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RE: Week nine quest post: the dark tower

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)

We should form a plan. I have 4 in mind:

  1. @methus and myself can aim for the dogs with our bows. If we miss, we lose the element of surprise. If we get two shots off each, we can use our third move as a sneak attack.
  2. We can try sneaking through the forest and come up behind them on the opposite side of the tower. This will take several moves and we'll run the risk of giving ourselves away or bumping into more danger before we attack.
  3. We can split up and attack from several angles. This can be executed in a number of ways that could include @methus and myself shooting with crossbows from different angles. So, if one of us stayed where we are and the other moved east six squares, then @happyme and @cyber.explorer could move around to the northeast and northwest corners, sneak in behind the tower. After the bow shots, we all bum rush at the same time. The danger here is a combination of the first two. Several moves, we could give ourselves away, and run into danger before we get to attack. Not to mention, if one of us meets with a challenge, we're all alone.
  4. Option #4 is we can all move north through the forest and see what's behind the tower. Then we can move in and do sneak attacks from behind. The problem with this is we can't use our bows and we could give ourselves away before we attack.

Plus, we don't know what's in the tower. More undead?


Once we open fire, the dogs will attack. If we spread out, we can't help each other. If we stay close together, we can take out one enemy at a time, working on the one that has already taken damage.
The mage is glowing, so will likely have magic to attack with? Perhaps we should all concentrate on taking out the mage FIRST and leave the 2 dogs for last? The dogs will have a harder time to hit because of their lower hit point stats.

I can reach from here with my iron spear and then charge in with my hammer giving me both a sneak and a charge modifier (as long as I don't miss). I believe each of us gets one sneak modifier opportunity, so if we get lucky, we may have a chance.

We could do that. Arrows first at the mage? I was thinking the dogs would be easier to kill with only 4 hit points. But if we miss, then we give ourselves away. On the other hand, if we go for the mage first and kill him with the arrows, the dogs will be easier to beat with melee. What's everyone else say?

I guess we wait for consensus or go with 50% approval.
The dogs have no weapon, so they may not even attack and if the (SORRY for calling him a mage) undead warrior is still holding onto the chains of the dogs when he dies, the dogs are stuck there. I'm not sure if the dogs even have an attack (bite) because there is no damage indicated for them. I assume they default to bare-hand damage similar to what we would do with no weapon.

I'm good with hitting the undead warrior first, but I think the 2 without bows should split off in separate directions, so they can also sneak attack. myself and @blockurator should sneak attack at the same time.

Is that a certainty that one MUST come from a different direction? I was under the impression that when the first person attacks, the warrior would be focussed on the attacker and not realize there are more hiding in the forest. As EACH player reveals themselves, they too get a sneak attack. GAMEMASTER please verify, thanks.

yes this is correct.

OK, so arrows sneak attack, concentrating on the main enemy, then spears move into range and sneak attack? Is that the plan?

so, I will sneak attack with my spear, after the arrows fly on the undead warrior?

I will now move 3 spots east so I am directly south of the tower and in range of my target.

Yeah, good idea. You and @happyme can position yourselves this move for your sneak attack. While we get our bows set.

You are equally in range from where we all are at the start. Moving takes away 1 attack.

Yes, so @methus and I will fire off two or three arrows each as our first turn. First arrow is sneak attack. If we do two, we can charge attack as our third move. The rest of you can sneak attack after we fire our shots, and then you get two more moves.

Target: Undead warrior.

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