Where have all the rockers gone? We found some!

in #rock6 years ago (edited)

Melissa Etheridge and Sheryl Crow came to Wellington last night, and @kiwideb and @andysantics48 were there with bells on, and half a dozen girlfriends.


Where have all the rockers gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the rockers gone?
Long time ago

@sift666 often complains that there’s no music any more and I always argue with him, because I’m like that. There’s lots of new music; vast numbers of albums every year! But then he finally clarified his position to the lack of rock music. That shut me up. We’ve looked and we can’t find any recent rock music. If you have found some, please enlighten us!

After a few decades of awesome rock music, has rock died?

Two middle aged women
Came to Welly to rock out
An arena full of women
Exploded with a shout

OK, to be honest, that was a bit of poetic license. Although there were hordes of middle aged women there, many in comfortable shoes, there were also plenty of younger women and a decent amount of men of all ages. I swear the granddad head banging right in front of me was pushing 65.

Sheryl Crow

I’m not terribly familiar with Sheryl Crow, but it didn’t matter that I only knew a couple of the songs. The show was polished and she rocked! As well as singing and playing guitar, she played keyboards and harmonica at times.

Here she is with “If It Makes You Happy” in Sydney, Australia just before crossing the ditch to NZ:

She talked a little as well about how she put out a Greatest Hits in 2002, and thought that was her retirement album. It didn’t quite work out that way, and the reason she is on tour again, as a middle aged woman (her words), is that she wants to encourage girls to play guitar. She also talked about how nice it was to be in the comparative peace of New Zealand, and how much she and her boys had enjoyed visiting the Weta workshops that day.

But good as Sheryl was, when Melissa Etheridge came out, she blew her out of the park. That woman has more rock in her little fingernail than an entire generation of modern musicians.

Music through the generations

That’s not to disparage the fine musicians and songwriters here on Steemit, of many different genres. But are any of you rock? If you are, please wave your hands in the air, like you just don’t care, and I’ll be over to visit.

But seriously, folks, are there any rock musicians under 40? Do Millenials and Centennials even like to rock out? I’m not just being provocative here, I’m genuinely interested in how forms of music have changed over the last 20-30 years.

I think I like quite a wide range of music, so there IS music from this century that I like. But there’s nothing that beats a good session of rocking out, head banging and singing at the top of your lungs. As far as I can tell, Millenials and Centennials are not into it, and that kind of debauched behaviour is something they just have to put up with from those embarrassing old dinosaurs they call their parents.

EDIT: Here's a photo of said dinosaurs - 6 girlfriends, me at the back and a glimpse of Andy over my right shoulder.


Anyway, getting back to Melissa

Although she’s best known for her smoky voice, until I saw her in concert last time she was in Wellington, I didn’t realise what an accomplished musician she is. She blew me away.

She didn’t disappoint this time, either. At the start of her set, she strolled onto the stage, sat down at the drum kit and proceeded to belt out an impressive drum solo. The drummer came and joined in and they drummed together for a couple of bars before she left him to it. Most of the songs included an awesome guitar solo from her, and one had a harmonica solo. The encore included a more extended drum duet. Holy moly, is that woman talented!

Here’s her doing “Bring Me Some Water” in Auckland, three days before the Wellington show:

And “I Want to Come Over” from the Hamilton gig, two days before Wellington:

My knees had only just recovered from rocking out on Saturday (and I promise I will post about that next, just need to sort photos), so they weren’t best pleased with me today!

But boy, it was worth it!

Thanks for reading and listening

Top picture taken by @andysantics48 on @kiwideb’s Samsung Galaxy cell phone. 2nd Pic by Tia, from her FB. Videos from Youtube.

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At the risk of sounding like a has been old fart, I will say right now: ROCK MUSIC IS DEAD

There are no new rock bands left doing any really good music.


Anyone who disagrees - just name one awesome album released this decade...

White Stripes "Elephant" was 2003

And Yeah Yeah Yeahs "It's Blitz"was 2009

The last truly great rock album was Fat Of The Land in 1997

Music has now become yet another propagander tool of our zionist overlords, using talentless illuminati transgender puppets to turn young people into mind controlled slaves

The Monkees (man, I LOVE The Monkees) released a brand new album with all new songs in 2016. It's their standard "bubble gum pop" music, but a couple of the songs on there really rock.

Thanks - I'll check it out

BUT - that was a 50 year anniversary album! - new music LOL ...

Well, technically, it WAS new music (even if it sounded much like their old music). 😉

Not Sift's scene at all, but I'll definitely be checking it out!

I loved it. The album is called "Good Times." I highly recommend it. I've been a Monkees fan since 1978, when I was a wee lass and my mother introduced me to reruns of their show.

I've seen them perform live four times (three with Micky, Peter, and Davy, and one with Micky, Peter, and Mike), and have seen Micky (my favorite) perform live as a solo artist four times, as well. I even got to meet him face-to-face and speak to him once, which was cool. I've had a few entire conversations with his sister via her Etsy store....she performs with him at every Monkees and solo show he does, and she is super sweet.

I never realised they had still been actively working and touring. Nice to hear of musicians who have had such long careers.

Micky and Mike are doing a small tour of the US this summer. It's the first time they've gone out together as a duo. Peter is busy working on an album, so he won't be joining them.

Oh, you're just spoiling for an argument, aren't you? You know I hate Prodigy! But my specific disagreement is that Fat of the Land isn't a rock album. I had to go Google it to find out what they are and the various descriptions include Techno, Electronica, Hardcore and Alternative Dance. But at no stretch of anybody's imagination are they rock.

White Stripes and Yeah Yeah Yeahs - I agree they're rock though.

I get what you mean, but to me if it rocks it is rock, even if it is rap or even techno (although I much prefer Madchester)

You said I'd hate this! I actually quite like it. Though once the beat kicks in, that is a bit overpowering. Maybe a little too fast and loud. But on the whole, it's quite funky.

You definitely can't listen to mainstream music if you want to hear anything with substance. I refuse to believe rock is dead, just in a hibernation period, it has to come back ;)
Actually, my brother broke away from his normal Folk/blues sound to do a tribute song for Chris Cornell. It's more a ballad, but I still think you'd appreciate it. I'm probably going to post about it, since it's the first song from his new album that he's released, but I'm going to drop it to you first:

I think we could slip it into soft rock, at least. Love it! Go, Ed.

nice sounds like a good night out :)

It was a great night out! We had a meal and a drink or two at the Crab Shack beforehand, as well.

Hello fellow chicken @kiwiscanfly :)

Great post, and I just read the bottom of your post also about the five C's, that's helpful advice so thanks. Its annoying when no one even sees my post, lol
Now I will be more patient but its extremely time consuming trying to network with different people. But useful. Look forward to hearing more of your adventures.

It is time consuming, and it does take a long time to get started. Some of us look like we've got it made now, but we spent months just chugging along too. I really like your style of poems with the illustrations. I don't manage to get to everybody I'm following every day, but hopefully I'll see you on my feed a bit and come to visit.

That's very kind, I will try my best to do the same.
And thanks.

i am jealoussssssssssssssssssssss

you two are mean for going without me hahahahahaha

(by the way - wasn't your sis shining today on her interview???)

i loved seeing you come in :) sister love!!!

Although there were hordes of middle aged women there, many in comfortable shoes,

hahahahah comfortable shoes! and the headbanging granddad!!! LOL

sounds like a fabulous time - great music - great company ;)

only could have been made better with @dreemsteem along!!! and you too @monchhichi23 hehehehe

You and monch were there in spirit, I'm sure. And I'm equally sure that there will times we're jealous of what you're up to, and can only be there in spirit. Live vicariously! BTW, I've just added a photo of us all to the post. Yes, the interview went great. Sounded like @pennsif had fun too.

Hehehhehee I'm sure! :)

I love the picture!!! Did Andy tell.you I'm trying to.figure out a way to come there hahahhaa
I need to see that lady ;)

Come for her 50th birthday, then she has to have a party!

Oh my goodness!!!! That would be the best!!!! But realistically speaking... 55th birthday would probably be more likely to save for the airline tickets 😣
Well... Probably not so late as 55th...hahhahaa but 55th just seemed like a nicer sounding number hehehehe

I'm going to keep trying to figure out a way ♥️

Let's just go random. How about we aim for a meetup, somewhere, somehow, by my 63, Andy's 52, which gives a whole 3 years? It took the possums 2 years to plan and save for our Vegas trip, and that gives us an extra year.

i say yessssssssssssssss!!! HOW ABOUT GRAND TURK?? hehehehe it was FABULOUS!!!!

Sheryl Crow is AWESOME. :)

I'm not as familiar with Melissa's work, but I love Sheryl's music.

Sheryl has always been a little off my radar, but I was impressed. Although they're the same age, my feeling is that they have slightly different demographics age wise. Very loosely, maybe Melissa 40-60's, Sheryl 30-50's????

Sheryl was really big among my age group when I was in college in the mid-1990's. Melissa, not so much. So , your guess on the demographics is probably correct. My mother (20 years older than me) and my ex-husband (13 years older than me) both like Melissa and are more familiar with her work than me.

So your mother is probably about my age, and would have been rocking out with the rest of us?

Close, yeah. My mom is 65. My ex is 57. :)

Damn, now I know I should have magicked myself to New Zealand- for your party of course, but then stayed for this too! Awesome, you know how to live Deb ;)
As for new rock....there definitely seems to be a hiatus. It will come back though, I have faith!

Edit: Read my comment to Ian :)

Never mind, you will get here one day! Maybe the next generation will swing back to rock music. But I'm not so sure. What there does still seem to be is very heavy stuff, and maybe that will be the backlash. Off to read your other comment now.

A great night. Wish I could have been there too!

You'll just have to find another reason to come to kiwi-land and visit with Andy and I!

I would love to meet up with you girls @kiwideb. Gotta win that Lotto! Did Melissa Etheridge sing, ‘And the angels won’t let me.?’ One of my favourites.

That is a goodie! There were quite a few of the oldies, but not that one. Yup, one of us definitely has to win Lotto!

Cool concert, sounds like you got your moneys worth. Each generation has their own style in fashion, music and whatever else they can call their own. And they all think theirs is better.

That's true. It has to be that way, so kids can break away from their parents and create their own lives. What I can't quite figure out now is whether music even has the same importance it had for our generations.

Absolutely smashing. Girls can rock!!

Never a truer word spoken, my friend ;-)

Oooh I am so jealous! Melissa Etheridge is probably the only female singer I've really gotten into over the years, but I only really enjoyed her first album. Boy did those songs kick! :D

So glad she is still going strong, cause I remember her having a cancer scare some years back.

As for the rock - I think it has all morphed into those gazillion sub-genres which are entirely confusing these days.

Yes, the first album was the best and she did a few from that. I like Brave and Crazy a lot as well though.

Both of them have actually been through breast cancer.

Out of those gazillion sub-genres, are any of them what those of us who were rock chicks in the 80s (and thereabouts) would call rock though?

Rock, I'm not sure any more. I was still into the pop stuff in the 80s - hadn't yet discovered the wonders of rock (although I've always loved rock'n'roll) - or maybe I could class it as 'soft rock'? :P

Maybe what I think sounds like rock wiki would classify differently. I like some of the indie-rock, but I miss classics (to me) like Cold Chisel. :D

Interesting. After reading @conradt's post on shock rock, and seeing yours and @sift666's comments here, it's apparent that everybody has a different definition of what rock is. To me, it's not rock if you can't head bang to it - for wont of a better definition. Cold Chisel, yes, I think I'd call them soft rock, but soft rock is still rock. Heavy metal, to me, is at the far end of rock, but once it's too heavy it's something else. And Electronica (like Prodigy, see my reply to sift) is not rock at all. That's very roughly how I see it tonight anyway. Tomorrow I may change my mind.

Ah. See now to me it is the heavy metal you bang your head to. :D

Ah but heavy metal, you can ONLY bang your head to, you can't do anything else. I've been refining my thoughts by sift playing things and asking how I'd categorise them. His criteria are very different. Maybe I'll do another post...

It is a great discussion. :)

I just got frustrated trying to find a list of contemporary rock bands but even wiki let me down. Looks like it is about the sub-genres now. And bands can be in more than one which makes it even harder to define them. Especially when they themselves don't want to be shoved into a neat box.

My kind of rock band right now would be Green Day or Shinedown or Fall Out Boy or Linkin Park or even Imagine Dragons - but whether they class themselves as rock or something else...?

I'll have a listen tomorrow and see whether I classify them as rock! We've just been going through a pile more stuff listening and deciding...


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