@betamusic - SF3 Business or Pleasure? #roadtosteemfest

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)

Hi Dear Steemians

This dynamic of @anomadsoul I fall like a ring to the finger, both because it is an opportunity to get the funds I need to be able to travel to the Steem Fest as because I need a space to vent all my excitement about this meeting that I do nothing but talk all the time, and even I began to write a song to my dream called "I want to go steem fest in Cracovia" (I feel like I'm delirious with my desire to go to Krakow), so I'm delighted to join this initiative, I've also had a lot of fun participating in the contest to Steem Fest giveaway, here I leave my two participations in the contest, win it would help me finance my trip and believe me I'm almost to the other side of the world and it has not been easy to raise the funds , speaking of which, this is one of the weekly issues, how do I finance my trip to Krakow?

My participation for Fest Giveaway - PART 2. Why me? I need your support with your comment please!

negocios o placer!.jpg

Well as he said the same Eric we are not criptomonedas gurus, or rich so we must gather and make an effort to go, believe me is a new feat this would be my first time in Europe and I live day to day holding my home and helping my family , so anyone would say here in Venezuela that traveling to Poland for pleasure without having some work plan or emigrating from the country is a total madness in my situation and yes, it is true that I am a little crazy, (Those who saw my second video for the contest were able to check >.<) but I still intend to go and all you want is dreamed and desired materializes.

If I succeed, they can see me in Krakow, if everything is given as I hope and if God supports me in this decision (another issue of this initiative), well I have made the decision to go, cross the puddle (as we say here in my land) and venture to meet with all of you.

For this I plan to sell my most precious material good my car, you say "This girl now yes it went crazy" well you're not far from reality but my plans are to buy a much cheaper car and invest half in my personal satisfaction (the trip) , last night I heard a phrase that was resounding in my mind "there are two things that teach you in life: Learn and travel" That's what Dr. Navarro invited in @rutablockchain to a paper.

Well I have not been more agree with a phrase in the last days, when you meet new people, new cultures and new places learn more than you can learn from the same site a year in a row, so I love to travel very much is a disconnect from the cot Idianidad and lets you learn from different cultures, places and new people, however this is not a trip anyone is an official meeting of Steemians! My first time in a Steem fest that makes it even more exciting, so more than for business, I do it for pleasure!

Meet me at SteemFest 2018 in Kraków

Well I do not want to make me illusions or create very high expectations but sometimes the sky is the limit I consider that the most important thing for me has always been to meet my virtual friends in person, I could do here in Venezuela a few months ago and the emotion is something imp Resionante, being able to meet people that I have only seen virtually is wonderful to share music and stories with them, we all feel like friends of a long time (although we had never seen in person).

  • Meet for the first time Europe and Poland.
  • Know new Steemians
  • See in person my friends steemians who go and I know only virtually.
  • Learn from all the speakers who will participate in the Steem Fest.
  • Enjoy the locations meetings and how exotic Krakow can be.
  • Make new friends from the platform.

Until there my trip will be only for pleasure, of course if you give the opportunity to make new alliances, invite me to new projects or create a society I won't be against it, it's more welcome is, but that only God knows and the universe , for now I just hope to have fun, enjoy, know, share and leave very high to the Hispanic community, the Latino community and my beloved country Venezuela.

Thanks for your attention!



¿You're doing fundition to go STEEM FEST? Cool. Remember there's already a winner. It's @coruscate. Anyway, good luck with your desire of going to Poland. Suceed!

Heyyy Dear Yes I know she was going to be the winner, she is a beautiful person and very much appreciated by the community, but we maked a great work! I liked your video!

A hug dear thank for pass by my blog!

Yes, I know we did just fine. Thank you too. Greetings, @betamusic! See you!

Creo que tu decisión es muy acertada querida amiga, el carro igual se desgasta, el viaje te llenará de experiencias que se irán contigo. Si haz sido feliz conociendo steemians aquí, viajar, estar en un súper evento musical y encontrarte con personalidades de esta plataforma que van desde todas partes del mundo... definitivamente es otro nivel.
Deja en manos de Dios tu asistencia, para que todas las puertas se abran, mientras vas trabajando fuerte para lograrlo. Sin angustia, con fe y en armonía con el universo.
Deseo de todo corazón que vayas y cuando estés por allá me le das un gran abrazo a @nnnarvaez y a @anomadsoul ; D

Deja en manos de Dios tu asistencia, para que todas las puertas se abran, mientras vas trabajando fuerte para lograrlo. Sin angustia, con fe y en armonía con el universo.
Amén amiga muchas gracias por tu hermoso comentario y así será les daré un gran abrazo de tu parte y te enviaré muchas fotos con ellos! gracias por tus comentarios tan acertivos, gratificantes que siempre me llenan de esperanza y positivismo eres un angel!

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