Week Twenty Colonye post: undead wizard spotteed but not found when will this cold weather be over?

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)

To the how to jone comment below or go on Discord )

Darkland is sitting at 7,445 SP steem power. all players get two post a day up voted and comments, if u are not doing a quest or few comments. a will visit and up vote random comments true the week. the more you delegation u more a do so.
long term players (min 4 weeks) are getting and steembasicincome shares.

WEEK Twenty. a lost of work but am love what this has become now. :)


all photos from pixabay

you need to expect miss spelling in the post. I am a dyslexic and en English is not my main language. so its a work in progress can we say.

The trading outpost.

its still cold. the outpost is recommend the colonists to stack up on food and fire wood.
the reports are unclear at this point but its seems to be and unnatural cold wave.
@hhayweaver and a few colonists was attack by and and undead he tock the body back to the outposts after autopsy the workers was frozen solid. @methus has seen the undead wizard in the forest sems like be the same lady from the undeads attacking @cyber.explorer a wile back. is amplifiers the ide if she been the reason for the cold wave the outpost is Scout to try and find her location

the outpost is ruining out of food we are force to increase the price of food.
we are expecting a shipment soon. but before its here its going to be expensive

blacksmith: to put a gem in to a weapon or armor make a ring.amulet it cost 5 silver.

  • buying wood,stone, 1-1 ratio
  • buying 3 Silver , wood or stone for 1 food
  • we are buying +3 weapons for 4 wood or stone
  • we are buying +4 weapons for 6 wood or stone
  • we are buying +5 weapons for 8 wood or stone
  • we are buying hide armor/wood shield for 4 wood or stone



by scouting and region you get one week bonus from it. and unlocking it so it can be capture.
anybody can attack the regions NB :read the rules on occupation before attacking a region.

more info in the darkland wiki under part three:Regions

9 of 15 Regions Discovered

  1. Crimson forest (medium) weekly bonus : 4 food and 2 hide +5% up vote owner: @methus,
  2. Shattan lumberyard (medium) bonus +6 wood +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  3. Seven Sister (medium) bonus +6 stone +5% up vote Owner: @cyber.explorer
  4. Orange hills (medium) bonus +6 wheat +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  5. Black harbor (hard) bonus: special trade agreements +5% up vote Owner: @ecoinstant
  6. Green wally (hard) bonus +8 wheat access the Brewery +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  7. Shrubs (medium) bonus: Tomas or Gertrud, jone your colony +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  8. Lake Sherwood (hard) bonus: Occupied Regions tax 20% or min one. the tax is not affecting the owner +5 up vote Owner: The snake clan
  9. The iron company (medium) bonus: +4 iron can get a gem +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan

updated quest rules

Overview over all colones.
Rules, updates and Quests

When entering a quest in your comment remember to inform me what kind of items you are bringing and the values. make my work so much more easy if a dont need to find all your weapons for you.

the playable quest day is Wednesdays or Tuesday evening Canada time. so make your turn before it.

Gems: can be used to make a amulet or ring +1 to hit (you can have two special item). or on a weapon + on Damage or on armor + armor. you need and blacksmith or armorer to do it. the outpost can do it but limted improvement. by using a colony blacksmith or armorer you can improve it more. by adding more Resources to the job.



is going back the the snake clan regions on his way the Shattan but he made a wrong turn he find himself at a big river he do not recognize the place. the river is to big to try and swim over. so he starte waking to find a way to cross. over the forest he can see two towers in the distance he is continuing. in front of him is a bridge whit a guard tower and wall on each side. he can see a archer in the towers.
its a big road going true here a lot of people. he decide to go back. his Scientist notest he allready know how to make the herb cabin. he is joining the stone Quarry in sted. two of his workers fund gems. but his lumberjack did not have a good week.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 40SP (three workers)
Silver workers: (five) next one 30 silver
Wood 28 (+4 worker)(+5 quest)(-4 fireplace)
Stone 47 (+21 worker)(+5 quest)
Food/wheat 18 (+6 worker)(-8 consumption eight workers)
Silver 13 (+5 quest)
gem 5 (+2 stone Quarry)
health potion 2
iron 4
Cinnamon rolls 1

Colony conditions:(wounded status gone)
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
+1 Stone -1 wood ( -2 food (unnatural cold)
+1 stone gunnars pickaxe

(+4 iron axe)(+5 iron long sword 3 dam/gem)(+3 cross bow "4 dam")(+3 stone club) (+4 armor iron Shield) (3x +2 hide chest)(2x +1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(+1 hide helmet)(+1 to hit amulet)

Research bench (need a worker)
silver mine +5 silver (need a worker -2 food)
Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
ballistic (strong range defense)(if you are attack it need a worker or you on it.)
Wood wall

Colony Phase:
you can move u eight around if u want.
here are your workers from last week.
2 Lumberjack; 2 farmer; 3 Stone Quarry ; 0 Builder; 0 Scientist; 0 Silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumberyard,herb cabin,Research bench two

research (need a Scientist)
cabin, Barracks,iron mine,Brewery,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall,wizard tower

Scout and region (easy)
Enter the spider cave (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@cyber.explorer "fyres forest"

is taking blaze and joining his hunters but its almost no animals. his workers are getting worry over how little food the colony has. the armor made a new iron helmet. the can make a iron gate now.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 160SP (five workers)
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 31 (+14 worker)(-4 fire)
Stone 24 (+7 Region)(+10 trade)
Food 3 (+5 workers)(-6 consumption six workers/dog)(-6 3 armorer/iron workers)
Silver 12 ( -5 trade @ecoinstant)(-5 Blacksmith)
hide 7 (+4 hunters)(-6 armor)
ale 2 (+1 trade)
gem 0 (-1 war hammer)
iron 11 (+6 workers)(-4 armor)
health potion 2
Cinnamon rolls 1

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)(+7 stone Seven Sister region , stone (gunnars pickaxe)
+2 wood -2 stone ) ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+5 iron sword gem 3 dam)(+5 iron hammer 3 dam)(+5 iron war hammer gem 6 dam two hands)(+1 hide boots)(+2 iron horn helmet)(+4 iron helmet)(+4 studded chest)(+2 studded leggings)(+2 studded boots)(+4 iron shield)
( +1 hide leggings)(special item wolf pelt +1 hit)(+1 amulet)

Armorer/Blacksmith (need a worker)-2 food (more info see colony file)
you can make hide and studded hide etc armor. inproving armor and weapons one turn per part armor/wepon. per worker. cost etc in the file.

Hunter cabin (+3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
Stone wall
Armorer (need a worker) 2 food
iron mine +3 iron (need a worker) 2 food
Blacksmith (need a worker) 2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move your nine if u want.
here are your workers from last week.
2 Lumberjack; 3 hunter; 0 Miner; 0 Builder; 1 Scientist;1 Armorer ,2 iron minder, 0 Blacksmith

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Research bench two,
herb cabin, Brewery and iron gate

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine, Barracks, wizard tower,moat

Blacksmith/armorer research (need a Scientist)
master long sword, battelax warhammer iron, Scimitar,hunter bow, cross bow master,heavy spear
inproved wepons warhammer battel ax. Scimitar, hunter bow, wizard staff. master long sword,heavy spear
Ranger armor (low armor but high hit chance), improved hide studded armor, and ballista
wizard armor **improved armor ** iron, shields, large and tower

Scout and region (easy)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@creativetruth "Silvery Marsh"

the trade form @methus has arrived. even if its cold his farms and him manage to get food to feed the colony. his workers keep finding more gems.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 33 (+12 worker)(-4 fire)
Stone 57 (+14 worker)(+1 trade)
Food/wheat 10 (+12 worker)(-5 trade)(-6 consumption six workers)(-4 two Silver mine worker)
Silver 20 (+12 worker)
ale 2
gem 9 (+2 silver/ stone workers)
health potion 0
iron 3 (+2 trade)
Cinnamon rolls 1 (+2 to hit +2 production one week)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
+1 stone (gunnars pick axe) -1 stone +1 all (Cottage)( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+4 "Fang")(+4 bow)(+6 hunter bow 3 dam)(+5 long sword)(+3 stone club)(+2 armor horn helmet)(3x +1 armor hide leggings)(2x +1 hide boots)(2x +2 hide chest)(dark staff)(book)(+1 to hit amulet)

Blacksmith(need a worker)-2 food (more info see colony file)
you can make wood,stone weapons and simple upgrading but you need to research to unlock more advance weapons and improvements. one weapon per worker. see colony file on cost etc.

Research bench (need a worker)
Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)
lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
cabin (+1 all production)
Silver mine +5 (need a worker) -2 food
Blacksmith (need a worker) -2 food

Colony Phase:
you can move your eight if u want
here are your workers from last week.
2 Lumberjack; 2 farmer; 2 Miner; 0 Builder; 0 Scientist;2 Silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two,wizard tower

Blacksmith, iron mine, herb cabin Cottage,stone wall.

research (need a Scientist)
Brewery, Barracks, armorer.

Blacksmith research(need a Scientist)
master long sword, battleaxe war hammer iron, Scimitar,cross bow master, hunter bow master, heavy spear

improved weapons war hammer battle ax. Scimitar, hunter bow, wizard staff. master long sword,heavy spear

Scout and region (easy)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@Ecoinstant "Sustainable Acres"

to his surprise three workers are joining his camp but ther are demanding good food and the best beds.
but he put them to work one as a farmer and two in the Stone Quarry maby a bit of hard laber is not going to hurt. his farmers are working hard even whit these cold the filling the storage fast.
the colony is sending one ale to @cyber.explorer. the merchant ships are in the black harbor.
the harbor master is informing of and interested party locking for wood they are paying with stone coming up next week. the Barracks is done the Scientist has some new ides. Rastael has figure out how to do the nettels wall

**Black harbor **

  • buying +3,+4 weapons 8 wood, stone or food
  • buying hide armor 8 wood, stone or food
  • buying +3 +4 gem weapons 12 wood, stone or food
  • next week (1 wood for 2 stone)

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 320SP (six workers) (three temp workers)
Silver workers: (five) next one 50 silver
Wood 1 (-25 construction)(-4 fireplace)
Stone 9 (+16 workers)(+29 trade)(-12 trade)(-50 construction)
Food/wheat 79 (+70 workers)(+6 trade)(-14 consumption fourteen workers)
Silver 15 (+5 trade @cyber.explorer)(-29 trade)
gem 6 (+1 stone quarry)
health potion 6
iron 4
hide 2
ale 8 (-1 trade @cyber.explorer)
Cinnamon rolls 0 (-1 used)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (+1 specialty farming)( Region Black harbor Special trade agreements)
-1 stone and wood +1 stone (gunnars pick axe) Cottage +1 production ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+4 bow 3 dam, gem)(+5 bow 3 dam)(+5 long sword)(+3 stone club)(x2 +2 hide chest)(+4 studded chest)(+3 iron helmet (wolf scull)(+5 iron spear 2 dam)(+4 iron shield)(+1 hit gem necklace)(+1 hide helmet)(+5 wizard staff 2 dam )(x2 +1 hide boots)(+1 hide leggings)(+1 ring)

Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
Farm +5 (wheat/food) (need a worker)
Research bench (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
Silver mine +5 (-2 food) (need a worker)
Stone wall
Cottage +1 production
wizard tower
Barracks (hire a Soldier whit a base stat of 5 eating 2 food)
Brewery (one worker can make 2 ale a turn using 4 wheat.) eating 2
Herb cabin (+3 herbs herb Forager)(Alchemist +1 potion a turn) eating 2 food)
see colony file on more info.

wizard tower
see colony file on more info.
(Dark heal) touch D20 dong -2 dam to enemys healing and frendly +2 a turn
(Roots) range D20 (no damage) (hold enemy in place one turn) then roll dice D6 to get free 1-3)
(Berserk) Touch D20 (make the subject attack the closes enemy one turn)
(Nettles wall) Range D20 (and wall of nettels are spawning over 3 squares line. 100% cower.
it can go true it but taking 2 damage per squares. last 2 turns.

Colony Phase:
u can move your eleven workers if u want
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 10 farmer; 2 Stone Miner; 1 Builder; 1 Scientist, 0 Silver miner,0 wizard,0 brewer,
0 alchemist, 0 herb Forager, 0 Soldier

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Wood wall, Research bench two,Blacksmith
,iron mine,iron gate,ballista,Barracks

research (need a Scientist)
armorer,batteling ram, Trebuchet,guard tower and moat

Rage (increase hit chance and damage to a friendly but lower its defense) (Dark missile) range attack d20 dealing 3 damage

using astride book discoverer herbs 0 of 5.

Scout and region (easy)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


went to shaheerbari camp where he meet up whit @hhayweaver and @Paradigm42 they were wornd of a bear. before the found the bear the bear found them. but it was a quick fight the bear no mache for the three of them. but the also encounter the undead wizard. she trying to kill them @methus is sure of it she raised the bear from the dead. but in the end he came unsaved from it he got the bear skull. he remember reading of it and animal skull in a head peace done correct can increase the speel power.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 10SP (One worker)
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 38 (+4 quest)(-4 fireplace)
Stone 66 (+33 workers)(+4 quest)(-1 trade)
Food 21 (+4 region)(+10 quest)(+5 trade)(-5 consumption five workers)
Silver 90 (-1 loan to @enjoycompany)(+4 quest)
hide 14 (+2 region)
Ale 2
gem 5 (+2 stone miner)
health potion 1
iron 4
Cinnamon rolls 1
herbs 4

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)(Region Crimson forest +4 food +2 hide)
+2 stone (+1 stone gunnars pick axe) ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+3 bow)(+4 bow)+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 spike wood club)(2x +3 stone club)(x2 +3 stone ax)(+4 heavy stone spear 3 dam)(+4 stone spear)(+5 dark staff 2 melee damage)(+4 armor iron Shield)(+2 wood shield)(+2 studded boots)(+2 studded leggings)
(+2 hide chest)(+3 hide chest/gem)(+1 hide helmet)(3x +1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(bear skull)

wizard tower
see colony file on more info
(Dark heal) touch D20 dong -2 dam to enemy healing and friendly +2 a turn
(Dark missile) range attack D20 dealing 3 damage

hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
Research bench (need a worker)
Silver mine +5 silver (need a worker) -2 food
Stone wall
wizard tower (can hire a wizard) -2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move your five workers if u want
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 1 hunter; 4 Miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist, 0 silver miner,0 wizard

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two,Blacksmith,herb cabin, and Armorer,Barracks

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,iron mine, ,iron gate,ballista.

Roots (hold enemy), nettles wall (make a wall can be used ass cower dealing damage when waking true it.) Rage (increase hit chance and damage to a friendly but lower its defense) berserk (make the subject attack the closes friendly or enemy one turn)

Scout and region (easy)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


she is on the way back from shaheerbari camp meeting Tomas and Gertrud they are going home the shake hands and Thanks for the work. all this food and resources is coming to good use.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 52 (+28 trade)(+4 quest)(-4 fireplace)
Stone 21 (+14 workers)(+4 quest)(-20 trade)
Food 21 (+4 workers)(+10 quest)(-6 consumption six worker)
Silver 9 (+4 quest)
hide 20 (+4 workers)
ale 1 (-1 used)
health potion 1
iron 9
gem 4
Cinnamon rolls 2 (+2 to hit +2 production one week)

'Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)
Resources: +1 stone +1 stone gunnars pickaxe -2 wood ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+4 bow)(+5 long sword)(2x +3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spiked club)(+4 iron battle ax gem 5 dam)(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 armor studded hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(+2 hit bear cape "special item")

Research bench (need a worker)
Hunter cabin +3 +1 hide (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
Silver mine +5 (need a worker) -2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move you four workers move if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack;2 hunter; 2 stone miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist,0 Silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard,armorer, Wood wall, Research bench two and Cabin

research (need a Scientist)
iron mine, Blacksmith, Barracks, wizard tower, stone wall,Brewery,herb cabin

Scout and region (easy)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


the fire is still going but the camp is out of food. things are desperate

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Silver workers: (two) next one 15 silver
Wood 7 (-4 fireplace)
Stone 0
Food 0 (-2 consumption two worker)
Silver 9
iron 9
gem 0
health potion 1
Cinnamon rolls 1 (+1 gift) (+2 to hit +2 production one week)( -2 food (unnatural cold)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty fish)(-50 production hunger)
+1 wood -1 stone +1 stone gunnar pick axe (-1 wood -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spike club 3 dam "gem")(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 hide helmet) (+1 gem necklace "special items")

Buildings: Research bench (need a worker)
iron mine +3 iron (need a worker) -2 food
lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move you two workers if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 2 Forager; 0 Miner; 0 Builder; 0 Scientist, 0 iron miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

fisher hut, lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Research bench two
Blacksmith and armorer

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,Brewery,herb cabin,wizard tower
,stone wall and Barracks,

Scout and region (easy)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)



received a big trade whit wood fro the outpost, his hunters are just able to feed the colony. the camp know how to build the cabin now its going to bring in more Resources.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Silver workers: (two) next one 15 silver
Wood 106 (+50 trade)(-4 fire)
Stone 99 (+14 worker)(-50 trade)
Food 9 (+4 worker)(-4 consumption four worker)
Silver 23 (+5 quest from @ecoinstant)
hide 16 (+2 worker)
gem 2
Cinnamon rolls 0

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)
+1 stone +1 hunter +1 stone gunnars pick axe) (- 2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor:(+5 long sword 3 dam gem)(+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+5 bow 3 dam)(+3 stone hammer)(+4 iron spear)(+4 studded chest plate)(2x +1 armor hide helmet)(4x +2 hide chest plate)(+1 hide leggings)(2x +1 hide boots)(+1 hit gem Ring)(+1 hit gem amulet)

Buildings: Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
Research bench (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move you six workers if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 2 hunter; 2 Miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist,

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard, Wood wall,herb cabin, Research bench two,stone wall,Blacksmith, cabin

research (need a Scientist)
silver mine,iron mine,wizard tower
and armorer,Brewery, and Barracks,

Scout and region (easy)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)



is moving silent try the forest constant checks the wind direction. then he ses the boar. his arrow is in the air striking the boar. to boar scrams then charge him. its knocks out the air out of him. the boar running off he manage to get a beat on in before is escape his second arrow puts its down. he take the boar home it give the camp a lot of food and the boars fangs going be a nice necklace by taking it to the
Blacksmith at the outpost if wil give us the +2 hit (special item) and new worker is joining the camp
one of the trade was the wrong way so it was cancel. (I will trade away 6 Silver for 12 food)

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 40SP three workers
Silver workers (Two) (next one 15 silver)
Wood 21 (+7 worker)(-4 fire)
Stone 15 (+5 trade)
Food 24 (+10 worker)(+10 quest)(-5 trade)(-4 consumption four worker)
Silver 16
iron 5
ale 2
Health Potion 1
hide 2 (+1 quest)
Cinnamon rolls 2 (+2 to hit +2 production one week)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty fish)
+2 wood -2 stone +1 stone gunnars pick axe)(-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor: (+5 iron axe)(+5 bow 3 dam)(+3 stone club)(+4 bow)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+4 armor large wood shield)(+2 armor hide chest)(2x +1 hide leggings)
(+1 hide boots)(two boar fangs)

Research bench (need a worker)
Fishing Cabin +7 food (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move you five worker if u want.
here is the jobs your can do

1 Lumberjack;2 fisherman;0 Miner;0 Builder;;1 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info cost etc
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard,, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, silver mine , Research bench two,cabin,Brewery

research (need a Scientist)
,iron mine, and armorer,Blacksmith,wizard tower
,herb cabin,stone wall and Barracks.

Scout and region (easy)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@enjar "Blackfoot Mountain"

is staying home this week he enjoying a quiet week on the farm, his armorer improved some of is armor but he was a bit confused over how much better it was the armorer had to speak to the outpost of how the The spelling was he is hoping @enjar was reading it in the same way. the iron mine is up. and we can now build the silver mine to.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four)
Silver workers (Two) (next one 15 silver)
Wood 22 (+30 trade)(-40 construction)(-4 fire place)
Stone 19 (+14 workers)(-10 construction)(-30 trade)
wheat/food 25 (-4 consumption four worker)(-4 two armorer)
Silver 5 (-10 construction)
gem 5 (+1 stone quarry worker)(-2 armor improvements)
health potion 3
iron 4
ale 1
hide 3 (-4 hide armor improvements)(+2 the armor manage to save some hide)
Cinnamon rolls 1

Colony conditions: (+1 specialty farming)
Current Modifiers: +1 stone -1 wood +1 stone gunnars pick axe (-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor: (+4 iron spear gem 4 dam)(+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 armor iron Shield)(+4 large wood shield)(+1 hide boots)(+2 studded boots)(+2 hide chest plate)(+2 hide leggings gem)(+2 armor hide helmet gem)(+1 amulet)(+1 Ring)

Armorer (need a worker)-2 food (more info see colony file)
you can make hide and studded hide armor. one turn per part armor. per worker.
cost etc in the file.

Research bench 10 wood
Farm +5 (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
Armorer (need a worker) -2 food
iron mine (need a worker) -2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move your six if u want.
here is the jobs your can do

0 Lumberjack;0 farmer;2 quarry Miner;1 Builder;1 Scientist, 2 armorer, 0 iron Miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard,cabin, Wood wall, Research bench two,iron mine, Blacksmith

research (need a Scientist)
Silver mine, and ,Brewery,herb cabin,stone wall,wizard tower
and Barracks,
iron armor,ranger armor,wizard armor, improved armor, studded, iron, shields, large and tower

Scout and region (easy)
find the location on the map (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)



after killing the bear two times hhayweaver is taking the paws of the bear he think whit help from the Blacksmith at the outpost he can make and amulet whit them. +2 to hit. he carring the undead worker to the outpost there he lern its teh undead wizard ho is to blame for the cold soon we can deal whit here one time for all. whit help of the Cinnamon rolls his Stone Quarry had a excellent week and the colony got a new worker to. the hunter cabin is up.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20SP two Worker
Silver workers(One) (next one 10 silver)
Wood 16 (+12 trade)(+4 quest)(-20 construction)(-4 fire)
Stone 26 (+18 worker)(+4 quest)(-20 trade)(-5 construction)
Food 17 (+4 trade)(+10 quest)(-3 consumption three worker)
Silver 18 (+4 quest)
health potion 1
ale 0
gem 1
Cinnamon rolls 0 (-1 used)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+1 stone -1 wood (specialty hunting) +1 stone gunnars pick (-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor:(+3 war hammer 5 dam (two hands)(+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 bow gem 3 dam)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(+1 ring)(bear claws/paws)

Research bench (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move your three worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

0 Lumberjack;0 hunter;2 Miner;1 Builder;0 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

hunter cabin,lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Research bench two

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,iron mine, Blacksmith and armorer,Brewery,herb cabin,stone wall, Barracks and wizard tower

Scout and region (easy)
hunt the moose (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


@methus is coming over and whit the one silver she is missing. she is hiring a new worker. the two workers is going to get wood, the have a have a ok week. she is going to Contact Gunnar the dwarf.
she is arrives the outposts gunnar is there my old home is in a cave up in the mountains but its not safe there anymore. some colonists where up three trying to take the cave back from some dark creatures. but is still some inn there. but a got some special pick ax he give you one. on the way back you find fallen tree and you take a small brake and manage to collect some more wood and you find a rabbit on the way back.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0 SP
** Silver workers** (Two) (next one 15 silver)
Wood 11 (+7 worker)(+4 quest)(-4 fire place)
Stone 2
Food 7 (+4 quest)(-2 consumption two worker)
Silver 0 (+1 a loan form @methus)(-10 hire a worker)
Cinnamon rolls 1 (+2 to hit +2 production one week)

Colony conditions:(+2 specialty farming)(-1 food)(-2 stone) +1 stone gunnars pick
Current Modifiers: (-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor: (+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 armor large wood shield)(+1 armor hide boots)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 hide chest plate)(+1 hide leggings)


Colony Phase:
u can move your two worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

2 Lumberjack;0 Forager;0 Miner;0 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Research bench 10 wood
Farm +5 wheat 20 wood 5 stone


Scout and region (easy)
find out ho is following her (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


bob the builder made the fire place he starts the fire but notes its need a lot of fire wood more then expected. two workers are joining the colony. this is good timing the colony need the help fore sure.
@ligayagardener was planing to find some food but he quickly realizing its no food to find he decides to
Scout and region in sted. he find him self in a rocky area. he is almost crashing in the a minder he is from The iron company. he is tired the snake clan is forcing the minders to over work and they are taking all the iron. the mine is just over the hill here. the snake clan has a guard tower and a small fort guarding the mine. you get iron and one gem. you where hoping to get food but iron is a requested resource so sure you can get a good trade deal going. the gem can be put into a weapon or armor to make it better by using and Blacksmith

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20 SP two workers
Silver workers (One) (next one 10 silver)
Wood 2 (-5 construction)( fire place need 4 wood a week)
Stone 2
Food 9 (-3 consumption three worker)(+2 the new workers had some food whit them)
Silver 0
Cinnamon rolls 0 (-1 used)
iron 4 (+4 quest)
gem 1 (+1 quest)

Colony conditions:(+1 specialty hunting) +1 stone -1 wood -1 food
Current Modifiers:(-2 food (unnatural cold)
+1 stone gunnars pick

weapons/items/armor: (+3 stone spear 2 dam)(+1 armor hide boots)


Colony Phase:
u can move your three worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

0 Lumberjack;0 Forager;0 Miner;1 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

fireplace 5 wood
Research bench 10 wood
hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +3 food 1 hide per worker


Scout and region (easy)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


While things get colder, Bob can keep cutting firewood. The two new workers, Sam and Bill will forage for this round. Then I will continue scouting. That should put us in advance to get some real building going soon.

If any colonists are interested I have IRON TO TRADE FOR FOOD

a like names... a few tips.

sadly we are inn a food problems so your forage are going to max get one food each.
and the outpost is not Trading iron atm. but maby som colonists are interested. it can be a good ide to separate the offers in your comment so its easy to see when more comments are coming,

I've done it, changed the comment to be more suitable. Thanks for the tip

I'll do that... Thanks

How much food do you need? I would make this trade.


This week, I'll dedicate the following resources:

2 lumberjack
2 farmers
2 silver miners
1 builder - herb cabin

Going back to occupy Shattan. I will pay any other colonists who help by sharing the loot. 70% to be split among all those who assist. I'll own the region. For those who assist in its take over, they'll be given the privilege of pass-through rights free of charge for as long as we maintain peaceful relations.

Carrying with me +5 long sword, +4 iron shield, 2 health potions, 1 cinnamon roll. Wearing +1 hide leggings, +1 hide boots, +1 helmet, and +1 amulet.

Will trade 10 stone for wood to pay for the herb cabin my builder will build in my absence.

I will join you to clear out the snake clan. I don't intend to occupy, just looking for some fun!



I would love to occupy a region, but before I do, as a good leader, I must ensure my colony is protected.


Worker 1 - Mining stone with the stone quarry. (5+1+1=7)
Worker 2 - Mining stone with the stone quarry. (5+1+1=7)
Worker 3 - Hunting with the hunting cabin. (3+1=4 food and 1 hide)
Worker 4 - Hunting with the hunting cabin. (3+1=4 food and 1 hide)
Worker 5 - Hunting with the hunting cabin. (3+1=4 food and 1 hide)
Worker 6 - Build stone wall (20 wood, 70 stone)
(Me) - Build a cottage (40 wood, 30 stone)

NOTE: I am 1 stone short for both projects, but I can either trade a wood for a stone or simply use the first stone mined to provide the last stone for the wall.


I don't have the resources for @creativetruth to upgrade weapons for me this week, but I will be looking forward to some better weapons very soon.


None; I will build the cottage instead.

On my way back from the abandoned camp I can't help but wonder when the sorceress of the undead will show her self again. This bitter unnatural cold tastes of her and death.. I hurry back to my camp just in time to say thank you and farewell to Gertrude and Thomas as they head back to their own camp to wait out the cold spell. I feel good about the supplies I have been able to build up and feel comfortable having my workers focus on mining this week.

I will have all 4 workers mine stone in the quarry using the +1 Gunner pickax.

I will go on the easy quest and scout a region.

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