Is Alzheimer’s Disease Caused By Viruses?

in #science6 years ago

A large research showed that brains that were atrophied because of Alzheimer’s contained many more herpesviruses compared to non-Alzheimer’s brains.

A healthy brain compared to a brain suffering from Alzheimer's Disease
By National Institutes of Health [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Alzheimer’s Disease is one of the worst illnesses currently plaguing the humanity. It was first described by Alois Alzheimer in 1906. It’s been a 100 years since and we still can’t prevent or treat it. The more people live to old age the higher is the risk of being afflicted by Alzheimer’s. And since many more people actually live to old age we desperately need a way to treat it.

Scientists from the Arizona State University-Banner Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center (NDRC) in cooperation with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (NYC) published a new research and a study mapping the presence of viruses on the brain and their activities. The study was quite extensive as it contained tissue samples from 622 brains suffering from Alzheimer’s and 322 without its symptoms. Add to that the records of the psychiatric examinations that gave the detailed information about the progression of the disease in each individual. Lastly, they also used the neuropathological opinions about the changes in the brains – more specifically how much the brains atrophied.

The scientists initially sequenced DNA, searching for genes that could be the cause behind the possible genetic reasons for Alzheimer’s. Then they sequenced the RNA thus mapping the activity of the genes, which ones were on or off differently from the healthy brains. But the RNA also told that which viruses lived in the brains and showed two strains of herpetic viruses that were much more common in brains suffering from Alzheimer’s and they now think these pathogens help the disease to propagate.

The two virus strains in question – HHV-6A and HHV-7 – aren’t really special. Both are common and most people have them in their bodies since early childhood without any problems. But at the moment we aren’t sure whether they are the cause of Alzheimer’s or whether the amount of them in the brain is a result of Alzheimer’s. If almost everybody is a carrier why some live to an old age with just a slight memory and cognitive function loss and others suffer from the full extent of Alzheimer’s which literally eats their brains up.


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To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

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Thanks for sharing this info. In today's time there are lot of diseases already in human body that no one is aware off .

The solution will not be found along this search line.

Pasteur lied about viruses causing disease.
Yes, they are a part of the disease cycle, but they are not the cause.
You can find the germs living in a healthy person as well as the sick person, but our current focus is to look at the sick person for what is wrong, instead of looking to the healthy person for what is right.

Alzheimer's can be better described as an emotional/mental rut syndrome. If you have stopped growing as a person, then your life is at an end, and your body will help enable that.

Alzheimer's allows people who are stuck in a rut to see things with new child-like eyes. All of the mental bulwarks that were created over a life of traumas and other learning events, are removed by Alzheimer's.

Every Alzheimer's patient i have worked with were all of this mental type. That of being very stern and strict. They had logicked their way into a corner. Each decision being logical, but the entire structure being flawed, and the person unable to get themselves out of the dead end they found themselves in. Further, not even recognizing they were in a dead end.

The Germ Theory of Disease was not merely Pasteur´s work, but also that of others (like Koch). Yes, germs can be found in healthy people as well, we would be unable to live with them. However, if they get into a place where they should not be, they can make use sick.
I will not deny that psychotherapy may be helpful in treatment of AD, but I highly doubt that it can be traced down to being merely a psychological issue. There are several morphological changes in the brain that you can see. It is a disease and not just a mental state.

And, will you change your mind when you see morphological changes for the better from spiritual mental work?

Cancer has been known to just disappear.
That is because cancer is an emotional disease.
Cure the emotion, cure the disease.

The entire idea of "modern medicine" will be overturned here shortly.

Take this axiom: "As you seek, so shall you find"
So, if a doctor looks for disease, they will find disease.
Why do we look for disease?

Why do we not look for health?

Nope, I’m not going to have this discussion because I already know it won’t go anywhere. Cheers

I read that during sleep your brain cleans up the waste products of metabolism etc.

For Alzheimer's patients this doesn't work so well so a lot of waste products build up and destroy the brain. Maybe the viruses also do not get cleaned up and this is why there are high levels of HHV6 and HHV7?

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