Flat Earth, Creationism, And Other Fairytales

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Take out your tinfoil hats and visit some of the craziest conspiracy theories and mass delusions. Apparently, some people reject empirical evidence and base their beliefs and truths on rumors, misinformation, and blatant lies. Let's journey down the rabbit hole of delusion!

Hollow earth

The hollow earth theory is the least clinically insane of the lot. It's a fact that we know very little of the inside of our planet. Just like we don't know a whole lot about our oceans.. The continental crust is around 45km thick, and the oceaniac crust 6-7km thick. The scientific drillings have only penetrated 30% of the crust. At those depths, the pressure is immense and it's too hot to sustain advanced life. Still, some believe there might be hidden pockets in the earth's core that can be entered.

One of these stories originated from Karl Unger, a German U-boat sailor who went to the North Pole in 1943. He claimed he and the crew entered a submerged cavern and met an advanced civilization living in the hollow earth. They called it 'Rainbow island'. Some people think that Hitler escaped to the safety of the hollow earth, instead of shooting himself in the face in that bunker in Berlin. They based this on the fact that the Nazi's made an expedition to the North Pole and assume that this was meant to find the entrance to the hollow earth. Sure, why not?

A new expedition is trying to do the exact same thing since 2004. But it never got underway because of a myriad of problems. This gave rise to yet another conspiracy theory. The banking cartel was deliberately sabotaging the mission so the public could not find the alien race, or the surviving Nazis, inside the hollow earth.
To be honest, looking into these theories is less productive than watching porn

Conclusion: There is a small possibility that there are large cavernous areas deep inside the earth. Needs empirical evidence.

Flat earth

Ready for a one-way trip to the mental asylum?
I have one word for you delusional weirdos, SPACE! We have thousand of satellites in orbit, we've got the Kepler space telescope, we even have a frickin 'SPACE STATION'. But of course, these are all cover-ups by NASA, right? The secret cabal creates a virtual reality and performs the most amazing mass hypnosis trick. I'm not kidding you people, so nut jobs actually believe this crazy nonsense.

So every space program in the world is a government cover up? And what about the new commercial space programs? Are they 'in on it'? Is Elon Musk just throwing his money away on Space x to hypnotize the masses into buying a Tesla? Give it up already. There is not one fraction of evidence that could possibly support this idea. If you believe the earth is flat, go see a shrink!

Fixed earth and creationism

Ah, the miraculous world of religious science. It's characterized by enormous amounts of flawed and fabricated logic. And when the logic fails to hold up to scrutiny and empirical evidence, they implement distraction strategies to move the attention away from the inconsistencies of their theory.

Look at one of the quotes on the websites 'fixedearth.com':

These repressed Truths reveal that this most virulent strain of Mass Hypnosis is embedded in today's fact-free "Space Science" which is: a) Contra-scientific by definition; b) Based entirely on assumptions; c) Violates ALL observational/ empirical evidence; d) Not "secular" science, as claimed, but is derived concept for concept from the Pharisee Religion's "holy book" Zohar/Kabbala.

How can you start a discussion with someone who just completely turns the tables on the subject. The entire website is claiming that space science is there to 'push a religious agenda'. They're not even interested in a rational debate.
Space science is 'contra-scientific by definition'? Can somebody explain this to me please? I'm lacking the brain capacity to understand this stupidity. Or perhaps I have too much brain cells to 'get it'? Who knows!

The fact of the matter is the the creationist fallacy is based on the premise that a 2000-year old book can be a valid substitute for the scientific model. If the bible would not exist, they would have no problem accepting the evidence science provides that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, and the universe between ten and fifteen billion. The view that the earth is less than 10,000 years old is an idea that has not been held by any reputable scientist for over 150 years. But yet some parents want their kids to believe these fairy tales stories that contradict everything we've discovered so far.


Hollow earth
scientific ocean drilling
scientific continental drilling
North Pole Inner Earth Expedition
underground oceans

Flat earth
There is no shred of evidence for this ludicrous theory.
But here's an amusing piece of nonsense by flat earthers

Fixed earth
Fixed earth 'evidence', some hilarious reading!
Creationism debunked
More creationist theories debunked

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Upvoted because I like your style and thank you for not mindlessly posting a story off this weeks news as so many are doing lately.
One more thing, I don't think that's the correct mm foil, you gotta buy the heavy duty stuff to block those frequencies we're all trying to evade.

Absolutely, that cat is gonna get zapped by mind control brainwaves! I've got my house lined up with the heavy duty stuff :)

Hahaha.... nice post. Had me laughing my ass off. :)

I've always wondered how a flat earther explains flying west continually and arriving back where you started from the east. (i.e. circumnavigating the earth).

Are there little teleporters somewhere?

Oh, that's probably just another government coverup. They're actually flying in circles! :D

Heheh.... I think @craig-grant said he doesn't believe in SPACE in a few of his videos. Not sure how that one works. I've never heard anyone say that one before.

Hollow Earth... I don't have much of an opinion on that. I believe it is unlikely. Too many things would make that not too functional I'd think. Yet I can also let my imagination whirl and speculate on ways it can happen. I do pay attention to conspiracy theories. I don't discount all of them, but I am very specific when I speculate on something that I call it a speculation or a hypothesis. That means this is MADE UP. It is me using my brain to try to come up with a WHAT IF that might make something possible. It is a thought game. That doesn't mean I think I am a genius and my imaginary solution to a problem is suddenly the truth. :) I tend to think stuff I make up is likely wrong. If I was right I'd be pretty shocked. So yeah I can speculate on how a hollow earth might work. Yet I think it is highly unlikely.

Fixed Earth and Creationism - I don't even need to go there. Those people don't even study their own history. They act like history began when the Council of Nicea came out of their chambers and handed them the edited and created Holy Bible. Then they systematically attempted to purge documents they didn't see as making the cut. Also known a censorship.

Yet some stuff made it through all of it. If they bother to go read those things and they look into archaeology, anthropology, and even egyptology they'll see a lot of stuff the Council of Nicea whipped up falling to pieces. Tons of it is outright plagiarism of things that happened thousands of years before they wrote it. Names are changed (sometimes barely) but the story is the same.

That is even without going into the age of fossilized homnids. That is without going into Dinosaurs, etc.

Yeah... like I told you before there are a lot of nutty conspiracy theories. I approach them all with skepticism. Yet I do also keep my mind always open to new INFORMATION. Then I try to research it myself.

This is all I have to say to the creationists:

That is gold, pure gold!


I don't agree with your post. I keep my upvotes for good posts and insightful comments. My voting power can easily get drained if I start upvoting most of the comments. Oh and posting a comment with your link is pretty rude actually :)

I'm talking about comments on your own post ... you invited those people, they take the effort to write a comment, which benefits you, but you then ignore them ... that's rude

while I'm in fact trying to help you ... by upvoting more comments, you will get more followers, because people don't appreciated it, that after they made an effort ... you ignore them

Well, we'll have to agree to disagree here. I never expect a vote when I leave a comment somewhere. Votes shouldn't be 'expected'. Definitely not for comments. That's how I see it.So I guess that sentiment transfers to comments left on my blog as well.

I usually don't upvote a lot of comments. Unless that comment is an extremely insightful or though provoking comment. And anyway my vote is only worth a cent or two.

PS:I unfollow you too! :D:D

and that's why I will now unfollow you

menta dude, how DARE you respond to the comment with a rational explanation of your choices? You'll just get unfollowed :)

I like the way you write. I also like fiction :)
It's very entertaining.

Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed how you applied light humor to these topics.

Well I see you've already covered your foil costs. Great Job!

More tin foil for everyone!

I love reading flat earth stuff!

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