My Running Log 2018-03-24 <36K on Last Day of Equinoctial Week> ランニング記録2018-03-24 <彼岸の明けの36K>

in #running6 years ago




I ran 36km at Harbor Walk today. Today is the last day of the equinoctial week. Although the wind is still a little cold, the sunshine is warm. Cherry blossoms at Harbor Walk has also start blooming.

I am satisfied with today’s workout, because I could keep the pace faster than 5’00”/km throughout the workout although the running distance was longish.

My total running distance in this month has reached 200km after today’s workout. I decided to make it a goal to run 300km in this month.

Today's running profile is as follows.

Distance(距離) : 36.6km
Time(タイム) : 2:55'40"88
Average Pace(平均ペース) : 4'48" /km
Speed(スピード) : 12.5 km/h
Calories-out(消費カロリー) : 1,970 kcal
Steps(歩数) : 31,129
Lap time(ラップタイム) :
1km 4’54” /km
2km 4’44” /km
3km 4’44” /km
4km 4’42” /km
5km 4’38” /km
6km 4’50” /km
7km 4’36” /km
8km 4’38” /km
9km 4’43” /km
10km 4’36” /km
11km 4’45” /km
12km 4’44” /km
13km 4’47” /km
14km 4’49” /km
15km 4’41” /km
16km 4’46” /km
17km 4’43” /km
18km 4’46” /km
19km 4’49” /km
20km 4’42” /km
21km 4’52” /km
22km 4’46” /km
23km 4’47” /km
24km 4’48” /km
25km 4’44” /km
26km 4’54” /km
27km 4’46” /km
28km 4’54” /km
29km 4’50” /km
30km 4’43” /km
31km 4’58” /km
32km 4’50” /km
33km 4’50” /km
34km 4’52” /km
35km 5’13” /km
36km 4’58” /km

Thanks for your reading. Let's enjoy running together !


Run and have fun!

Resteemed by @runningproject

Kind reminder:

See who won the Running Author of the Week 8!

Wow: long and fast... Amazing!

Thanks! I'm so glad to receive your comment !

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