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RE: Lessons in universal law: Lesson two: The law of mentalism

in #science8 years ago

Excellent post and a necessary voice to be heard! Was looking for content such as this to refresh my understanding of the proven science behind the Law of Attraction. Will reference your work in my future discussions. Thank you!!!


Wow thank you.

and thanks for the resteem.

I suggest you check out the "documentaries" to further advance your knowing :)

Will do :)

I have added them to my watch list on YouTube for I didn't realize the extent of time needed to view them.

Yes haha.

A little long but well worth it.

Id suggest starting with the emerald tablet tranlation

Thanks! Will do! I'll try to listen to it in snippets... any chance you could recommend a video that has some visual teaching tools. I'm more prone to absorb visual content when it's combined with audio than simply 100% audio :)


I know that you can read the tablets of thoth here , and If you want you can read a post I made about thoth here , and @kernal 's post abot Thoth here

And what do you mean exactly by visual teaching tools? Like info-graphics, charts and things of such nature?

I can't seem to respond to your last post. The written posts are a fabulous start. What I was thinking is a speaker that is talking with a slide presentation.

Presenting info in what way?

can you provide an example?

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