What drugs do you take to talk to aliens? (podcast/video)

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Many people believe that it's possible, and even likely, that intelligent life exists outside of our little planet. However, when it comes looking at potential evidence, many would prefer to dismiss it. To find evidence of something which, to us, might be bizarre, we have to look at the bizarre, diving in to the unexpected. We have to consider evidence of UFOs, strange structures on Mars, and mediums channelling interstellar communciations - and, we should consider that maybe, they might contact us even more directly, by telepathic communication instigated by powerful hallucinogenic drugs. Could peyote or LSD help you to receive such a communication? In this video I make the case that, maybe they could.

Click here for the essay version of this rant: Aliens and Drugs: Can psychedelics be used to contact beings from out of this world?

To download the audio, right click here and press ‘Save as’

View the full shownotes here: What drugs do you take to talk to aliens?: The Paradise Paradox Episode 131

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The Paradise Paradox is a podcast where we talk about crazy ideas for open-minded people. We cover topics such as crypto-currency, technology, politics, economics, freedom, free-thinking, and psychedelic experiences.

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DMT usually the alien-contact substance...

Agreed! I've taken LSD many times but never spoken with other life-forms without DMT. Great read and I think I met you guys in Dallas the other night @paradise-paradox !?

I don't think so, unless one of us was bilocating. Physically, I'm back here in Guadalajara and @battleayzee is in regional New South Wales.

Nuts!! I was having this conversation the other night with some random people I met promoting steemit.. I mean the exact same topic down to the details of putting broadcasting on steemit...

Curiouser and curiouser

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