Manual for wannabe runners - part 2

in #running7 years ago (edited)

Those who have read Manual for wannabe runners - part 1 might already be running your first pieces of training. If so: good for you. If you haven't started yet, today is a good day!

In part 1 I promised to continue this manual and cover some other important running topics like:

  • what are possible next steps after the first month of running?
  • what running shoes should I buy
  • what running gear should I buy?
  • how to keep the motivation alive?

In Manual for wannabe runners - part 2 I am focusing on first two of the above bullets: next steps and running shoes.

So let's discuss the next steps, shall we? Oh, yes: before I continue I repeat a "disclaimer" from part 1: there is no one correct approach to any of these topics. I will share what worked for me.
OK: let's go!

Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash.jpg
Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

First month of regular running is getting to an end... what is next?

Somewhere in the 4th week of training, it's time to decide whether recreational runs a few times a week are what your body and soul were looking for or are you looking for additional challenges. I would say there are 3 possible conclusions or continuations after first month of running:

1. You like running and you will try to improve and race

Best way to check is to apply for a 5 km or 10 km recreational run and see how this work for you. If you will like a bit of competitive and social component in running - this is great and you will maybe choose to do it participate other races as well.

2. You like running but no specific goals or aspirations are added

Another option - great as well - is to stay in a "pure relaxation run mode". So, you have no racing aspirations, no personal bests... you just run a few times per week for your body soul and this is it.

3. Running is not for me (or not yet)

The third option - and nothing wrong with it either - is that after 4 weeks you find out that running is not so much for you (we are all different and not everything is for everyone). It is also possible that it is just not the right period in your life and you might try it again later in your life. Totally OK as well!

The purpose of the initial month training plan was mainly for you to form a habit. And at the same time to go through a trial period, after which you will be able to judge what your further running path will be. In one month it is very likely that you will notice first direct and indirect positive effects of running. Judgement how to proceed is always yours!

Let's assume that you like your first attempts at running and you would like to continue. For short distances in first month almost any running shoes can do. But if you intend to continue your running journey, it is time to make sure that you run in the right pair of running shoes!

How to find the right running shoes?

Finding the right running shoes might take a bit of an effort but it is totally worth it!

In general, running is a cheap sport and the only more relevant investment are usually optimal running shoes. What do I mean with optimal? Well, the running shoes you wear should be the right one for you from the following aspects:

  • pronation level
  • type of shoe
  • type of surface
  • size and shape
  • where and how to buy and
  • does the brand matter?

Let's go through all the aspect step by step.

1. Pronation level

Let's start with the type of feet. Each person has a certain level of pronation while running and to find optimal running shoe that will support your feet in the right spots and give it exactly the right cushioning and stability. This is very well explained in this video made by Running Warehouse video: Pronation & Shoe Selection

Now that you know how to measure and define what is your level of pronation is, go to the running gear shop (online or the real one) and ask for /choose the right type of shoe, which can be one of the following:

  • neutral running shoes (designed for neutral pronation or supination)
  • support running shoes (designed for moderate overpronation)
  • motion control running shoes (designed for severe overpronation)

Source: print screen from Runners Warehouse video

2. Shoe type

When you know whether you are looking for neutral, support or motion control shoes, you can do a step further and decide whether you will choose running shoes that are:

  • standard
  • premium
  • performance or
  • racing.

See details explained on these sub-groups of running shoes in the Running Warehouse video: How To Select a Running Shoe Type.
For the beginners standard or premium will work just fine.

3. Surface on which you will mostly run

There are also further sub-divisions of running shoes based on the running surface that you usually run on (road, trail, etc.).
For the beginning choose universal (road/trail) running shoes. Unless you know that you will always run only on road or only on trails. In later case, buy specific type for specific surface.

4. How to buy the right size and shape of running shoes?

Last but not least: you have to have the right size of running shoes. Please see it explained in another informative and well done Runners Warehouse video: What's my size?.
Important take away: running shoes should be big enough (have enough space between your longest toe and end of shoe)!

5. Where and how to buy?

To find the right running shoes takes some time only when you are looking for your first "serious" pair. Experience and know-how will accumulate with mileage and next pair will be much easier to buy.

You can avoid the majority of this work with choosing if you go to a good, specialized running shoe store that will help you and advise you on choosing your right pair.

If you are more of an "I like to analyze, decide and choose by myself" type of person, Runners Warehouse learning center can help you find your pair of shoes online and you can order it there or wherever is to your liking. As you might have guessed it: I trust European Running Warehouse online shop (EU). Before this one existed, I used the American Running Warehouse. Both are reliable, swift, professional and they have a very good variety of shoes and other gear in the offer.

6. Does the brand matter

I do not know if you noticed, but so far I have not mentioned any running shoe brands. I developed certain trust towards specific running shoe brand but I stayed opened to try new brands from time to time. Make sure that when choosing the running shoes you always follow aspects like pronation, type of shoe and type of surface and only after the shoes fit your specific needs decide upon the brand, color, and price.

I can share: I started to Nike, was several years (more than 10) fan of Pearl Izumi running shoes. I was buying exclusively their shoes. They were great and now issues ever, whatsoever... but they stopped producing them, so now I am a running in Hoka One One running shoes. I am more open-minded these days regarding the brand of shoes and my next pair might be trying out a new Adidas pair.

Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash.jpg
Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

Is that all?

In next part of Manual for Wannabe runners - part 3 I cover:

  • what other running gear should I buy?
  • how to keep the motivation alive?

As I always say:
... do try to run today if you can... running is the universal cure for almost anything...

Thank you for reading!

Looking forward to your comments, questions and your own experiences about running!

My other posts:

Last but not least... since this is a post about running, I have to add:

I am honored, happy and proud to be part of Runningproject.
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Shoes definitely matter! I've tried a wide variety. One brand to name because it is unique is Altra which has the widest toebox around. It may look a bit goofy but it is so good to your toes!

Thanks for another fantastic running post!

You are welcome! And thank you for bringing my attention to Altra shoes. I've just looked them up on Running Warehouse and they might be my new pair to try them out and see (wide toebox sounds like something my type of feet will appreciate).

I have them for road and trail. Love ‘em! One bit of caution: they are zero-drop so if you’re used to a drop of 5-10+ mm, start walking in them and then gradually add running time. Otherwise, you risk Achilles’ tendon injury.

Thank you: very considerate for pointing this out. I actually had Achilles' tendon issue a few years ago.

Hi!!! This is really a so good post which I am going to resteem as well .

Look @dailyrunner , @isotonic is the tool which will increase the visibility of your post as well since the post will be better rewarded and will scale upper positions in the "Trending" selections of the steemians... that is very important by the way...
Since you are an @isotonic delegator (please, you can always undelegate the SP by doing the same process but putting "0" if you want to recover those SP ,ok?) and one of the most active members of the @runningproject initiative I think you have to take advantage of the tool @isotonic .
Transfer at least 0.02SBD (less will be refunded) but not more than 0.1 (Still have so low SP) and get till 0.4$ in your post.
Do not forget to include the URL of your post in the "memo" field of the transfer...
Let me know if you have any doubt , I am open to help you for anything you need.

It was all done (0.02 SBD with an URL for this post in the memo) were transferred and SP undelegated) in the meantime. Thank you.

Dear @dailyrunner , this is what I tried to tell you!!!!
I am speaking about transferring 0.02SBD... I am not speaking about delegating SP, I saw you have delegate 2 SP more to @isotonic .


OK, look, I will try to write a dedicated post in @runningproject ...
now, I reccomend you to UNDELEGATE de 3SP you delegated to @isotonic since you have been confused :-)
Just, go to steemworld, balances and put the following:

so, you will recover the 3 SP in 7 days time... I am sorry for that missunderstanding


Now, IF you want to use the @isotonic tool you just have to go to your wallet, click on transfer and fill as follows:

Hope is better explained for you now, if not, let us know!

Thank you for additional explanation. I managed to solve the puzzle of delegating SP and SBDs prior to additional explanation. Still thank you again for your effort - all clear now.

ok, I feel better :-)

Me too... He-he: these Steemit absolute beginners... they are a real burden sometimes ;)

hahahhahah! don't worry, I am here to help !!!
I appreciate your good will to be collaborative with @runningproject and maybe you will be interested on helping me working for @runningproject once a week... but, well, it is a proposal I would like to launch to the whole approved authors but I think you will like it...

Looking forward!

The real purpose isn’t to win a race. It’s to test the limits of the human heart.
Unknown Runner

*Resteemed by @runningproject

Remember that you can always use @isotonic to get recovered yourself after writing your post and help @runningproject at the same time.

I am speaking about transferring 0.02SBD... I am not speaking about delegating SP, I saw you have delegate 2 SP more to @isotonic ... is that really what you want to do?...

You got a 100.00% upvote as a Recovery Shot from @isotonic , currently working as a testing trial, courtesy of @blocktrades!

*Image from

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Earnings obtained by this bot, after paying to the delegators, are fully used to increase the SP of the @runningproject from which all affiliated members are benefited.
Check @runningproject posts in order to know further about.

Another good write up. I would always suggest going to a running shop so you can try on different running shoes and check they are comfortable. For my fat feet, some brands are just too narrow and I've also found some brands shape their ankle/achilles shaping can make a big difference.

Valid suggestion. It is true that once you know the brand, online shopping is fine and even if shoes are not perfect most of these shops now has very "customer-friendly" return policies.

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