themselves.

If you are one of those hypocritic mourners that have no idea about Hawking at least go read his wikipedia entry and learn a few things about the man before shedding the next tear.

Why do we feel the urge to pretend we mourn when somebody popular dies? Even when that celeb  is someone we used to spit on moments right before his death?


Okay really, I don't get sad when people die. Not really. Saying I don't give a shit who dies is a bit too strong but suffice it to say that I don't lose sleep over it. My feelings about it is somewhat different in each case. When Michael Jackson died, I was like, "The King of Pop is gone. Is it possible to have another? My conclusion was, "No. There could only be him. Any other person would be a different person." I was a bit sad about how he was largely misunderstood and how the media used him to attract attention but that was it. My parents died and and those were people I gave a shit about. After them, I knew I was going to give at least a little less shit about anyone else who died.

So when I heard Stephen Hawking (I had to resist the temptation of spelling it as Hawkings like I once did - the man deserves at least that) is dead. I was not really sad. My uncle used to tell me, "Seventy-five is what you get if you are lucky." On that account, I think Stephen Hawking was lucky. Plus he has had medical issues that probably made his life a labour for him and all those around him. So I don't think his death is something to be sad about, at least not for him. But for those earthlings who aren't smart enough to think his thoughts, I find at least one reason to be sad: we may miss insights into our Universe that only someone like Hawking could have given us. Now that he is gone, what would happen to us concerning those insights? Perhaps someone else would see it. Right?

So Stephen Hawking is dead. Do I give a shit? A little shit but not because he is dead but because we need him alive. Michael Jackson is dead. Do I give a shit? Yeah, a little but again, not for him but for myself. Do I pretend to give more shits that I do? No, sir. It is worth nothing to me to do so. I guess the media has an excuse: it is worth something to them. Okay I will stop here before my opinion trumps trumpman's :)

Thanks for the comment. These are pretty much my thoughts, put in a more politically correct (and less fun!) way . It's just that I saw the word "mourn" to many times in too little time. No, when you mourn you forget to sleep, you forget to eat, you become antisocial etc. You don't mourn when you tweet how sad you are while taking a dump 😁😁

Being politically correct is no fun, I agree. I guess I need more practice with political incorrectness. Who better to learn from but Trump :).

I can almost imagine someone taking a dump while they tweet how they mourn the death of someone. Such things happen because we, as humans do not ask the question, why enough. it tends to shut people up quickly enough when they really had nothing to day to begin with. Thanks for replying.

Oh wow, I had no idea. And I wouldn't have expected to find out about it on steemit. I should pay more attention to the news. I won't pretend though that I really give a shit. I don't really know or understand all his work. But I do have an idea of how important he was to the world and I also know how big a loss this is even though I don't feel the magnitude on an emotional level.

Anyway, thanks for sharing the news and your thoughts on it.

One of the biggest scientists ever. But also one of the most courageous people who paved the way for all people with MND. RIP Prof Hawking.

I have seen many people making fun of his death because he never believed in God. To that kind of people I would say that his spirit and ideas will live on for years. Whereas some people will be forgotten before the last grain of mud it's there coffin. Ah well if they've picked the right god out of the 4300 god's they won't be burning forever in a hellfire.

Our world, our society has lost one of our greatest resources. The wise will grieve, fools will mock and to the ignorant he will pass unnoticed. Go with God and The Universe will be celebrating your return Stephen Hawkings.

Glad to read your response @adisrivastav. You don't have to know someone personally to appreciate their contribution to humanity.
"One of the biggest scientists ever. But also one of the most courageous people who paved the way for all people with MND. RIP Prof Hawking."
Well said!

Appreciation is one thing. "Mourning" while the only thing you know about Hawking's is that he's that disabled space scientist that made an appearance on "Big Bang Theory" a couple months ago is another :)

Agreed. Appreciation and "mourning" are two different things "trumpman". 😊

Now we’re probably all going to die...! :( @trumpman :p

Hm... I don't get it.

Up to the moment I haven't known of Hawkings death. Are those douchebag comments you talk about quotes from the media? Why do you care about them? ... Or did you take them as a reference to an experience you already made when someone died you personally knew and the mournings of people you also know and you sensed them to be insincere?

When Michael Jackson died I shed some silent tears. It was not about him it was that I was being reminded of my youth and times I was dancing to "beat it" and all was laying ahead of me. His death reminded me that I am mortal, too. That is my answer to your above question.

Was this a tribute to Hawkings? It seems like it was one but it felt angry.

One of the first things I saw when I woke up was a comment by a guy on Facebook that I know is an anti-vaxxer claiming how sad he is and how science has lost such a great man. And my feed continued to be bombarded by big words like "mourn" or whatever by people that I know for a fact that the only reason they have heard about hawkings is shows like the big bang theory, Simpsons or whatever. As I replied to the first comment I find it quite annoying to see these people who have no idea about Hawkins, his life and his work to claim they mourn. I can literally imagine them tweeting "oh Hawking's is dead me so sad" from their toilet while taking a dump.

I wouldn't call it a tribute just some quick thoughts on human hypocrisy. And the whole situation reminded me the even bigger hypocrisy we saw with the death of Michael Jackson. Everyone was calling him a pedo and a piece of shit in his last years, suddenly he dies and everyone starts talking about what a great artist and great man blah blah he was. Disgusting...

LOL. I never follow that. Facebook I quit and used it later only for selected incomes. I quit consuming any mass media whatsoever, so I sometimes appear as a fish taking a peep into the world of air breathers and then go down under water. No news, no feed, no any media besides self-selected groups or singles. "News" only people deliver to me personally I know, so the important things will get me anyway.

It's funny how people react when I tell them that I am living in oblivion. To my defense, I can say I worked in the media branch for a long time and know how news are created. Also, the daily news are the same today as they were in the 80s.

So this was my engaged attempt to convince you of not using facebook anymore. Please tell me, if I was successful. You need to feel less disgusted:)

Yeah but if I quit who is gonna take care of my online farm?

an online farm on facebook?

It's called farmville it's a really popular game on facebook. I am not actually playing it but I thought it would make a nice joke :p

I heard Dexter came out of retirement to off him because he was bad people......who is Stephen Hawkings again?

Is it Dexter (the boy genius)from the laboratory?

The one and only rightful Dexter, if you ask me. I love the Golden Diskette episode that was an ode to Stephen Hawking. Who is professor Hawk!?

I hope you are joking, if you don't know who Dexter is we may need to rethink our friendship.

I am dead serious. And that won't stop me from trying to touch your zipper

;). That table you are shaking has your friendship on it. Hahahaha.

This is such a sad news. I know that Sheldon Cooper would even be sadder. RIP Stephen Hawking

The death of Stephen Hawking is something nobody expected. The time people expected his death, he didn't die. He was predicted to die in less than two years by age 21 but he lived 54 years more.

I could probably not give a shit but the brightest star in the firmament of science and the king of cosmology is gone and I wouldn't give a shit....? That's a miss.


I am not talking about you then ^_^ Check the top-voted comment, it's exactly my thoughts worded in a less provocative way :P

The overall human intelligence has just decreased by 50 %.

Celebrities or people who’s death was mainstreamish that I can remember off the top of my head that I thought twice about or contacted someone when they died. (Obviously not including anyone I knew personally on this list - I don’t really know any celebrities either). In no particular order:

  • Bernie Mac
  • James Gandolfini
  • Michael Jackson
  • the original actor who played Spartacus the tv series
  • probably forgetting a few but that’s it

*(excluding any Cretan musicians who no one on here wouldreally know and would essentially be irrelevant)

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