Science is Really the Affirmation of our Faith

in #science7 years ago

With all the questionable changes in the Steemit network in the past year, I’ve grown jaded. Yet the power of this community has also proven that positive surprises can spring from out of nowhere! I’m so humbled by the outpouring of comments and upvotes to my last post, “Science, Jesus Christ, and A New Purpose for 2018!”. To all of you, I want to first say, THANK YOU!

I will respond back to your comments; I wanted to do this earlier, but a sudden rush of demand prevented me from doing so. In the meantime, I wanted to share a new post to address some of the recurring topics that have come up, and perhaps spark some more thoughtful discussions or debates. I’m a person that finds benefit in learning about other people’s perspectives, so I welcome any meaningful ideas.

Primarily, I want to clarify my position about science and religion (ie. my faith in Jesus Christ). From what I have learned, science is really the affirmation of our faith. Psalm 139:14 (King James Version) teaches us that “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”

Has not science actually proven this fact? Every organ in our body has its own intellect, and works harmoniously with each other to keep you functioning properly. Did you know that the liver acts as a refrigerator, storing nutrients carefully in “compartments,” just in case you might find yourself needing an energy boost? Or that every cell in your body has a purpose and a function? Truly, you are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Below are some recurring points I’d like to address:

God is man-made

In a way, this statement is correct. It’s similar to the concept that both science and Christianity are fallible. However, our faith, our receiving of the Holy Spirit are necessarily fallible because our world and everything in it (including us) are corrupt.

God mysteriously works in us through this corrupt world. God is like a 4K TV provider. But because of the world’s corruption, the best that we can have is an old-school cathode-ray tube (CRT) TV. Does that mean God is not in high definition? No, he is most certainly high-def, but unfortunately, we have a low-def TV, and thus, we necessarily see God in low def.

This is why God said there will be a new heaven and a new earth. In our perfected bodies, we will have glorious 4K TVs, and at that point, we can receive his high-def transmissions.

God sends people to hell

Hell is one of the most difficult concepts for Christians to reconcile, especially when they’re teaching the good news of the Gospel to non-believers. How can a loving God send people who committed finite crimes into an infinite punishment?

Although extremely controversial, I now believe that people send themselves to hell. The price of admission into heaven is perfection, since a perfect God cannot have any imperfection in His presence. Being “good enough” is not going to cut it.

I once spoke to a Jewish man about my faith. I asked him how many of the Ten Commandments has he fulfilled. He said three: he never murdered anyone, he never lied, and he never committed adultery. Yet Jesus stated clearly that anyone who hates, lies, or lusts in their hearts have committed sins, and therefore, broken the perfect law of God.

This arrogance that this Jewish man displayed is the reason why most people end up in hell: they refuse to humble themselves and acknowledge their shortcomings. Rather than accept the free and unconditional sacrifice solidified in the blood of Jesus Christ, they instead rely on their folly.

Don’t be like this arrogant man. Jesus never turns away a humble and broken heart.

What about other faiths and religions?

Please be aware that no established faith organization or religious community will “save” you. There’s a big difference between a Christian and a believer in Christ. Although we use the terms interchangeably, in the end of days, we will all know who’s who. Many “Christians” will not end up in a good place.

Jesus the Messiah stated emphatically in John 14:6 (KJV), “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Realize that he did not say Catholicism or Lutheranism is the way; only Christ, and Christ alone.

If faith in Catholicism or any denominational entity will not save you, I firmly guarantee you: no other religion will save you, either!

When I stand before God, I will have nothing more to say other than this: I come to you by the Grace and Mercy of Yeshua, Your Son.

Nothing more needs to be said.

good post

"However, our faith, our receiving of the Holy Spirit are necessarily fallible because our world and everything in it (including us) are corrupt."... I might not understand what you are saying here, but are you saying that God's Holy Spirit in us is fallible, because of us? Not exactly sure what you are trying to convey here.

Overall, I loved your post. There is truth. Truth can be known. We can't fully know Him, but we can know Him. He has given us His Word for that very purpose. So that we might know Him, know Truth. I defintely believe that we can know Him here and now. But perhaps few take the time to intimately know Him. And yet we will know Him more when we are face to face. We only know Him because of His Spirit in us. We bring nothing. It's Him; and Him in us. How perfect.

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. As the heavens are high and the earth is deep, so the hearts of kings are unsearchable. ~Pro. 25:2-3

Thank you for such a wonderful post. May God use His people to be a voice to a lost and broken world!

To clarify the above quote of mine, I meant that although God is infallible, we with our human limitations are fallible. Therefore, our relationship with God is less than perfect in this fallen world. However, when we receive new bodies, and when the new heaven and earth are created, we will then begin to understand God from the context of pure righteousness.

Of course, God is Almighty, and no one can look upon his face and live. However, I believe that we will relate to our Father in a way that's simply impossible in our fleshly state.

I hope that clarifies...God bless you!

Yeah, I was just a little bit confused, as to what you were saying! Sometimes things are clearer in face to face conversations :) But, thanks for the reply, and again, a wonderful post. It leaves me encouraged and inspired.
~Many Blessing!

It takes raw courage for one to stand on his belief at these times. You're courageous my friend.

Thank you! I wish I deserved such compliments...I just feel compelled, particularly because of these times, to share my faith, and do my small part to help bring light to the darkness.

Just because we are too limited in fully understanding God's infinite wisdom and powers doesn't mean he doesn't exist. I explain this in a little more detail in my previous post on the subject --

I took a look through wanted to touch on one topic you address;

God mysteriously works in us through this corrupt world. God is like a 4K TV provider. But because of the world’s corruption, the best that we can have is an old-school cathode-ray tube (CRT) TV. Does that mean God is not in high definition? No, he is most certainly high-def, but unfortunately, we have a low-def TV, and thus, we necessarily see God in low def.

I see you're point that we are incapable of having a clear picture of God, but this interpretation still insinuates that we could or will perceive God, but are unable to due to our "tech" so to say. If we had the 4K receiver, we could properly interpret God .

I say this is the issue; it is impossible to interpret god in any way, metaphorical or literal. I've also made a post recently on the Omnipotence of God, and simply put, the very attributes of God (his ability to do anything and everything) defy logical thought itself. There's no way to interpret it's will or motivations, or any way to humanize it. To be omnipotent is to be paradoxically infinite, a concept which can only be understood by something with such attributes itself.

I obviously agree that only God can absolutely understand God, but that doesn't preclude humans from interpreting God or having a relationship with Him in some manner. Omnipotence doesn't prevent or conflict with interpretation.

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