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RE: Science, Jesus Christ, and A New Purpose for 2018!

in #science7 years ago

In my eyes, to attempt to describe our creator in anyway is in itself the "wisdom of man". Our reality may be molded by a force beyond our understanding, but even as a born Christian I believe our concept of "god" does not do such an omnipotent designer justice. It is in our own egotistical and anthropocentric view that has humanized this 'force' to create our notion of a god.


We view God from our human perspective (and therefore, our human limitations), but the fact that we cannot possibly understand the full brilliance of our Creator does not dismiss His existence.

Is it possible for us to even use terms such "his existence" or "our creator"? If such an omnipotent, reality-creating being such as "God" governs the universe, how can we begin to interpret it in any manner, let alone through the guise of religion? If there truly is a God, it (not he) is infinitely more complex than our traditional interpretation.

Yes, it is possible to use those terms. Just because we are too limited in fully understanding God's infinite wisdom and powers doesn't mean he doesn't exist. I explain this in a little more detail in my previous post on the subject --

The question still then remains, what made man, and what spawned that which made man. It still interests us to seek answers into the initial cause of what is, I believe we limit ourselves through language.

Yes man made god, but man did not make man. Even in science the big bang is the end of our knowledge.

Leaving 3-5 words on god seems quite boring, i'm sure I would find your opinion more interesting...

Humankind evolved from precursor species, and we can follow the trail of that evolution back to simple single celled organisms. What spawned the first life form, and where all the matter in the universe came from are deeper questions to ponder. But, just inserting a magical creator to fill in the gaps in our knowledge does not get us any closer to an understanding.

Agreed, jumping to conclusions isn't in our best interest. We have to logically work backward from what we understand to discover the true nature of and the reason for creation. I don't believe the answer to this is god; but neither do I wholeheartedly believe the action of creation to be caused by a completely unsentient force.

So what created the single cell organisms????

IT did.

That IT may be a monotheistic god, the natural order of a larger cosmic structure and law beyond our universe, or a omnipotent flying spaghetti monster that permeates the fabric of reality.

I do not know, but nobody does. Our language is limiting and this is all I can call IT.

(Hebrews 1:1-3 NIV) In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, {2} but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. {3} The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

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