The Real Cost Of Electric Cars

in #science7 years ago


I wrote a post yesterday about alcohol as an alternative to fossil fuels and the Electric Car Nuts from the whacko-left came out of the woodwork. So I felt compelled to do this follow-up about the drawbacks of the electric car... not that any of them are actually going to "get it." I'll try to keep this as simple as possible so they might be able to follow along.

First, electric cars run on batteries. Batteries are made of, among other things, cobalt. Cobalt is mined in the Congo (that's in Africa) by children who are kept in a condition of virtual slavery. The overseers, usually from Rwanda (that's in Africa too) cut hands and feet off children that protest the harsh conditions. Here are a couple of videos that show what it's like to work there.

Similarly, this shows more of the hazardous conditions in the mines.

Now I understand that these are just a bunch of black kids in Africa that aren't as important as things like "the environment" and the importance of "going green," but the next time you get in your Prius to go to the anti-Trump rally to show off your "Love Trumps Hate" t-shirt, you might want to give these kids a thought... Nah- they're not white upper-middle class kids so what do they matter. Well, I'm not a liberal, so they matter a great deal to me. In fact I wrote a series of articles called Raping Africa, in which I devoted two parts to the Congo. (see link) I also will include another link that shows how vital cobalt is to the electric car industry.

There are a few other practical considerations as well. First, there are currently 263 million autos in America, all of which can be converted to alcohol for about $200 each. This is much more cost effective than scrapping them all and starting over. Also somebody kept harping about "wind and solar." Wind turbines are expensive, involve the use of environmentally unsound materials, produce very little electricity and kill off a lot of birds. Solar is fine as far as an adjunct to existing electricity. In other words it can help lower your electric bills, but won't produce enough electricity to do the job.

Here's something else to think about. If you plan to scrap America's fleet of internal combustion vehicles and replace them with all electric, how are you going to charge them all? The existing electric grid won't produce anywhere enough juice. So you would have to build more coal, diesel, or nuclear plants... a lot more!

Here's something else. Trucks... most of the things we take for granted every day (food, etc.) are shipped by truck and semi's can't be converted to electric power. Busses in cities may, but it would be a huge task, requiring a vast network of overhead wires. I still maintain that alcohol is the far better solution and that little black kids in Africa matter to me if not to you.

Just something to think about... Oops, I forgot- you're liberals!

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I've also never heard anyone point out the fact that every solar panel blocks sunlight from reaching the ground.

What about all of the plants and tortoises whose habitat you're destroying?

Why do they hate the tortoises?

That's easy... Because tortoises aren't rich college kids... When's the last time you saw a socialist turtle???

Tortoises do tend to the isolationist/non-intervention end of the political spectrum.

Well, that says it all... they'll have to suffer the same fate as the little African kids!!!

They've "obviously" chosen that life for themselves, that's why progressives allow them to live with the consequences.

Sad :( Unfortunately, more than half of the world's population is poor

I hope one day this situation changes

Thanks for sharing! Upvote and resteem

Liberals don't care... it's just a bunch of niggers in Africa!!! Clean energy is more important!

I work in this documentary film making the animations. It is for a german TV but with english subts. More than you think come from the hands of slaves childrens sadly :(

I really hope you posted this on here... this is stuff people need to know about! When I was working on my MA in Economics I wrote a paper for review about Nike. Nike was posting incredible P/E multiples back in the mid 90's because they were making their shoes in SE Asia and Indonesia using women who were paid pennies a day (slaves in my opinion). Koreans ran the factories and systemically raped and beat the women who worked on a quota system. It's pretty hard to make your quota id some guy is dragging you off for sex, so they got beaten for not making quota. If that isn't slavery, I don't know what is!

One thing about economists is that we're supposed to remain analytical. When I do cost/benefit analyses, I factor in human costs as well... That doesn't make my popular with "objective" economists who just look at numbers.

Your film is excellent and if you haven't posted it, you need to! I followed you on YT too.

Thanks for the follow btw :)

I posted already ;)

When I do cost/benefit analyses, I factor in human costs as well... That doesn't make my popular with "objective" economists who just look at numbers.

I really believe you are not the most popular boy in the neighborhood hehehe
"We need earnings, we do not care about a bunch of people" I had to hear these two sentences in front of me and I could not hit the man who said them ... bodyguards and it was a filming set... It si hard sometimes.

What people don't understand about a market economy is that Adam Smith wasn't an economist, he was a moral philosopher. I believe he intended for people to read The Theory of Moral Sentiments before applying his model!

I'm going to YT to watch... I don't get any volume when I play videos from here. This is something that concerns me and I don't want to miss anything! Thanks so Much!

It is really hard reality. If you want to read more about the docu I leave the link to the post I speak about it. Just for info, it is an old post.

It's a really good one. I left you a pretty long comment after watching... Great job!

Why not hemp?

You must have missed my post yesterday. I posted a video about alcohol from hemp!

This is heartbreaking. Imagine buiding your success and wealth on top of the tears and sweat of children in need.

Or pushing electric cars without doing any homework! I'm just a crazy old man and I had no problem finding it. Like the old saying goes... ain't nobody so blind as those that just don't want to see!

I'm a libertarian, but the thing about the cobalt and mines in the Congo was news to me. Thanks for sharing.

Well, I'm just a crazy old man and I found it. Wonder why the liberals missed it??? Must have been a Bernie rally that day!

I'm still pretty miffed that bio-diesel didn't take off like I thought it would. Diesel technology basically stalled, and I think we have the capabilities to bring it on par with any other fuel source in terms of being low cost, readily available, and more environmentally friendly than batteries, gasoline or nuclear.

I think if we someone invested some real money into modernizing diesel engines, we could really squeeze out a lot more MPG, or a lot more electricity out of diesel.

The problem is I don't think the US standards and regulations are really set up around making diesel a modern day fuel source.

Great article highlighting the dangers of blindly following "green" tech.

Thanks! I was working on a design for a magneto driven car. It would use a standard car battery to get it spinning, but magnetism (like they use in the Japanese trains) can push a lot of juice. The car would have to be geared properly (not insurmountable) and made of composites to keep the weight down. I figure that conservatively, you could get 150 mph out of one!

Great research Rich.
Bummer is, the nuts won't respond to reason reasonably.

For all to see, the evidence you just submitted is blocked into the chain forever and for all to see.

It's just logic - even your paragraph of the draw backs of electric cars from yesterday. Magic word: Logic.

ch @globocop

I was hoping for just one rebuttal... I want to do a post tomorrow... The KKK Indifferent Racist Douchebag Award!

Well, do you mean BLM or the Dems? They deserve That award brother!

ch @globocop

Great post mate..resteemed

Thanks... Hope I wasn't too harsh!

People also don't think about the EROEI -- which is why they wave away the limitations of supply of the things needed to make the "green revolution" happen the way they want it to with their magic "future technology government investment" wand.

Same wand that is so glittery that they can't see past it to see those kids behind it mining their cobalt.....

Ever studied the progression of copper mines? The concentrations of the ores just keeps dropping.....

And for crying out loud -- how can they not see the difference between an energy source (coal, wind, geothermal, oil, biomass) and an energy translator (electric and hydrogen)?

They see only what they're told to see! I sent for my magic wand... it hasn't come yet!

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