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RE: Week Nineteen Colonye post: food shortage?

in #rpg5 years ago

As I and the refugee workers make our way back to camp, I can't help but notice how bitterly cold it has become. I feel it's imperative to stock up on food and wood, especially with 2 extra mouths to feed this week.. I am grateful for the extra help and offer to put them up until the worst of the cold passes.

I will trade two +3 stone clubs for 8 wood.
I will also trade 20 stone for 20 wood.

I will have Tomas and Gertrude with 2 of my workers hunt for food out of the hunter cabin.
My other 2 workers will mine stone in the quarry using the Gunner pickax.

I will drink an ale and help loot the Shaheerbari camp.
I will wear my +1 hide helmet, +2 hide chest armor, +2 studded hide leggings, and my +2 hit bear cape. I will arm myself with my +4 iron battle ax with gem for +5 damage. I will also bring my last health potion.

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