Week nine quest post: the dark tower

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)

@cyber.explorer, @blockurator, @happyme and @methus went to investigate the dark tower.
the can see it in the distance, its in a large forest. its slow moving, its no path just dense old forest they are climber over and going under tress. its hard work but its seem to be colder. the ground is getting hard. what is this?. is quiet to quiet. just their foot step hitting the frozen ground.


Luckily the all have some hide armor on so its not so bad. the forest seem to be dead. and a thick fog is moving true the area. then the tower in front of them the fog is clearing out. the forest is open around it. the tower it self is tall made form stone. has a round roof on seem surprisingly in good shape. has a solid wood door whit iron bars over it. in front of the door. you can see a tall man or you think its a man part of his face is just bones, he is in a black mist. he has a sword. and its gloving green from a amulet around his neck. he is holding a iron chain. in front of him is two big dogs sleeping.


The tower is standing on flat ground, its in a open space all around it but think forest. sneak attack 1-3 to hit @ rollthedice

(NB: the rules is down half way ish in the post.
how to quest rules:

Colony post on your weponts etc:
colony file

@cyber.explorer (ale)(wolf cape) 8 (+4 stone spear)(+5 iron sword)
4 hit points (+5 armor)
items: 1 health potion

Color: green
@blockurator 5 (+5 iron long sword)(+3 cross bow "4 dam")
4 hit points (+4 armor)

Color: blue
@methus 5 (+4 bow)(+4 heavy stone spear 3 dam)
4 hit points (+5 armor)

Color: yellow
@happyme (+1 gem ring) 6 (+3 stone hammer)(+4 iron spear)
4 hit points (+3 armor)

Color: Turquoise
undead Warrior 5 (+5 iron sword)
10 hit points

color: red
two undead dog 9 (no weapon)
4 hit points

color: dark red




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We should form a plan. I have 4 in mind:

  1. @methus and myself can aim for the dogs with our bows. If we miss, we lose the element of surprise. If we get two shots off each, we can use our third move as a sneak attack.
  2. We can try sneaking through the forest and come up behind them on the opposite side of the tower. This will take several moves and we'll run the risk of giving ourselves away or bumping into more danger before we attack.
  3. We can split up and attack from several angles. This can be executed in a number of ways that could include @methus and myself shooting with crossbows from different angles. So, if one of us stayed where we are and the other moved east six squares, then @happyme and @cyber.explorer could move around to the northeast and northwest corners, sneak in behind the tower. After the bow shots, we all bum rush at the same time. The danger here is a combination of the first two. Several moves, we could give ourselves away, and run into danger before we get to attack. Not to mention, if one of us meets with a challenge, we're all alone.
  4. Option #4 is we can all move north through the forest and see what's behind the tower. Then we can move in and do sneak attacks from behind. The problem with this is we can't use our bows and we could give ourselves away before we attack.

Plus, we don't know what's in the tower. More undead?

Once we open fire, the dogs will attack. If we spread out, we can't help each other. If we stay close together, we can take out one enemy at a time, working on the one that has already taken damage.
The mage is glowing, so will likely have magic to attack with? Perhaps we should all concentrate on taking out the mage FIRST and leave the 2 dogs for last? The dogs will have a harder time to hit because of their lower hit point stats.

I can reach from here with my iron spear and then charge in with my hammer giving me both a sneak and a charge modifier (as long as I don't miss). I believe each of us gets one sneak modifier opportunity, so if we get lucky, we may have a chance.

We could do that. Arrows first at the mage? I was thinking the dogs would be easier to kill with only 4 hit points. But if we miss, then we give ourselves away. On the other hand, if we go for the mage first and kill him with the arrows, the dogs will be easier to beat with melee. What's everyone else say?

I guess we wait for consensus or go with 50% approval.
The dogs have no weapon, so they may not even attack and if the (SORRY for calling him a mage) undead warrior is still holding onto the chains of the dogs when he dies, the dogs are stuck there. I'm not sure if the dogs even have an attack (bite) because there is no damage indicated for them. I assume they default to bare-hand damage similar to what we would do with no weapon.

I'm good with hitting the undead warrior first, but I think the 2 without bows should split off in separate directions, so they can also sneak attack. myself and @blockurator should sneak attack at the same time.

Is that a certainty that one MUST come from a different direction? I was under the impression that when the first person attacks, the warrior would be focussed on the attacker and not realize there are more hiding in the forest. As EACH player reveals themselves, they too get a sneak attack. GAMEMASTER please verify, thanks.

yes this is correct.

OK, so arrows sneak attack, concentrating on the main enemy, then spears move into range and sneak attack? Is that the plan?

so, I will sneak attack with my spear, after the arrows fly on the undead warrior?

I will now move 3 spots east so I am directly south of the tower and in range of my target.

Yes, so @methus and I will fire off two or three arrows each as our first turn. First arrow is sneak attack. If we do two, we can charge attack as our third move. The rest of you can sneak attack after we fire our shots, and then you get two more moves.

Target: Undead warrior.

I see that @blockurator did 12 damage to the undead warrior, so I will turn my attention to the dogs . Sneak chance @rollthedice

Result: ok, when all is said and done, I ended up with 2 damage to the undead warrior. Sorry, for all the confusion. Call it battle frenzy.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Sneak failed, arrow #1 @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 14.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 14.

ooc: . blockurator did 8 dam

and a dont see the hit you did.

Sorry, I'm all kinds of messed up. I thought I saw 3 hits for 4 damage by @blockurator. I also saw that I rolled 2 14's and a 4, not realizing that the 4 was a d6 roll. Ok, in that case arrow #3 is heading for the undead warrior. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

Schweet! You killed him.


Actually, I only did 8 damage.

After moving to within range directly south of the tower, I throw my spear in a sneak attack at the dog in front of me... @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

a successful surprise!


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 20.

a hit, doing 2 damage to the dog.

last action, I charge attack with my sword at the same dog!


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 7.

that is a second hit for 2 damage, killing the dog!

cyber.explorer killeds one of the the dogs the one alone in a square
blockurator did 8 damage to the undead Warrior
methus last arrow killed the undead Warrior

SUMMARY: I wound the dog for 2 with my spear thrown at it, then charge and kill it with another 2 damage using my stone hammer, then recover my spear for a total of 3 actions.

Great, so just one dog left for @happyme.

Sneak attack on the last dog @rollthedice for sneak and @rolld20 for the thrown spear.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 9.

The sneak fails, but the spear just makes it (base5+1gem+4spear=10) for 2 damage to the dog.
Now I charge+2 the dog with my hammer+3 and base+5=10 @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

I forgot to add+1 for the gem, but the charge succeeds anyway and the dog has been killed. WOOT!!! So far so good!

For my last action I recover my spear.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

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OOC: Do I get my ring modifier THIS week or NEXT week? In other words, is my attack stat one better NOW for this fight or not?

ooo yes a you can use it now..am puting it in now..you then have a base of 6

YAY!!! That will really help since my stats are kind of low.

Now that we've formulated a plan, I'll sneak attack with a bow and arrow at the undead warrior. @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

It's a hit. So that's 4 damage. There's a +10 modifier for success on a sneak attack. Is that for damage? If so, he's dead.

Roll the d20 to see if your sneak hit. The +10 is on your hit chance, not damage.

Okay, so the sneak attack roll is just to see if the sneak was successful on the attack. Then it's a regular die roll? Makes sense.

So I need an 18 or less to hit? 5 + 3 (bow) + 10 modifier?


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 10.

If I calculated that correctly, it's a hit. 4 damage.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 7.

Evidently, the die rolls twice on some occasions.

correct calculated.. sometimes the bot do this. (its and RP problems on it). so if u like it you can keep it as a hit. and do 8 dam

@blockurator ooc: the snike attack is only the first arrow or attack.

so option nr one you get to snike on the first arrow then normal then just a move action. good luck :P

So bows can be used on the sneak attack? I wasn't aware of that. That is likely the way to go then. First arrow as a sneak attack, then we have two more chances to make the kill before we move in. Who's with me?

any wepons can be used in the sneak attack. so correct.

@methus missed with two arrows. I'll charge attack the undead warrior with my sword. I need a 12 to hit. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

Darn the luck! @happyme?

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