5 Reasons Why I Don't Love You

in #satire7 years ago (edited)

  • I don't love you because it's weird to love people you don't know.

Don't you watch TV? You can't just go up to people and offer them your love and best hopes without conditions. Only rapists, serial killers and paedophiles initiate conversation or display emotion to strangers. If people you don't know were not something to be wary of, why does the word "strange" mean what it does?

  • I don't love you because to do so would make it impossible for me to survive.

Did you not go to school? They teach you there that it is survival of the fittest, and that only the strongest will remain. How then can I do what I need to do to survive in this world, if I love you? Perhaps in another world, we could have been the greatest of friends. But in this one, where there is not enough to go around, you are my adversary. The day you start loving your adversaries, is the day you resign yourself from the game. And that day, my would-be friend, is the day you lose.

  • I don't love you because you don't love me.

Haven't you ever got anything for free? If you did, you would know that there is nothing in this world that comes without a cost. You can have free education, but it will cost you your time, your imagination, and likely your desire to learn. You can use snapchat or facebook for free, but you will pay for that with your location, photo, text and even biometric information. You can get free healthcare, but any immediate alleviation of health issues will cost you further, often more significant "complications" down the line. Everything in this world has a price on it, so why should I love you without getting something in return? It's not like the act of loving you could be beneficial to me in itself...

  • I don't love you because you're too different.

Have you not given yourself any labels yet? You should. They help you determine who you should socialise with, who you should marry, and who you should love. If I had not reduced the boundless limits of my infinite complexity to the sole identifying label of libertarian,I would never have met the friends that I did, and would never have gotten the chance to meet my ex-wife. If you were a libertarian, I could love you too. But you're an Islamic, homosexual, emo, Beiber fan who believes the Earth is flat. If I love you, my libertarian friends will ask me why. How could I possibly explain that?

  • I don't love you because then we would be too powerful.

Have you not seen how divided we are? Brothers against brothers, sisters against sisters. Blacks against whites, Christians against Muslims, Atheists against theists. Man United fans against Chelsea fans, Mayweather's fans against McGregor's. The right vs the left, the right vs the far right. Straights against men, men against women. Those for abortion vs those who are against it, and those who believe bitcoin is the people's saviour, against those who think Bitcoin is, and always was intended to be, the complete opposite.

From the Disney channel to the night-time news, why do you think they try so hard to pit us against one another? Why do you think they try so hard to make it impossible for us to love our fellow humans? Because, my would-be friend, love is our strongest weapon, and as long as we are divided, we are disarmed. Love has a power that they do not want to see realised, the power to bind.

The community that thinks of strangers as someone who may be in need of help or companionship, rather than someone who may mean to do them harm, or someone unworthy of thought at all, is a community that is invulnerable to the divide-and-conquer strategy that we have been subjected to for centuries. Furthermore, such a community would not be able to adhere to the demands of modern society, and so modern society, how it runs, and who runs it, would have to go.

I want to love you, my neighbour. But this is why they will never let me.

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You just made me cry. And realize something.
I've spent a lot of time lately feeling like I've stopped fighting for things that are important, but those things are only one aspect of a much larger issue, and this is that issue. And I have never, and will never stop fighting for love.

Now to click on your bait.

Sorry for that. lol. But good that my post was able to inspire such emotion.

As for the bait.. I had forgotten about that. Noticed that post has like 20 extra upovotes just now though, so perhaps there was 20 people who wanted to see some tits but ended up having a good read instead.

Wow excellent post. I really didn't get where you were going with this at first, but it's very clever. And sad...

yes, it is pretty depressing when you stop to think about it. I am glad the post was able to make you feel something though.

I don't love you too.... :(
I liked this post, the very least we can do is think about the way we interact in the world.

Wow very nice post you this can be our inspiration all in a relationship with someone we love I am interested in your post thanks for the inflation from you greeting steemit

Divide and conquer, how old said. Those ideas could be implimented in life. Do you have love partner? Do those ideas help you?

Forgive me, but I haven't a clue what you mean.

postingan yang bagus, loving that is what we choose.

Very nice post.... You have strong reasons not to love, of which anyone could be swayed, but there more than enough reason why one could and should stop living but we are still living....guess you can write on that someday........so no matter the feeling for against love...... We should keep on loving!

Perhaps it was wrong of me to assume that people would understand, but this post is written from the perspective of humanity as a collective. I do love you. Because I understand why I should not.

Respect and love are two very different things.

You can respect others, their differences and not love them.

Love comes from intimacy. ( I don't mean the romantic kind)

It is biologically impossible to give that much energy to everyone, to love everyone.
(dunbars number, the monkey sphere theory)

Humans are tribal - and all the 'it shouldn't have to be like this' desire, in the world, doesn't change what actually the reality is

Just my opinion.

This is perhaps a redundant conversation, because it would seem that we are arguing over what the definition of love, which is entirely subjective. But to entertain your assertion, I would have to disagree with most of what you said.

Why does love need to come from intimacy? Perhaps it is very difficult for us to love one another without intimacy having arrived first, but, my post was speaking to the possibility that this is simply because our environment has conditioned us otherwise.

But in my opinion, love ought to come with no conditions. That means no limit on how many people you can love. You say that the more people you love, it would be too much of a drain on your energy resources, where as from my experience, it would seem to me that love is a source of energy if anything. There have even been studies, though I cannot speak to the integrity of them, that have returned results that suggest the more people you have a social connection to, the longer you live.

If true, this would certainly help the argument that love could be something that replenishes, rather than subtracts from our well-being.

The monkey sphere theory sounds pseudo-scientific and potentially political to me. However, supposing the results are honest, the interpretation of them is selective. The power for our bodies to adapt is absolutely mind-blowing. So much is pre-programmed into our DNA that allows us to adapt to our environments. From the simple shit, like a callus developing when you play guitar frequently to protect your fingers from further trauma, to the complex psychological alterations that the mind can perform on itself in order to allow someone to better deal with a trauma they experienced.

Why when we find a correlation between the size of a monkey's brain and the amount of monkeys in their tribe- if that's what its called, do we choose to interpret that as the brain dictated the social group? Does it not make more sense that the social group affected the size of the brain?

It seems somewhat fantastical to envision every monkey with a brainsize that equates to a social group of 50, just happening to find and form a community with other monkeys who just happened to have a brain the same size. But, it doesn't seem as far-fetched for a group of monkeys who are already in a community, to go through physical and mental adaptions that make them become a little more like one another-- because they would need to be more like one another to deal with whatever environment and community they are now all a part of.

In closing, I will say that, regardless of this theory and any other. This only speaks to love as interpreted by you. I don't think that you need to know someone's name, face and personality to love them, as this experiment suggests. To me, love is merely the recognition and acceptance of another sentient being's connection to you, and a conscious decision to do or avoid doing whatever you can to ensure that their journey, which is separate from your own, is no more difficult that it needs to be.

Great post.
I love ya man! ❤️😂
We do throw the word around a lot, I guess it's drummed into us constantly through TV and media. I will caveat it though by saying it means something completely different when I say it to you than when I whisper it in a birds ear in the sack. I love burgers too but I ain't whisking them away to a cottage in the country either!

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