Signs You're Burnt Out And How To Sort That Shit Out

in #satire8 years ago (edited)

If you've been on Steemit for more than, say, a couple of seconds, you're probably already familiar with the feeling of "burnout".

Occupational burnout is well documented in the workplace, but Steemit burnout is like a mixture writers block, creative burnout, and a pinch of bubonic plague - and that's a fact.
Imagine a universe exploding, except the universe is actually your mind. That doesn't even come close. Seriously.

(All images from pixabay)

In case you're unsure, let's look at some of the signs of burnout.

  • Once you wished you could post more than 4 per day, now you're barely managing one.
  • You hit "Submit A Story" and stare blankly at the screen for half an hour. That aint good, holmes.
  • You have a list of article ideas but try to think of more, to avoid actually starting a new post.
  • You feel super tired and messed up, even though you just drank 2 cans of Red Bull
  • Sudden death. This possibly the worst symptom of burnout.

But don't worry. Here are some tricks to get back to your old self.

Stop overdoing it

You wouldn't blow dry your hair over your face until it drys up, unless it was for a stock photo, but apart from that, you wouldn't do that. So why do you do the same thing over and over? THINK!

There's plenty of time for opportunity

You feel like there's a lot of money sploshing around Steemit and the pool is about to dry up. Chill. It's too late to "make hay while the sun shines" on Steemit. That bird has flown. Focus on creating good posts, in your own time. The ship has sailed. The hay has been made. The ball will be thrown again.

Get out and socialise

It might not sound like a good idea, but there are some health benefits from leaving the house and interacting with people in person. Hear me out ... SCIENCE has proven that spending 12 hours a day on a computer can be detrimental to your health. Even if you just buy a pineapple in the local store, or stand on one leg in the local park, leaving the house can relieve burnout and recharge your creative brain like cellphone being plugged in to it's power supply thingy.

Focus on the mundane

This is my number one tip for killing that burnt out feeling. Everyone knows sports are dumb, but it turns out, there might be some worthwhile reasons to try one. Ever notice how happy golfers are? That's because all they care about is hitting a stupid ball around some grass, not important stuff like making lists and reviewing movies. So, take a leaf out of their book and try a really pointless activity. It will shake off that stressy feeling like a dog shaking off water from a lake.

Prevention is better than cure

My final tip will blow your mind. Just like you wouldn't have a baby if you didn't want to, preventing burnout is a better idea than having to get rid of it at all. Mindfuck eh?

Regular breaks from the computer are like condoms for burnout. Stand up, leave the room, maybe even have a shower. This is all backed up by years of research. Trust me, I'm a guy with a laptop, and I play golf. Never had a kid either.


This post is awesome. Thanks for the reminder to pull away from the zombiebox!

Do it! You're reading this comment? Stop! Go! ;)

Great stuff :D

Fortunately, I haven't had the problem of staring at a screen. Too busy chasing a toddler or cleaning. Ideas come during those times!

This is super hilarious. Great advice by the way. Although....I'm weird. I usually suffer from having too many things I want to write about and not enough time to do it in. But that also comes from working full time, having three kids, and husband currently out of the country. So time is a little short right now! I blog at night, for three hours. 1 hour curating. 2 hours writing. And bam. That's how it's done here. I love it. But I totally get the weird burnout in the sense that it's like this alternate universe that I get sucked into. Kind of puts up blinders in a way. And I obsess about it sometimes. Not sure if that makes sense. My first week in, I had DREAMS about steemit. It was super lame. Now I've found a pretty good balance.

I'm obsessed too 😂

I'd love to hear about your dreams

Yeah, great advice. I spend most of my days on the computer and I need to get up and just go for a walk once in a while. Plus when you take the time to recharge you'll come back even stronger and more able to focus. Great post!

I really like your list of signs of burnout on here. It is so true. It is a tough thing to deal with because we all see the opportunity that this is and we want to be one of those first movers. Especially for the content creators on here we are hustling to put out content that is good and will get noticed to keep us going and building the Steem Power and earn some SBD to keep us going. I know that the price could fall some more and I have to be prepared to inject my earnings into Steem Power when everyone else feels the exhaustion and wants to quit. I'm just going to keep going HAM. Even if I do feel the burnout I'm trying to push through.

We are the first movers no matter how many breaks we take 😊

Especially that first point, I remember when they limited the posts to four a day I was like 'whaaaat!' thinking that it was somehow a server limiter. Turns out it's a crazy day if I do two and some days I do none. Who woulda thunk it!!

I'm exactly the same, but I think it's great that we are encouraged to put more effort into our posts. The fact that genuine good content is being rewarded more and more now, means we can take time off without stressing.

Me too. I admit too being guilty in the past, before the four post rule of walloping up a picture I found amusing and that kind of thing but now focus more on each one!

Everyone knows sports are dumb, but it turns out, there might be some worthwhile reasons to try one. Ever notice how happy golfers are? That's because all they care about is hitting a stupid ball around some grass, not important stuff like making lists and reviewing movies.


no more hay?? :((

They hay is in the dogs ball, but someone put it in a sailing ship.

I can definitely use this advice! Being an introvert, I don't go out unless I have to. We are all susceptible to burnout. Especially when having to juggle so much at one time. I think many are burned out & don't know it.

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