The Qur'anic Perspective and Theory of social control In Cases Juvenile Delinquency

in #science7 years ago (edited)

In a previous post, I explained about a Teacher’s Sincerity in Teaching And It’s Influence on Student Achievement. Today I will be discussing about “juvenile delinquency.” When these problems arise, they are not new, but rather previously existed in the student. We can observe this in many deviant behaviors which adolescents display as such as in the image this folowing.

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The students consumed narcotics of marijuana type

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free sex among students

What is behind the juvenile delinquency ?


1) Defenition of Teenager

According to psychology, adolescence is a period of transition from early childhood to early adulthood, entered at the age of about 10 to 12 years and ends at the age of 18 years to 22 years.[1]

There have been a variety of psychological studies done which have established that adolescence begins from around age 10 to 12 and extends through years 18 to 22. Based on several studies that have been done by psychologists that physically, many changes whom experience by children at age that, such as weight gain, height, body shape, and the development of sexual characteristics such as breasts become bigger, waistline increases and grow the mustache, and sound changes. In this phase, and also child are more likely to seek independence and identity and generally spend more time outdoors with peers than with their families.

Based on the description can be concluded that the characteristics of adolescent development are marked by physical changes and the development of sexual characteristics.

While According to Sri Rumini & Siti Sundari (2004: 53) explains that adolescent boys differ from girls. adolescence of men ranging from 12 years to 21 years, while adolescence of women starting at the age of 13 years up to 22 years. and all aspects of development that occurred at that time is show that's the child will entering adulthood and leaving childhood.

Based on the above description, it can be concluded that seen from the age, adolescents are children within the age limit of 10-12 and 18-22 years. While the teenager according to the version of Sri Rumini & Siti Sundari is a teenage boy ranging from 12 - 21 years, and young women ranging in age from 13 to 22 years.

In many of the yellow books (the classic book) of Islamic scientists, such as the book of matan taqrib, bajuri, ianatuththalibin, mahalli and so on which I have studied, it is generally explained that the time span of the child entering the age of baligh (adult) is up to 15 years when the child does not experience wet dreams (semen families) and for girls is based on menstruation (usually 9 -13 years). Based on the classical books (yellow book) of Islamic scientists, the age of adolescence is from the age of 9 years and ends at the age of 15 years. this is based on the agurmentation that a child is said to have grown up to be adult if it has experienced a wet dream or until the age of 15 years, meaning that under 15 years of age is called "Murahiq" (teenagers).

The teenagers I mean in this post are junior high school and high school students (child ages 13 - 18 years).

2) Definition of Juvenile Delinquency

In wikipedia artikle is that, "Juvenile delinquency is an act that violates the norms, rules, or laws in society committed in adolescence or the transition of childhood to adulthood".[2]

A reaserch has been done on the behavior of naughty children and this study received good records from the public since the formation of a naughty juvenile justice in 1899 in Illinois, USA. In the study, the researchers revealed some type or form of violations committed by children in adolescence, including as follows:

  • Drug abuse
  • Free sex
  • Quarrel between students

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that juvenile delinquency is the behavior or actions of adolescents who violate the law in force in society, applied by adolescents in the form drug abuse, free sex and quarrel between students. Although in the study only revealed 3 forms of violation behavior committed by adolescents, but nowadays in addition that the deviant behavior, there are still many types and forms of immoral behavior committed by students (adolescents). If a glance into the lives of adolescents today, then various types of norms legal violations committed by adolescents who are still sitting in school.

Recently also there are immoral behavior like homo sex and lesbian among students. and this is all quite disturbing to the public, especially their parents.

3) The Cause of Juvenile Delinquency In The Qur'an

The chief cause of moral aberrations in children, even on all humans in general, is the temptation of Satan who has sworn before Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to to mislead people from the right path. This is in accordance with the word of God in letterr of Al-A'raf: 16-17:

source: Al-A'raf: 16-17

Meaning it : The Devil (Satan) said, 'Because You have condemned me astray, really I will deter them from Your righteous path, then I will come to them from front and from behind them, from the right and from their left. And You will not find most of them grateful (obedient to You).

The verse describes the attempt of the devil to mislead man from the right path, the devil tries to plant the seeds of apostasy in human beings from the first time the man was born into this world, to facilitate his further effort after the man grew up in adolescence and adulthood.

Thus, the main cause of juvenile delinquency is the temptation of the devil (syetan). and this does not deny any other factors such as environmental influences and adolescent psychology. then therefore the main cause, then the child from the small must be educated by instilling religious education, so that when the child grows up to be adolescence, then he can and able shield themselves from the temptation of shaitan.

If the child has been instilled values of religion as a power of control over him, then the child will grow into a good child and do not involve himself into deviant behavior.

4) The cause of Juvenile Delinquency In The Social Control Theory

Theoretically, deviations occur because there is no control or social control. as in the theory of social control developed by Travis Hirschi, in developing his theory he proposed several theoretical propositions, among that:

  • Any form of denial of social rules is the result of the failure to socialize individual citizens to act regularly against existing rules or rules.
  • Irregularities and even criminal or criminal behavior, is evidence of the failure of conventional social groups to keep individuals organized, such as family, school or education department and other dominant groups.
  • Every individual should learn to be organized and not to commit irregular or criminal acts.
  • Internal controls are more influential than external controls.

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Four Major Elements In The Social Control Theory Developed By Travis Hirschi

Based on the above quote, it can be understood that the anthrax of juvenile delinquency is related. meaning that if someone is out of control over him, then he will act according to what he wants even though it is beyond the limits of the law (criminal).

Travis Hirschi further maps the four main elements of internal social control embodied in his proposition: attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief.

Attachment (affection) is the source of power arising from the outcomes of socialization within the primary group (eg, family), so that the individual has a strong commitment to obey the rules.

Based on the quotation, it can be understood that the child who gets the affection and love from his parents, then he will obey his parent and rules made by his parents. But on the contrary, the child is that not cared for by the parents, then the child feel ostracized (not expected), so he is do deviant behavior because disappointed with his parents. Therefore can be said that the cause of juvenile delinquency is the lack of parental attention (parental love).

Commitment or strong responsibility to the rules can provide a framework for awareness of the future. This form of commitment, among others, is the realization that his future will be bleak if he does deviant acts.

commitment or awareness grow in children, one of that can through education. because with a solid understanding of religion in the child, then the child will better understand about what is good and not good for him, so that the child will better understand about his future. committed children will not act without thinking first. Because the child instilled in religious education, will be more afraid to commit a disgraceful act (sin), in this case is deviant behavior (juvenile delinquency).

Based on it, it can be concluded that the understanding of religion to be a strong controller of child behavior.

Involvement or engagement will encourage individuals to behave participatively and engage in community-defined provisions. The intensity of one's involvement with conventional normative activities by itself will reduce a person's chances of unlawful acts.

Then here it can be understood that children who are often involved in normative activities or social activities of the community, will be accustomed to follow the rules that apply in society. so that he will be able to prevent himself from anti-social or unlawful behavior.

Believe or belief, loyalty, and obedience to social norms or rules of society will eventually be firmly entrenched within a person and that means the social order has self-enforcing and its existence (for each individual) is also increasingly solid.

Based on the last quotation it can be understood that beliefs are controllers against the behavior of a child and even humans in general.

If it refers to the above verse, that the main cause of juvenile delinquency is the temptation of satan (devil) who constantly tempts people to do evil, in this deviant behavior commonly practiced by teenagers, as implied by the verse gives a signal about how we act we do not fall prey to unlawful acts. when man realizes that his fore, rear, left and right are demons, then this consciousness will be the controller for him in every behavior and deed.


Based on the description above, it can be understood that:
according to the understanding of the above verse, that the main cause of juvenile delinquency is the temptation of the devil (syetan) by not denying other factors. while the theory of social control above, explains and studies the causes of deviant behavior done by humans, in this case adolescents. whereas according to social control theory that the cause of juvenile delinquency is the loss of controller, both internal control and external control. but if analyzed further will be found the main cause of juvenile delinquency is the devil (temptation of the devil). because when man follows the steps of the devil, then all crime or crime will be done. for example, the parent has a responsibility in educating the child, when the parent has been affected by the devil's seduction, then he will ignore the task of educating his children, so his attention to the child is reduced and even none, and this will cause his child to perform deviant behavior, fights, murders, rape, free time, theft, drug abuse, and so on.

Simply, it can be said that the control is lost because of the influence and temptation of the devil, let alone humans who lack faith and understanding of the science of religion.


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luar biasa @ijoel, penjelasan droneh antara kenakalan reumaja jino dan kaitan jh dengoen ayat Alquran kitab suci umat islam.

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