Week Nineteen Colonye post: food shortage?

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)

To the how to jone comment below or go on Discord )

Darkland is sitting at 5,144 SP steem power. all players get two post a day up voted and comments, if u are not doing a quest or few comments. a will visit and up vote random comments true the week. the more you delegation u more a do so.
long term players (min 4 weeks) are getting and steembasicincome shares.

and have a good new year


all photos from pixabay

you need to expect miss spelling in the post. I am a dyslexic and en English is not my main language. so its a work in progress can we say.

The trading outpost.

its getting colder. the outpost is recommend the colonists to stack up on food and fire wood.
the reports are unclear at this point but its seems to be and unnatural cold wave.

the outpost is ruining out of food we are force to increase the price of food.
we are expecting a shipment soon but it's going to be expensive

the outpost has run out of ale and health potion
blacksmith: to put a gem in to a weapon or armor make a ring.amulet it cost 5 silver.

  • buying wood,stone, 1-1 ratio
  • buying Silver , wood ,stone for food 2-1
  • we are buying +3 weapons for 4 wood or stone
  • we are buying +4 weapons for 6 wood or stone
  • we are buying +5 weapons for 8 wood or stone
  • we are buying hide armor/wood shield for 4 wood or stone



by scouting and region you get one week bonus from it. and unlocking it so it can be capture.
anybody can attack the regions NB :read the rules on occupation before attacking a region.

more info in the darkland wiki under part three:Regions

7 of 15 Regions Discovered

  1. Crimson forest (medium) weekly bonus : 4 food and 2 hide +5% up vote owner: @methus,
  2. Shattan lumberyard (medium) bonus +6 wood +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  3. Seven Sister (medium) bonus +6 stone +5% up vote Owner: @cyber.explorer
  4. Orange hills (medium) bonus +6 wheat +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  5. Black harbor (hard) bonus: special trade agreements +5% up vote Owner: @ecoinstant
  6. Green wally (hard) bonus +8 wheat access the Brewery +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  7. Shrubs (medium) bonus: Tomas or Gertrud, jone your colony +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan

updated quest rules

Overview over all colones.
Rules, updates and Quests

When entering a quest in your comment remember to inform me what kind of items you are bringing and the values. make my work so much more easy if a dont need to find all your weapons for you.

the playable quest day is Wednesdays or Tuesday evening Canada time. so make your turn before it.

Gems: can be used to make a amulet or ring +1 to hit (you can have two special item). or on a weapon + on Damage or on armor + armor. you need and blacksmith or armorer to do it. the outpost can do it but limted improvement. by using a colony blacksmith or armorer you can improve it more. by adding more Resources to the job.

removing weapons and armor from the "Overview over all colones file" am not able to keep up.
the special items will stay.



his workers has try ther best but the colony are wounded. the cold is starting to be unpleasant the workers putting more wood on the fire to try and stay warm and finding less food. his bulder was starting to find the wood for the herb cabin but its seems we are to short he went to the stone mine instead. he is coming back from the quest he has and new iron Shield and a hide chest plate whit him.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 40SP (three workers)
Silver workers: (five) next one 30 silver
Wood 23 (+2 worker)(+18 trade)(-4 fire)
Stone 21 (+6 worker)(-11 trade)
Food/wheat 20 (+1 worker)(-2 trade)(-6 consumption six workers)(-4 consumption two silver workers)
Silver 8 (+5 workers)(+5 quest @ecoinstant)(-5 trade)(-25 hire worker)
gem 3
health potion 2
iron 4
Cinnamon rolls 1

Colony conditions:(wounded status gone)
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
+1 Stone -1 wood ( -2 food (unnatural cold)
+1 stone gunnars pickaxe

(+4 iron axe)(+5 iron long sword 3 dam/gem)(+3 cross bow "4 dam")(+3 stone club) (+4 armor iron Shield) (3x +2 hide chest)(2x +1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(+1 hide helmet)(+1 to hit amulet)

Research bench (need a worker)
silver mine +5 silver (need a worker -2 food)
Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
ballistic (strong range defense)(if you are attack it need a worker or you on it.)
Wood wall

Colony Phase:
you can move u eight around if u want.
here are your workers from last week.
1 Lumberjack; 1 farmer; 1 Miner; 1 Builder; 0 Scientist; 2 Silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumberyard,herb cabin,Research bench two

research (need a Scientist)
cabin, Barracks,iron mine,Brewery,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall,wizard tower

Scout and region (easy)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Enter the spider cave (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@cyber.explorer "fyres forest"

is on the way back from the quest. whit his new hammer. is so cold better put some more wood on the fire.
his hunters are reporting less animals. his builder has got the Blacksmith up and running. a new worker is here its locking like a village .

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 160SP (five workers)
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 21 (+16 worker)(-20 construction)(-2 trade)(-4 fire)
Stone 7 (+7 Region)(-40 construction)(+16 trade)
Food 10 (+8 workers)(-7 consumption six workers/dog)(-4 2 armorer/iron workers)
Silver 22 (+5 quest from @ecoinstant )(-5 trade @enjar)(-20 hire a worker)
hide 9 (+4 hunters)
ale 1 (-1 used)
gem 1 (+1 iron miner)
iron 9 (+8 workers)
health potion 2
Cinnamon rolls 1

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)(+7 stone Seven Sister region , stone (gunnars pickaxe)
+2 wood -2 stone ) ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+4 stone spear)(+5 iron sword gem 3 dam)(+5 iron hammer 3 dam)(+5 iron war hammer 5 dam two hands)(+1 hide boots)(+2 iron horn helmet)(+4 studded chest)(+2 studded leggings)(+2 studded boots)(+2 wood shield)(+4 iron shield)
( +1 hide leggings)(special item wolf pelt +1 hit)(+1 amulet)

Armorer/Blacksmith (need a worker)-2 food (more info see colony file)
you can make hide and studded hide etc armor. inproving armor and weapons one turn per part armor/wepon. per worker. cost etc in the file.

Hunter cabin (+3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
Stone wall
Armorer (need a worker) 2 food
iron mine +3 iron (need a worker) 2 food
Blacksmith (need a worker) 2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move your nine if u want.
here are your workers from last week.
2 Lumberjack; 4 hunter; 0 Miner; 1 Builder; 0 Scientist;0 Armorer ,2 iron minder, 0 Blacksmith

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Research bench two,
herb cabin and Brewery

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine, Barracks, wizard tower,moat

Blacksmith/armorer research (need a Scientist)
master long sword, battelax warhammer iron, Scimitar,hunter bow, cross bow master,heavy spear
inproved wepons warhammer battel ax. Scimitar, hunter bow, wizard staff. master long sword,heavy spear
Ranger armor (low armor but high hit chance), improved hide studded armor,iron gate and ballista
wizard armor **improved armor ** iron, shields, large and tower

Scout and region (easy)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@creativetruth "Silvery Marsh"

and big Jake whent to help ecoinstant take Black harbor. It was a victory. he is glad he fund almost a hide armor set its helping on this cold. when he is home he puts more wood in the fire and hoping his workers can find shom resources even if the er ill

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Silver workers: (four) next one 20 silver
Wood 25 (+13 worker)(-4 trade)(-30 Blacksmith)(-4 fire)
Stone 42 (+4 worker)(-2 trade)
Food/wheat 13 (+2 worker)(-6 consumption six workers)(-4 two silver/Blacksmith worker)
Silver 8 (+3 worker)(+5 quest from @ecoinstant )(+2 trade)(-20 hire a worker)(-5 Blacksmith)
ale 2 (-1 used)
gem 7
health potion 0 (+1 trade)(-1 used)
iron 1 (-3 Blacksmith)
Cinnamon rolls 1 (+1 gift) (+2 to hit +2 production one week)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
+1 stone (gunnars pick axe) -1 stone +1 all (Cottage)( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+4 "Fang")(+4 bow)(+6 hunter bow 3 dam)(+5 long sword)(+3 stone club)(+2 armor horn helmet)(3x +1 armor hide leggings)(2x +1 hide boots)(2x +2 hide chest)(dark staff)(book)(+1 to hit amulet)

Blacksmith(need a worker)-2 food (more info see colony file)
you can make wood,stone weapons and simple upgrading but you need to research to unlock more advance weapons and improvements. one weapon per worker. see colony file on cost etc.

Research bench (need a worker)
Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)
lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
cabin (+1 all production)
Silver mine +5 (need a worker) -2 food
Blacksmith (need a worker) -2 food

Colony Phase:
you can move your six if u want
here are your workers from last week.
1 Lumberjack; 1 farmer; 2 Miner; 0 Builder; 1 Scientist;2 Silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two,wizard tower

Blacksmith, iron mine, herb cabin Cottage,stone wall.

research (need a Scientist)
Brewery, Barracks, armorer.

Blacksmith research(need a Scientist)
master long sword, battleaxe war hammer iron, Scimitar,cross bow master, hunter bow master, heavy spear

improved weapons war hammer battle ax. Scimitar, hunter bow, wizard staff. master long sword,heavy spear

Scout and region (easy)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@Ecoinstant "Sustainable Acres"

the Black harbor is ours. Ecoinstant is paying out the silver to his fellow colonists as payment for the help. he then tacking to the harbor master.he is informing Ecoinstant of and merchant ships arrives in a few days the are in desperate need of weapons and armor. he notes all the colonists has left to his surprise the have left and (+5 bow 3 dam) his worker has made the herb cabin and the Brewery is in full production

Black harbor one week: buying +3,+4 weapons 8 wood, stone or food
buying hide armor 8 wood, stone or food
buying +3 +4 gem weapons 12 wood, stone or food
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 320SP (six workers)
Silver workers: (five) next one 50 silver
Wood 30 (-50 trade )(-30 construction)(-4 fireplace)
Stone 10 (+30 trade)(-20 construction)
Food/wheat 17 (+28 workers)(-20 trade)(-18 ale)(-8 consumption eight workers)(-6 three brewers)
Silver 39 (+20 trade)(-45 quest payment)
gem 5
health potion 6 (+5 trade)
iron 4
hide 2
ale 9 (+9 brewers)
Cinnamon rolls 1 (-1 used)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (+1 specialty farming)( Region Black harbor Special trade agreements)
-1 stone and wood +1 stone (gunnars pick axe) Cottage +1 production ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+4 bow 3 dam, gem)(+5 bow 3 dam)(+5 long sword)(+3 stone club)(x2 +2 hide chest)(+4 studded chest)(+3 iron helmet (wolf scull)(+5 iron spear 2 dam)(+4 iron shield)(+1 hit gem necklace)(+1 hide helmet)(+5 wizard staff 2 dam )(x2 +1 hide boots)(+1 hide leggings)(+1 ring)

Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
Farm +5 (wheat/food) (need a worker)
Research bench (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
Silver mine +5 (-2 food) (need a worker)
Stone wall
Cottage +1 production
wizard tower
Brewery (one worker can make 2 ale a turn using 4 wheat.) eating 2
Herb cabin (+3 herbs herb Forager)(Alchemist +1 potion a turn) eating 2 food)
see colony file on more info.

wizard tower
see colony file on more info.
(Dark heal) touch D20 dong -2 dam to enemys healing and frendly +2 a turn
(Roots) range D20 (no damage) (hold enemy in place one turn) then roll dice D6 to get free 1-3)
(Berserk) Touch D20 (make the subject attack the closes enemy one turn)

Colony Phase:
u can move your eleven workers if u want
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 4 farmer; 0 Miner; 1 Builder; 2 Scientist, 0 Silver miner,0 wizard,3 brewer,
0 alchemist, 0 herb Forager

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Wood wall, Research bench two,Blacksmith
,iron mine,iron gate,ballista,Barracks

research (need a Scientist)

nettles wall (make a wall can be used ass cower dealing damage when waking true it.) Rage (increase hit chance and damage to a friendly but lower its defense) (Dark missile) range attack d20 dealing 3 damage

using astride book discoverer herbs 0 of 5.

Scout and region (easy)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


his workers is in full swing in getting wood the notes the cold but its hard work so not a big problem but back at camp they have to put more wood on the fire, the hunter din not fund a lot of food the animals seen to be gone. but the colony got a the shipment from crimson forest. methus is coming back whit a sword and Shield and some new studded leggings. he fund a keg of ale and two silver in the village.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 10SP (One worker)
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 38 (+30 trade)(-4 fireplace)
Stone 30 (+33 workers)(-30 trade)
Food 7 (+4 region)(+1 worker)(-5 consumption five workers)
Silver 87 (+5 quest from @ecoinstant)(+2 quest)
hide 12 (+2 region)(+1 worker)
Ale 2 (+1 quest)
gem 3 (+1 stone miner)
health potion 1
iron 4
Cinnamon rolls 1 (-1 used)
herbs 4

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)(Region Crimson forest +4 food +2 hide)
+2 stone (+1 stone gunnars pick axe) ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+3 bow)(+4 bow)+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 spike wood club)(2x +3 stone club)(x2 +3 stone ax)(+4 heavy stone spear 3 dam)(+4 stone spear)(+5 dark staff 2 melee damage)(+4 armor iron Shield)(+2 wood shield)(+2 studded boots)(+2 studded leggings)
(+2 hide chest)(+3 hide chest/gem)(+1 hide helmet)(3x +1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)

wizard tower
see colony file on more info
(Dark heal) touch D20 dong -2 dam to enemy healing and friendly +2 a turn
(Dark missile) range attack D20 dealing 3 damage

hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
Research bench (need a worker)
Silver mine +5 silver (need a worker) -2 food
Stone wall
wizard tower (can hire a wizard) -2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move your five workers if u want
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 1 hunter; 4 Miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist, 0 silver miner,0 wizard

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two,Blacksmith,herb cabin, and Armorer,Barracks

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,iron mine, ,iron gate,ballista.

Roots (hold enemy), nettles wall (make a wall can be used ass cower dealing damage when waking true it.) Rage (increase hit chance and damage to a friendly but lower its defense) berserk (make the subject attack the closes friendly or enemy one turn)

Scout and region (easy)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


is in a area she has not been in before. its a barren land and cold desert a few shrubs here and there..she wondering..she has been hearing story of the riches in this part of the land if most been a different place. but..wait..in the distance its a singe building. out side it sems to bee a well. a small feald whit some green leaves grooving, approaching slowly the door slams open. and Tomas and a Gertrud..ruing at here. wood clubs ready to strike....they stopping..u are not the snake clan?
we just want to live on pace but the snake clan is forcing us to fight for them or they will kill us.
but we dont have any food. can we work for you? we only need a place to sleep and some food.
the Tomas and Gertrud is joining your colony for one week. on the way back you notes its getting very cold

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Region workers "one week" Tomas and Gertrud
Wood 24 (+20 trade)(-4 fireplace)
Stone 23 (+14 workers)(-20 trade)
Food 13 (+2 workers)(-4 consumption four worker)
Silver 5 (-20 hire one worker)
hide 16 (+2 workers)
ale 2
health potion 1
iron 9
gem 4 (+1 Stone Quarry)
Cinnamon rolls 2 (+2 quest) (+2 to hit +2 production one week)

'Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)
Resources: +1 stone +1 stone gunnars pickaxe -2 wood ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+4 bow)(+5 long sword)(+3 wood spear)(+3 stone club)(+3 bow)(+4 spiked club)(+4 iron battle ax gem 5 dam)(+3 stone club)(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 armor studded hide leggings)(+2 hit bear cape "special item")

Research bench (need a worker)
Hunter cabin +3 +1 hide (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
Silver mine +5 (need a worker) -2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move you four workers + Region workers one week Tomas and Gertrud if u want to
here are your workers from last week. six in total.
0 Lumberjack;2 hunter; 2 stone miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist,0 Silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard,armorer, Wood wall, Research bench two and Cabin

research (need a Scientist)
iron mine, Blacksmith, Barracks, wizard tower, stone wall,Brewery,herb cabin

Scout and region (easy)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


its getting colder. the workers are sitting closer to the fire to try and stay warm. the food supply its getting dangerous low.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Silver workers: (two) next one 15 silver
Wood 11 (-4 fireplace)
Stone 0
Food 2 (-2 consumption two worker)
Silver 9
iron 9
gem 0
health potion 1
Cinnamon rolls 1 (+1 gift) (+2 to hit +2 production one week)( -2 food (unnatural cold)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty fish)
+1 wood -1 stone +1 stone gunnar pick axe (-1 wood -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spike club 3 dam "gem")(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 hide helmet) (+1 gem necklace "special items")

Buildings: Research bench (need a worker)
iron mine +3 iron (need a worker) -2 food
lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move you two workers if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 2 Forager; 0 Miner; 0 Builder; 0 Scientist, 0 iron miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

fisher hut, lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Research bench two
Blacksmith and armorer

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,Brewery,herb cabin,wizard tower
,stone wall and Barracks,

Scout and region (easy)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)



the battle is over its a big pile of weapons and armor happyme take one bow and grabs as much hide armor he can carry. is heavy to carry all this home but its cold so its nice to keep warm carying all this. his hunter reporting its less animals out. the fire need more wood to keep warm what is this..feel unnatural

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20SP (two workers)
Silver workers: (two) next one 15 silver
Wood 60 (-4 fire)
Stone 135 (+27 worker)
Food 9 (+4 worker)(-4 consumption four worker)
Silver 23 (+5 quest from @ecoinstant)
hide 14 (+1 worker)
gem 2
Cinnamon rolls 0 (-1 used)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)
+1 stone +1 hunter +1 stone gunnars pick axe) (- 2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor:(+5 long sword 3 dam gem)(+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+5 bow 3 dam)(+3 stone hammer)(+4 iron spear)(+4 studded chest plate)(2x +1 armor hide helmet)(4x +2 hide chest plate)(+1 hide leggings)(2x +1 hide boots)(+1 hit gem Ring)(+1 hit gem amulet)

Buildings: Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
Research bench (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move you four workers if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 1 hunter; 3 Miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist,

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard, Wood wall,herb cabin, Research bench two,stone wall,Blacksmith

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,iron mine,wizard tower
and armorer,Brewery, and Barracks,

Scout and region (easy)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)



is helping cleaning up after the battle in Black harbor he find a bow. and two pairs of hide leggings.
his fisherman informing him the river is freezer over. but we borrowed a ax and start ice fishing.
to keep the fireplace going we need more wood. one more worker has come to the colony

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20SP two workers
Silver workers two (next one 15 silver)
Wood 21 (+7 worker)(-4 fire)
Stone 10
Food 13 (+10 worker)(-2 trade)(-4 consumption four worker)
Silver 16 (+5 quest from @ecoinstant)(-10 hire one worker)(+2 trade)
iron 5
ale 2
Health Potion 1 (+1 from @enjar)
hide 1
Cinnamon rolls 2 (+2 quest) (+2 to hit +2 production one week)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty fish)
+2 wood -2 stone +1 stone gunnars pick axe)(-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor: (+5 iron axe)(+5 bow 3 dam)(+3 stone club)(+4 bow)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+4 armor large wood shield)(+2 armor hide chest)(2x +1 hide leggings)
(+1 hide boots)

Research bench (need a worker)
Fishing Cabin +7 food (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move you three worker if u want.
here is the jobs your can do

1 Lumberjack;2 fisherman;0 Miner;0 Builder;;1 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info cost etc
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard,, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, silver mine , Research bench two,cabin,Brewery

research (need a Scientist)
,iron mine, and armorer,wizard tower
,herb cabin,stone wall and Barracks.

Scout and region (easy)
hunt the boor (medium)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@enjar "Blackfoot Mountain"

got some new gear from the black harbor. its getting colder the workers has put more wood in the fire to keep it going. he is glad he got some exstra food and wood in the camp. his workers are working hard in the stone quarry the had a good week even if the cold is start bothering them.
(a move all your food in the one line less info.)

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four)
Silver workers two (next one 15 silver)
Wood 36 (+30 trade)(-4 fire place)
Stone 45 (+45 workers)(-65 trade)
wheat/food 29 (+25 trade)(-4 trade)(-5 consumption five worker)(-2 one armorer)
Silver 15 (+5 quest from @Ecoinstant)(+5 trade)
gem 4 (+1 stone quarry worker)
health potion 3 (+1 trade)(-1 to @stever82)
iron 4
ale 1 (-1 used)
hide 5 (-2 hide leggings armorer)
Cinnamon rolls 1 (-1 used)

Colony conditions: (+1 specialty farming)
Current Modifiers: +1 stone -1 wood +1 stone gunnars pick axe (-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor: (+4 iron spear gem 4 dam)(+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 armor iron Shield)(+4 large wood shield)(+1 hide boots)(+2 studded boots)(+2 hide chest plate)(+1 hide leggings)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+1 amulet)(+1 Ring)

Armorer (need a worker)-2 food (more info see colony file)
you can make hide and studded hide armor. one turn per part armor. per worker.
cost etc in the file.

Research bench 10 wood
Farm +5 (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
Armorer (need a worker) -2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move your six if u want.
here is the jobs your can do

0 Lumberjack;0 farmer;5 quarry Miner;0 Builder;0 Scientist, 1 armorer

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard,cabin, Wood wall, Research bench two,iron mine, Blacksmith

research (need a Scientist)
Silver mine, and ,Brewery,herb cabin,stone wall,wizard tower
and Barracks,
iron armor,ranger armor,wizard armor, improved armor, studded, iron, shields, large and tower

Scout and region (easy)
find the location on the map (medium)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)



is standing next to the wall at black harbor all around him is dead snake clan warriors, fellow colonists bleeding all over. he is lifting his clothing up no holes a...wonder...he is unharmed. pick up a sword find a some more hide armor. and going home. the armor is isolating well but. the air is so cold almost pain full the breath. his workers had to put more fire wood on the fire to keep from freezing.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 10SP One Worker
Silver workersOne (next one 10 silver)
Wood 24 (+20 trade)(-4 fire)
Stone 29 (+18 worker)(-17 trade)
Food 6 (+5 trade)(-2 consumption two worker)
Silver 14 (-3 gem bow)(+5 quest from @Ecoinstant)
health potion 1
ale 0 (+1 trade)(-1 used)
gem 1 (+1 stone Quarry worker)(-1 ring)
Cinnamon rolls 1 (-1 used)(+2 quest) (+2 to hit +2 production one week)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+1 stone -1 wood (specialty hunting) +1 stone gunnars pick (-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor:(+3 war hammer 5 dam (two hands)(+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 bow gem 3 dam)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(+1 ring)

Research bench (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move your two worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

0 Lumberjack;0 Forager;2 Miner;0 Builder;0 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

hunter cabin,lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Research bench two

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,iron mine, Blacksmith and armorer,Brewery,herb cabin,stone wall, Barracks and wizard tower

Scout and region (easy)
hunt the moose (medium)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


and his worker is standing in the dark its so cold..then out of the dark a big bear is coming its one hit his worker..shaheerbari manage to escape he is going to the outpost telling them of the bear..
a cant deal whit this place anymore am going back to my home over the sea. but dont let my work be for noting he give the outpost his coordinates to his outpost.



is standing at the gate in black harbor she feels a pain all over. she is bleeding from cuts all over. is this the promise land? she is thinking did a left my home fore this. next to @hhayweaver he is unharmed he sems confused over the fact. in a pile of weapons she find a iron sword. feels safer already. its some hide armor around to she take a chest plate and a pair of leggings. back at home the worker made the fire place the colony feels like home, but he notes its getting colder and the fire need more wood then normal. gunnar is wandering in the camp he is curious he is hearing rumors of at he spy on the camp. he is guarantee he is not, it must be someone else. he ses the food/wood and he is lending some help trying to get some more food and wood he find a few bits out there.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0 SP
Silver workers one (next one 10 silver)
Wood 4 (-5 construction)(+3 a helping hand from Gunnar )(+4 trade) (-4 fire place)
Stone 2
Food 5 (+4 a helping hand from Gunnar )(-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 9 (+5 quest from @Ecoinstant)
Cinnamon rolls 1 (-1 used)(+2 quest) (+2 to hit +2 production one week)

Colony conditions:(+2 specialty farming)(-1 food)(-2 stone)
Current Modifiers: (-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor: (+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 armor large wood shield)(+1 armor hide boots)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 hide chest plate)(+1 hide leggings)


Colony Phase:
u can move your one worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

0 Lumberjack;0 Forager;0 Miner;1 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Research bench 10 wood
Farm +5 wheat 20 wood 5 stone


Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)
Scout and region (easy)
find out ho is following her (medium)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


is going to speak to gunnar he is still at the outpost he is giving you one of his pick ax its a very good pick ax. his home in the mountains hes been over run but some of the colonists around here has been up there removing most of them but its still not safe. my sister need a word to. on the way back to the colony ligayagardener running in to a elk he manage to kill it this will feed is colony for a long time. he notes its getting colder.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0 SP
Silver workers one (next one 10 silver)
Wood 7 (+7 worker)
Stone 2
Food 10 (+5 quest)(-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 0
Cinnamon rolls 0 (-1 used)

Colony conditions:(+1 specialty hunting) +1 stone -1 wood -1 food
Current Modifiers: missing fireplace (-10% production)(-2 food (unnatural cold)
+1 stone gunnars pick

weapons/items/armor: (+3 stone spear 2 dam)(+1 armor hide boots)


Colony Phase:
u can move your one worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

1 Lumberjack;0 Forager;0 Miner;0 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

fireplace 5 wood
Research bench 10 wood
hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +3 food 1 hide per worker


Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)
Scout and region (easy)
looting shaheerbari camp (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


Thanks to Gunnar for the pick. It will help a lot. I'd like to hunt some more and stash more food for the upcoming cold. Scouting as I do so My worker 'Bob' as I've named him an build us a fireplace.

Posted using Partiko Android

bob the bulder notet :)


OOC: I forgot to come back and do this.

This week, I'll devote the following resources ...

2 lumberjack
2 stone quarry
2 farmer
1 scientist research herb cabin

I'll scout a region again this week. Looking at the Shattan again.


the Shattan is already been scout, but its more of them and the are all good to be done good loot..
and you allready had research herb cabin to build it cost 30 wood and 20 stone.

As I and the refugee workers make our way back to camp, I can't help but notice how bitterly cold it has become. I feel it's imperative to stock up on food and wood, especially with 2 extra mouths to feed this week.. I am grateful for the extra help and offer to put them up until the worst of the cold passes.

I will trade two +3 stone clubs for 8 wood.
I will also trade 20 stone for 20 wood.

I will have Tomas and Gertrude with 2 of my workers hunt for food out of the hunter cabin.
My other 2 workers will mine stone in the quarry using the Gunner pickax.

I will drink an ale and help loot the Shaheerbari camp.
I will wear my +1 hide helmet, +2 hide chest armor, +2 studded hide leggings, and my +2 hit bear cape. I will arm myself with my +4 iron battle ax with gem for +5 damage. I will also bring my last health potion.



Worker 1 - Mining stone with the stone quarry. (5+1+1=7)
Worker 2 - Mining stone with the stone quarry. (5+1+1=7)
Worker 3 - Hunting with the hunting cabin. (3+1=4 food and 1 hide)
Worker 4 - Hunting with the hunting cabin. (3+1=4 food and 1 hide)
Worker 5 - (Me) research cottage
(If food is not adjusted for the bun last week and I still have a bun, then use the bun where it will do the most good.)


Trade with the outpost: 50 stone for 50 wood.


None; I will research the cottage instead.


OOC: Am I still wounded?

no you are back in full force :) its only one week.

Your post was upvoted by the @archdruid gaming curation team in partnership with @curie to support spreading the rewards to great content. Join the Archdruid Gaming Community at https://discord.gg/6yD2Emr. Good Game, Well Played!

ty for the continuing support

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