3 Fun facts about me | My road to Steem Fest

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)


Bloody Eric. @anomadsoul stole one of my facts about me so now I have to think of another otherwise, LAME. I too cut my own hair and have done for 13 or 14 years now. There were hairdressers married into the family so I was spoiled with good haircuts and when I moved away I did some modelling for hair shows so I had plenty of hairdressers around to play with various things. My hair too. But once I came to Finland I couldn't find a hairdresser I liked and I would often end up cleaning it up after myself anyway. So, I just started cutting it completely and saving the 30 euros. These days, I just don't care so much (hence the beard) about my looks but, I do try to remain relatively well groomed for clients and, I shower daily, often twice. As a kid my mother would cut my hair but fortunately, you could hardly tell:


3 Fun facts about me

#1. I am very bad in photos

I am very, very unphotogenic and if there are any 'good' pictures of me, they are pure luck. I am the anti-Barney Stinson (if you get the reference) and tend to be the one that people want to crop out of images for spoiling what would have "otherwise been a great shot." I don't know what it is but I am just terrible at posing and looking anything close to natural. Perhaps I now suffer from photo performance anxiety so tend to stay behind the camera. I have so few photos of me it is like I was born in the middle ages.

#2. I once won a fashion show as a designer

Once upon a time during my senior high school year, I entered into a yearly fashion show that was put on by the art department and their top students. I had never seen it before. I bought material, found models, designed, cut and sewed the dresses and choreographed the runway show. What I didn't know was that this long running show filled with top art students was actually one of those nonsense "arty" BS things filled with trash and not actual real fashion or dresses but, literal trash at times. So, I won and the show was never the same again. A junior kid who was in the crowd later went onto become a fairly well known designer and credits me with his start. lol.

Oh, I haven't sewn in years really but it did come in handy when decorating the baby's room and I had a chance to borrow a machine from a concerned mother-in-law and sew while a concerned wife looked on. The room turned out pretty good though I think. These things were mostly hand sewn though :)

#3. I like to play dress-up

I have always liked costume parties and at times have gone to some pretty extravagant lengths to pull something off. I don't have many pictures here with me (that are suitable for the blockchain anyway) but here are two. Off the top of my head, I have dressed as an angel, devil, french maid, a priest, Egyptian slave, the moustached dude from the Village People, a gogo dancer... and quite a few more. I think people who go to a costume party and don't put in a bit of effort are disrespectful to the sanctity of the event. I find that in general though, people are getting lamer as costumes are able to be bought cheaply. Making a costume is so much more fun.

My wife wasn't pregnant (at this point of the night anyway)

So, there you go. Three facts about and two of which you likely didn't know. When I get to Poland who knows what others there may be. Perhaps I will have a shot of @anomadsoul's Tequila and all the secrets will come flooding out.

# Bonus fact: I am not much of a drinker.

The last time I had a drink I was tipsy by half way through.

[ a SteemFest original ]


Except for #1 aka also the story of my life, never would I have ever guessed or believed these facts to about you. lol
P.S You nailed it on that last picture.

I am also very bad in photos. Welcome to the family ;).

Hope to see you on SteemFest!

So we have a fashion designer who likes to play dress up.....interesting. I thought when fashion designers played dress up, it was called a fashion show :-)

PS: Your pictures looks great.

Don't make me nerve pinch you...

LOL! Trust me, I already felt the jolt once :-)

Sweet fro buddy!

I added a bonus fact too, 3 seemed a bit weak. There is plenty of Booze knocking around at the festival.... :)

There is plenty of Booze knocking around at the festival.... :)

I am going to have to be careful otherwise it will be SleepFest3 for me.


Lol. I have dressed up as some of those characters as well and won't be sharing the photo's either. I honestly don't care what i look like and go all out when it comes to parties.

I have some pictures here from a series of parties when I was in my early twenties. At least for now, they are staying analogue only. :)

Lol - Fact one could have been written by me. Fact two is a future me I wish I could become - I would love to become a clothing designer! (Actually I just love fabric and want any job that lets me pick and touch and mix and match them). Fact two is the 100% opposite of me. I hate dress-up. Gosh if I had read that 'fact' earlier I would have written the story about how I would always try to find excuses as a kid to not have to play with my friend who loved playing dress-up :')

Fun facts indeed!

I hate dress-up. Gosh if I had read that 'fact' earlier I would have written the story about how I would always try to find excuses as a kid to not have to play with my friend who loved playing dress-up :')

I have some stories :D

You share yours I share mine! :')

Talk to you at SteemFest :D

Why were your mother in law and wife concerned about your sewing? o_O

I love your addendum on the costume party picture XD

Why were your mother in law and wife concerned about your sewing? o_O

I think it was a cross between disbelief and perhaps who had been married into the family. ;)

I love your addendum on the costume party picture XD


I suppose sewing and knitting are kind of becoming more "quaint" crafts XD

I wasn't gonna say shit until I saw the last photo! 😂

You were a very fine young man... I didn't know you could run the runways though :D You have this interesting life that you keep to yourself is all I have learnt from this post!

Posted using Partiko Android

It is good to try many things in life in my opinion as it means that speaking from experience might actually mean something :D

Understood! Lol

I think you look great in photos! 😊 And wow, I didnot expect that about the fashion show 😯😯 but that's so cool!
And I'm not a good drinker either :)))

Lol No2 certainly is a bit of a surprise

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