Run For Steem: Hill Repeats

Hey there fellow runners!  I'm squeezing in my last little bit of running before my next race, so it's nothing too exciting but still qualifies to join in on @jumowa's #runforsteem challenge. ;)  All the long miles are in the bag, and at this point in my training I am just focused on staying healthy and working on good technique to make it through 13.1 miles of mostly downhill running.  We have gotten some truly beautiful days to take advantage of, which always helps me stay motivated with lacing up my shoes and getting outside.

I've definitely been doing a bit of downhill work for the past couple of months, but thought this past Saturday would be a good day to throw in a short workout with specific repeats.  Our neighborhood is quite hilly anyway, but we have one particular hill I have trained on in the past when working on climbing strength.  I have a tendency to want to attack a climb, but then coast on the way back down.  Since this next race will only have the latter I have been working on being more active on the descent instead of just cruising.  This will hopefully help me be able to keep a better pace for the race as a half marathon is still a long distance regardless of the course.  I don't want to lose my legs again from starting out too aggressively.

I started out with about a 2-mile warm-up, which actually included a decently long hill right outside the neighborhood.  I looped back around to take on the hill for 4 solid repeats, though those were book-ended by another hill going there and then to get back home.  You can see my attempts on the elevation map from my Garmin.

You can see on the one repeat I rested for a few seconds at the top, but then after I decided just to go for it since I was keeping my workout short.  I know I always can use work on keeping my intensity up even when I start to get fatigued.  The downhill portions are actually quite fun to train, even when really working on my technique.  The only bad part is you have to make it back up the hill each time. ;)

I still definitely need to pay attention to maintaining a consistent pace, but I am feeling confident in my ability to hold my form on the descent.  I've never done this race, or a course anything like it, so if nothing else it will be fun to see what I can do on race day!

Thanks to all of the @runningproject and #runforsteem crew for helping keep me motivated.  Look out for a contest post at the end of this week to perhaps get a little reward for paying attention to my running posts. ;)


Ah... the joy of running... go and run!

Vote for your running author of the week 12!
Resteemed by @runningproject

Running up hills... very tiring but gives you a wonderful sense of satisfaction! By the way, you take beautiful photos, you have a good eye!

I don't know if you check Steemit Chat much but I just sent you some interview questions there. No hurry, and thank you very much :-)

It does definitely feel great when you finish the workout. ;) And thank you for the compliment on my photos. I'm no professional, but I just try to catch moments that speak to me!

I did see the messages! I'll get that back to you when I get a chance to answer them well. :)

That' great, thanks very much :-)

You always keep motivating me dear Katie;) Good luck on that race!

We all need a little motivation sometimes! Just writing about it helps me keep going. :)

A half marathon is too much for me, The maximum that I have run is 12 km I would miss 10 ... Do not you hear music when you go out to run? Good luck in the challenge Katie!

It's definitely a challenge to run that far! Not always easy, but feels good to push myself. I used to run with music, but not anymore. I like being able to be in tune with how my body feels while I'm running. It's also a really good time to think and work through things. Exercise can be very cathartic. :)

Oh Katie me too, I like to think while I run. Many times I dream awake, or rather an exercise of visualization of what I want to achieve in my life. I use all my imagination to build what I want in reality.

Thank you for sharing your experience. I have been doing a good job of visualizing what I want out of my running, but I have neglected to do the same for the rest of my life! I need to get back in the habit of that as it really is such a good way to approach growth.

Yes, it's good to do it, just do not close your eyes while running. I know what I speak LOL

Very nice Katie! Keep it up!

Thanks Maru! I'm trying to stay motivated as I get to the final stretch! :)

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