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RE: ---- Multiple Universe Theory - A Copious Thought Experiment ----

in #science6 years ago

This is mind blowing. This ideas and our current inability to accurate describe what has only been theoretically conceived reminded me of the time navigating bellow the equatorial line was impossible and the source of all sorts of end-of-the-world legends.

In the same way we may wonder how came none before the portuguese went down and around africa to get to india, I guess there will come a time when a generation of humans will wonder how we were so dumb not to reach the edge of the universe and reach other universes.

It sadens me to knwo that I may not live to see that, although, another me may do it, right? :)


Many thanks for the comment @hlezama.

Its amazing how we humans can have such leaps in technology and methods of thinking, it is mankinds "superpower" , our adaptability. However, our downfall its being enchanted with how clever we think we are. Our ego prevents us form comprehending that everything is temporary, even our very existence.

As such , we lack the foresight to see that everything in the here and now can be outdated and redundant in the future, even though we hold these understandings about other "outdated principals" from the past... i theorize that we are in denial of the lack of our understanding of our universe and how it works due to fear of cognitive dissonance when questioning everything... the mind, simultaneously strong and weak, this is the human condition.

But yes, the one thing which is for certain is that, in time, we will look back on current "understandings" and think "how primitive we were to think that way".

I agree. Thanks for those insights.
I think that that arrogance is responsible for so much pain and suffering, utterly unnecessary and it is so funny (for lack of a better word) to see how easily we can switch from one conception to the next and forget about how many lives it took to do something so simple and gratifying.

Maybe in time, with repeated mistakes, we will eventually learn and grow... until then all we can do is the best we can and hope the paradigm shifts sooner rather than later ;)

@hlezama. P.S Regarding "living to see it ", im relatively certain the science states that in "parallel universes" (should they exist) you would, wouldn't, neither, and both ;) but we wont know till we check.... Schrodinger's universe , lolz

I won't laugh becasue I have a cat, but that may and may not be funny.


This is my kitty checkas, this is her story here if you are interested

Hahaha. That's a lovely story. Heart warming. That cat really stole your heart. There's no question about the transformative power these creatures can have on us.
This is mine:

Negrito seems to be quite the character and you guys have clearly bonded, its amazing that we have the ability to connect that way inter species.

This is my fave image of your kitty Negrito, its all in the eyes :)


Hahaha. He sure can be a charmer. There are other images of his eyes transmiting a don't-mess-up-with-me message. He can be a real cat sometimes .

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