Lessons in universal law: Lesson two: The law of mentalism

in #science7 years ago (edited)

The physical universe is a reflection of the will, desires, and aspirations of the mental universe

The All is Infinite living mind....the illumined call it spirit ~ The Kybalion.

The universe is a mental projection of spirit within the mind of all that is.


Remember the divine paradox: that while the universe Is not , still, it is ~ The Kybalion.

The Universe is an unreality; As I pointed out in my simulation hypothesis.

It is an unreality because it is not directly that which is the only reality. It is not directly the oneness of all that is.
......Yet still , it is composed of all that is.

It is an illusion; because it is created by the mental plane.

Physicality is only real because it is experienced.

A rock is a rock because you have incarnated onto a planet on which exists the collective mind of humanity.

You - as spirit - have not only incarnated into a physical body - you have incarnated into the collective mentality of humanity and collective belief systems.

Thus; a cloud is a cloud. Thus, a coffee shop is a coffee shop. Thus a car is a car: thus you will be hit if you stand in front of it.

The universe is created by the thoughts entertained by intelligent life.

Even flowers and trees and rocks are products of universal thought. All is Mind; All is one.

I highly recommend you watch these two "documentaries" on your spare time. Really, one is of a man reading the tablets of thoth and one is of a man reading the Kybalion.

The Case for a mental universe

Science concerns itself with reality, in the form of “real particles”, “real organisms”, and the “real universe”. The tacit assumption is that science can answer the question of reality itself. If this wasn’t the case, science would have a hard time explaining why it holds a special place as a human activity. So one must grant that science concerns itself with the reality of “objects”. What this assumes, of course, is that objects exist independent of conscious experience. In the first two articles of this series, we’ve discussed the evidence that our universe is in fact fundamentally mental. What we call physical things and events, as it turns out, do not exist independently of subjective experience.

If they did, how would one even prove such existence? Conscious experience is the only way that reality can be known

~ Deepok Chopra, MD, PHD.

Materialism is ultimately unreal. All material in this and all universes derives from the nothingness of no-form: the substance we call no substance or no matter.

If we agree that all of existence is ultimately composed of nothingness - that particles which form "things" are ultimately made up of what we now call no-thingness - then there is in REALITY no other conclusion other than the fact that the universe is energetic - and that physical experience is created through mind.

Many people interpret this to mean that reality is in our heads. Precisely the opposite is the case: if all reality is mental, then our heads and bodies, as parts of reality, are in the mind. This may sound surprising at first, but it is entirely consistent with everyday experience. There is nothing to our bodies but our felt perceptions of them.

~ Deepok Chopra - M.D. , P.H.D,

The Universe is living: The Universe is Mind.

Some will see it as a paradox that although we experience physicality, still physicality does not exist.

I haven't actually made the claim that physicality doesn't exist, or that it is not real - Just that it is only real to the extent it is experienced.

Any physical object is made up of particles.

Within each of these particles exist atoms.
Within each atom exists the Central Nucleus - which is made up of Protons (+) and Neutrons (N) - as well as Electrons (-), which spin around the Nucleus.

protons and neutrons are composite particles made out of quarks - so what are quarks made from?

Quarks, consist of the substance labelled "nothingness"...

Reality is a product of consciousness.

   Reality, Mass, particles, etc. exist only as probabilities 

We experience life through interacting with probabilities.

Quantum physisists - such as einstein, mind you - will tell you that the entire universe follows such a model.

That consciousness experiences the probabilities of existence within the mind of the all.

Occultists will tell you this: magicians will tell you this.

Ancient religion will tell you this (albeit in the code of raveled words).

Spirit will tell you this.

Your heart will no doubt tell you this - If you make yourself vibrate to that level.

The only ones who WON'T tell you this - are the ones who believe the universe is material.

These are the scientists who take quantum physics as an untested "theory" - when in actuality it is the result of many many tests.

It would seem, that the truth of the universe is closed to closed minds.

Double Slit experiment

The double slit experiment was a scientific experiment in which both waves and particles (photons) of light were observed whilst shot through two slits.

Scientists observed that when a wave of light was sent through the two slits, an interference pattern occurred.

Such as this:

Scientists then thought to shoot photons of light through the slits, thinking that they would end up with a different pattern.

Yet even though they were shooting single particles through the two slits: they still ended up with the same interference pattern.

Scientists thought that the particles must be bouncing off of each other to create this pattern, so they decided to shoot the particles through one at a time.

Yet after an hour, the same pattern occurred.

Why is this?

Apparently this is because the particle leaves as a particle, yet becomes a wave of potential: a superposition.

It essentially exists in several places at once. Enacting all possibilities.

When scientists decided to observe the photons, they found that the very act of observation altered the outcome.

They found that the conscious act of observation determines the outcome of the direction of a photon.

Its as if all possibilities exist, and all happen simultaneously.

It isn't until an observation is made that a single outcome manifests

Observation is mental.

What this proves, is that mental observation is akin to choice.

When we observe physical matter in a certain way, it behaves accordingly.

The law of attraction, as explained in the blockbuster success The Secret, tells us that the universe is mental and that thought is an energetic signature that manifests physical reality.

The documentary teaches us that thoughts become things, that thoughts carry a frequency that the universe then matches.

Mind is shaping the very thing that is being perceived ~ The secret

The Universe is Mental

It always has been,

It always will be.

It is universal law


2, 3, 4,

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Best Post I've read in a while!! Thank you so much!

Thank you for reading!

Followed you.

What do you do in life?

Busy starting up a mushroom farming project at the moment. managed a SASOL Garage up until recently, but decided it is time for a change. Need to feed the soul. You?

The soul comes first ;)

Mushrooms of the magic quality? haha

Pfffft I would never grow psilocybin based mushrooms in the right hand bottom corner of my cupboard!...
On the records - Growing shitake & oyster mushrooms or at least will be starting soon!


Do you cook with them?

Cant reply to last strand. Yes I have cooked with them before and will be cooking with these once the are ready! I will also be supplying the local market!

hahahaha, this conversation is bouncing around a bit now. That would be in the little farming town called Tzaneen on the northern borders of South Africa. What do you do for a living?

I live for a living.

....I think I'm doing an okay job lmao

Upvoted and followed. Loved your post. Would love to read more on this topic in the future :)


Its a 14 part series!

Excellent post and a necessary voice to be heard! Was looking for content such as this to refresh my understanding of the proven science behind the Law of Attraction. Will reference your work in my future discussions. Thank you!!!

Wow thank you.

and thanks for the resteem.

I suggest you check out the "documentaries" to further advance your knowing :)

Will do :)

I have added them to my watch list on YouTube for I didn't realize the extent of time needed to view them.

Yes haha.

A little long but well worth it.

Id suggest starting with the emerald tablet tranlation

Thanks! Will do! I'll try to listen to it in snippets... any chance you could recommend a video that has some visual teaching tools. I'm more prone to absorb visual content when it's combined with audio than simply 100% audio :)


I know that you can read the tablets of thoth here , and If you want you can read a post I made about thoth here , and @kernal 's post abot Thoth here

And what do you mean exactly by visual teaching tools? Like info-graphics, charts and things of such nature?

I can't seem to respond to your last post. The written posts are a fabulous start. What I was thinking is a speaker that is talking with a slide presentation.

Presenting info in what way?

can you provide an example?

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