๐ŸŒˆ Unidentified Mineral/Element found while Gold Panning in Panama ๐Ÿ’ฐ Very near the weight of Gold ๐Ÿ‘ Any Ideas?

in #science โ€ข 7 years ago

๐ŸŒˆ I used to do quite a bit of Gold Panning in Panama and even purchased a small 2" dredge.

This is a Mineral/Element? that was almost always found in the panned out material. I always meant to send some away to be assayed but never got around to it.
Pretty near the weight of Gold and always found in the last part of the panned out material.
Thinking it might have some value, even offered to purchase some from the Panamanians but they were never interested.

๐Ÿ‘ not great quality photos for zooming in on, but all I have ๐Ÿ‘


๐Ÿ‘ Another look a little closer ๐Ÿ‘


If you can Identify these or know somebody that might try, Please pass these pictures along to them.
Summer is coming and I would love to visit this area again and pan some Gold & collect more samples of this material to have sent away to a lab.

I have no idea where to send or what the cost might be, so if you can help in that department would be very cool.
Maybe a University Student/Department ( science/geology )would be interested?

๐Ÿ’ฐ I also used to purchase Gold from the locals and pay $2 more a gram, so got to know most of the people in the area.
The biggest nugget I purchased was 23 Grams! very nice indeed. It had way more value as a collector's item, but alas money got tight and I sold it for weight :-(

Next time I become active in Gold panning, going to buy a 4' dredge as many of the rocks in the river are + 2" and block the suction entrance. So I spent most of my time removing them.

Like I said, most every pan in the area had several of the above specimens so if in fact, they do have value, the weight would add up fast. And if I could offer a fixed price to locals, they might have the incentive to retain them.

If I find some old photo's of the big nugget I will post that too, with some river pictures and some stories about my adventures in the area.

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Looks like silver

Wouldn't that take the cake! throwing thousands of dollars of Silver away every year for lack of knowledge? But many Professional panners and dredgers have pass through there over the years, so hard to believe secondary minerals have been ignored, or maybe just kept secret?
People are funny critters around gold sometimes.

Dont forget me if you got rich mate๐Ÿ˜‚...
I think its nice formaking a ring..just a tought

Must have some value, even if it's lead. I asked my wife where my stash was and she claims " I " threw it out. BS LOL


If you know many of the locals I would talk to them about when is commonly found in the area. If they don't know I'd have it checked out for sure.

Nobody knows or even cares, Most get a gram or more of gold per day so plenty to keep them happy and fed, Probablt drunk too. LOL

You still mining to offset the income gap then? That isn't a bad amount to pull in without much overhead.

Haven't done any panning in years, I'm inexperienced and not as good as the locals, thus a new dredge would be in order. About $4,500 so not in my near future. But someday maybe? It's a great way to spend hot days in the dry season.

It's something I would love to try someday. No dreams of getting rich from it, but seems like it would be fun.

Lots of fun. I was thinking about a touristy type thing. Start in the mountains on horseback, work our way down the river system camping and panning for gold, ending up at the Pacific and sailing back to Panama City or around the Islands here. 1-2 week packages.
Adventure travel.

Oh I like that! Just a thought, consider Kickstarter or something similar to fund it. Sell packages to get the seed money to fund what you need to make it happen.

Maybe an idea, But sounds a little too much like credit. I'm a cash in hand kind of man.
I've had loan offers, but shy away from them, life is too unpredictable.
I could offer a few case in points, but they would be better as blogs LOL
Cheer Brother

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