POSSIBLE EVIDENCE OF MANDELA EFFECT? either way, surprised this one isn't more controversial

in #science8 years ago

Okay, almost all red-blooded Americans over the age of 30 should know the famous scene from E.T. right?

"E.T. ... phone... home..."

Uh...wa--mm, bu--a...WRONG!

We're to believe that it's supposedly always been "E.T. ... home... phone..." I'm just going to assume you already know about the Mandela Effect, or can go google it, because I'm sick of explaining it at this point. Especially when people actually keep pushing the "hyuk hyuk dem memories sure is foggy when you's a bebe..." explanation, as if no one had considered that before, EVER. IN HISTORY, or as if it were some terribly complex concept that just requires further elaboration and repetition before our tiny brains are able to comprehend it. Sorry, but most people just simply have shit memories, and so they probably assume everyone else does as well. Okay, just had to get that out.


Take a gander at these two videos...it's definitely not concrete evidence of the Mandela Effect, but it's the closest I've seen in this respect. (Around 28s in the first video, and around 48s in the second video).

I still think that there'll be a better example someday when some random Mandela Effect results in a change that renders some well-known movie or storyline or scene or whatever completely illogical/nonsensical (something similar to the Dolly scene in "Moonraker", but even more blatant and undeniable.)

from this website:


Yea, there should be a compilation of "best 'proofs' of Mandela Effect". The Dolly one is pretty pretty good IMO...

ohhh yeah it was "phone home" its burnt into my memory like poor David Prosser who took me on my first movie date. I have been tripping out on mandela effect for a year now, there are some good examples in here - ignore the Flintsones one, I was tricked on that, that hasnt changed, but I am spinning on quite a few others, its gone a bit quiet lately https://steemit.com/mandela/@elissahawke/wth-how-the-far-out-is-everyone-coping-with-mandela-effect

Interesting, this is the first time I have have come across the Mandela Effect, will be doing a little research. Thanks

let me know if you come up with a theory. sadly, the most reasonable (in my mind) one i can offer up is somewhere between theories involving CERN (and/or quantum computing) affecting parallel universes and the "we're all living in a simulation" theory. so...yea...

When I watches Demolition Man as a teenager the Restaurant was Taco Bell. And now it is pizza hut. All the links are in this article. Showing the Mandela Effect...


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