signature post 201804

in #rudyardcatling6 years ago (edited)

NOTE(20180408):if you use steemstats to see who did what, i just noticed about every entry on the generated pages show twice for some backend reason...which cause me to upvote some people twice, which is absolutely not a problem and only confirms my current state of mind, paying attention and focus doesnt work very well if it takes me a whole day to see that lol. Thing is, many people use bots, most probably bots they didnt write themselves so ... if i had an active and able state of mind and would have done the logical thing : delve into the api and cook up some rudimentary parser with curl and bash it would have seriously no way of detecting that so it would just go on voting on every entry it encounters effectively doubling the time it takes to parse and vote or if vp is not taken into account using up twice the amount ... just an


... oh well if it takes me a day to notice this while im sitting here staring at it, i doubt i could get far beyond helloworldgoto10 without getting a headache


Well, in short this post is to be used to replace my sig in posts and replies so dont vote on it unless you want to power me up for a voteback ;-)

I thought it'd be a good idea to get one in monthly so i can link to it, since i already have the tendency to elaborate when i reply, adding a lofty signature at every end feels like i'm hoggin the page ... it does get attention ofcourse but i dont really want attention on bulk alone ... this way i can make it longer, add more to it and just link it at the bottom.

Also, something i think is worth mentioning, i follow back on a 1/1 base as a concept, this has nothing to do with wether i like your stuff or not, i adhere to a certain theory since a long time where i dont go looking for news since anything big enough will reach me anyway ... this might be through resteem, through new posts or by replies or comments so if i unfollow after some days or weeks it means ive been cleaning out, its got nothing to do

with you ... well call me weird, ive had worse labels

so ... the original sig :

viewed, voted, commented, and re-steemed ...

i am not a bot and i only have one account ... and im not half as bad a lunatic as it might appear but i need to hide from the normals or they come to pick my brains

anyone follows me i'll follow back within a few days

if you have complaints please check the link(where did that link go), or else just do that content dictator thing you do i no longer care ... a resteem is a resteem, at the time of writing this months sig thats to 499 people, thats 499 chances to have it re-resteemed,
Free speech is either absolutely free or it is not at all. It was meant to be free for everybody : how can anyone grow up in a nanny state?

all of this is experimental signature and subject to change, i will probably update one once every month since that is the limit to edit a post (if i'm not mistaken) before it gets "locked"

different places for different spaces :

http: // (a server run from my bedroom in a mini itx case on a celeron , linux and lamp for hobby purpose only) (well i didnt but recently i got back on due to someone asking as easy way to stay in touch ... lots of local and probably in lingo no one but here would understand often ... i think the profile is private but if anyone would request im probably not going to deny, wether theres a point to adding me there is an open question) (more crud :p) (youtube crud) (subversice crud) (my first slashdot profile when the world was young enough to hold commander Taco ... ultracrank crud ...) (my current slashdot profile ... if you dont know the place, scroll down past the top posts, ever since the election debates that lead to trump some crud always seems to hog the top words, somewhat below you would usually find the more tek savvy and knowledgeable elitists ... superultracank crud) (the site that ruined baywatch (=lol) tv-show crud) (i got locked out of my original when google locked me out of my original and all the sites i used with google login locked me out ... movie-crud) (the one and only place for animists :p anime-crud) (off-the-beaten-travelcrud)

LINE: rudyardcatling
WHATSAPP: thats my phonenumber which i definitely wont share in public
SKYPE : its been so long i forgot but i'll edit the name in later (rarely used, mostly and practically only to call with my old folks when they're in france)

and i suppose some more too, subject to change ... if anyone wants to profile me, happy mining :D

and also my most used banners and mojis atm which i will upload once so i can use the "right click copy image link" to use them without extra time and bandwidth

i want to keep these sigs on the steemit network to avoid having to link to an external site, which would slow loading the page down (potentially)... a performance thing

ah ofcourse : three people from the list ... them being here does not imply any order of preference of any kind by myself, thats just three people of the top of the cat's hat ...

this month's three, kind regards to :->

@pappa-pepper , @samstonehill, @mikebluehair42

this months tag (which might stay the same but probably wont with every monthly sigswitch)

##steemstem oh ... i see the issue so i'll write # steemstem or it will tag THIS post with it (ofcourse ... bitchslaps himself)

news from the hinterland...
local : (flemish spoken) (flemish spoken)
minor drugcatch (which is probably major in the nooze ... sadly weed is still dreughs-are-baed here, something the cartels won't mind lol ... and neighbours shooting at eachother ... headlines since despite the fact that belgium has the most cops per square metre in europe this is hardly Flint Town (way not ... like a lightyear from Flint)
national: (flemish ofcourse since its here ... nigerian pimpster lady has been smuggling minors (aka girls) into the country for years and is now convicted ... or at least they "ask" for a 15 year sentence (this is not america btw, you cant get 'consecutive life sentences and all that bs) (no room in the jails for underage delinquents so they can just go home ... and people wonder why the nationalists and populists get so many votes its like they get spoonfed on a silver platter like this)

bem ... see why i need a separate post for this so i can use just one link in every reply :D

allright then (normal people would tell you all about the ongoing sports events ... cycling tour of flanders and the belgium cup footy cup alas freaks like me don't do panem et circenses very well)

that's where i live then and the links tell something about me i suppose allright allright then ... how the hell could i fit myself in a oneliner hm , im not clint fkn eastwud :p



i'll most likely edit this in the weeks to come but if you read all the way down here you can see why i need a link in my replies and not the whole shebang ...

arigatou gosaimasu de gozzarruh

now, back to catalysation and resteeming, am i at 100 yet ? (vp that is)


well you do write well believe it or not you have a great advantage, what you might want now is a subject you and your audience are passionate about and can relate to and write about on a daily basis

thanks a lot for the compliment. I know i'm not too bad with words, without being too hot on myself. As a kid all my essays scored A's or plusses back when i spoke my native language lol. But it's spark i'm missing ... for quite some time now. I don't think it's a good idea to sit myself at a desk and forcibly try because that will take the flow out, it won't be spontaneous and i'll come to associate it with no fun as i once heard explain in a google talk by the photographer Trey Ratcliffe, so until the fire burns hot again i think i'll mostly stick to replies and re-steems but on a good day something might come out lol. This doesn't mean i'm preaching how to do it ofcourse. Everyone should go for what works best for them. Some people need routine, others can't handle that, its a bubble universe after all

Ok checked out your post link you left not sure how to reply really Im at work right now with limited internet ! except Steem On !✌👍

no rush and no obligations, Karen (assuming thats not an alias) ... facebook and G+ is mostly local and linking but i never refuse a friend request ofcourse, thanks for being intrested
looking forward to more

Cool ! im following you but have a lot im following lol , and miss a lot but i try !and i only go on steemit . 😀👍

i know ... ive been looking for an alternate ui / interface that would allow sorting following (as you could on G+ and probably fb and more) to make it easy to check the recurring ones i talk to most, but so far no luck and with the state of my brain i doubt i could hack it myself , i wouldnt even know where to begin even if its probably not that hard and maybe even doable on a custom linux system .. i'm sure someone else will come up with it ... thanks a lot , you said autovoter btw , do you know of any auto-follower that automatically follows back anyone who follows you perhaps ? ive been looking for that too ...

No i have not heard yet about a Auto Follower but I dont really pay much attention to this stuff , as the internet and social media is all new to me since I joined steemit almost 2 years ago , i still my sons to help me out sometimes , it wad all so overwhelming for me , even just typing is starting to improve haha ! try in the steemit apps section of the hamburger menue , maybe theres something in there ! I know theres a site where people go to , to pitch their ideas but I cant think of it right now . ( never mind I just went in the menue and its apps section is gone ! or they changed it , I have no idea ! good luck ! ) 👍👍👍

that practically makes you an internet-baby lol i see okay, well then maybe i should ask you if you ever have any questions don't hesitate :p

Hahaha ! yes for sure ! thank you Lol!😂😂😂👍

correction, i should say addition or something, as i came into this seeing nothing but obese fish acting like content dictators and bots spamming 1% votes with no vest to it, not even knowing what vests were, i had my opinion on the matter, and as i dove deeper below the surface ... which i shuld have done because i dont like daylight and its where i belong, i learned more, and i found there's options i can live with so ... as i have found a floating bitcent-promile-satoshi, i have steemed it, doesnt mean i will start pumpin money, but its something i forgot i had so i might as well, so i get a second account, and start a distrobot, no payments asked, only votes, which can give more the more it gets in equal shares, the ruleste will be published on the bot account and adapted as it goes because if you dont adapt you end up a fossil to be discovered ... i will also pay back the person who enrolled me into @steemitbasicincome , because otherwise i might not have know about it and i will elaborate on the 1st mof may new signature post, it shuold get me more while i get more to give, which is something only competitive psychopaths could be jealous of, and they are not my friends

no obligations okay, i dont ask back for what i giive freely, but i also do not feel compelled to carry the world on my shoulders, more for me means more to give, the details can be worked out once they are applicable

keep in mind, even an initiative like basicincome is vulnerable, it doesnt stop anyone with access to take the money and run, those accounts might disappear, so that is where trust is needed but if no one does, then nothing like that will ever get anywhere, ill see if i can find some devs to find out if they can manage accounts with multiple keys or sigs needed to withdraw amounts >x

catalysation i can do

teamwork .... makes my skin crawl

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