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RE: signature post 201804

in #rudyardcatling6 years ago (edited)

correction, i should say addition or something, as i came into this seeing nothing but obese fish acting like content dictators and bots spamming 1% votes with no vest to it, not even knowing what vests were, i had my opinion on the matter, and as i dove deeper below the surface ... which i shuld have done because i dont like daylight and its where i belong, i learned more, and i found there's options i can live with so ... as i have found a floating bitcent-promile-satoshi, i have steemed it, doesnt mean i will start pumpin money, but its something i forgot i had so i might as well, so i get a second account, and start a distrobot, no payments asked, only votes, which can give more the more it gets in equal shares, the ruleste will be published on the bot account and adapted as it goes because if you dont adapt you end up a fossil to be discovered ... i will also pay back the person who enrolled me into @steemitbasicincome , because otherwise i might not have know about it and i will elaborate on the 1st mof may new signature post, it shuold get me more while i get more to give, which is something only competitive psychopaths could be jealous of, and they are not my friends

no obligations okay, i dont ask back for what i giive freely, but i also do not feel compelled to carry the world on my shoulders, more for me means more to give, the details can be worked out once they are applicable

keep in mind, even an initiative like basicincome is vulnerable, it doesnt stop anyone with access to take the money and run, those accounts might disappear, so that is where trust is needed but if no one does, then nothing like that will ever get anywhere, ill see if i can find some devs to find out if they can manage accounts with multiple keys or sigs needed to withdraw amounts >x

catalysation i can do

teamwork .... makes my skin crawl

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