HOW HARD WILL BE REBUILD MY REPUTATION (The Whales also make Mistakes)

in #reputation8 years ago

Hi steemers, you should ask, what I did wrong to have this reputation?, the truth, even I don´t understand.
I was happy, enjoyed a good reputation, when it suddenly went to the floor. Now I want to know, how hard it is to recover.

This was what happened.

For some reason @dantheman downvote one of my replys in one post:

I think that the reason was the terrible bot problem of past weeks. on this particular post i just reply this words "Great post my friend". that is why i think tha @dantheman thought that I was a bot.

What i did to try to solve?

I try to be hear by @dantheman, to explain him that i´m not a bot, i wrote to him when he does news post, but that was impossible. it is as if you tried that someone hear you scream on the top floor of the Empire State when you're on the first floor.

I was desperate and created 2 posts pointing my problem:

At this point I was upset and disappointed, but I finally got some help, I went to and a great member of the community told me that i must not be worry about my reputation, that while is not negative all is OK, also he told me that I can rebuild my reputation being active and collaborative with the community.

Now the question is, how hard will be to rebuild my Reputation?

Although I'm still learning about Steemit, one of the things I've learned is that all is based on the weight, that is why I would like that someone with more technical knowledge tell me if i really can rebuild my reputation, based on the fact that was @dantheman who downvote my reply, and we know that @dantheman weighs a lot.

Thanks for take the time to read my post.


Upvoted because it raises excellent questions about the reputation system and especially the damage that even one careless or malicious vote by a whale can do in discouraging users and driving them away. I hope that @oecp85 is not discouraged too much by this incident.

Thanks @smooth for giving me back my reputation, the truth is that I am quite optimistic and fully believe in this project and this great community.

I think we need to have a channel for the whales at That way, we ca talk to them directly

Hi @xcode18, that would be great, but I understand the whales, would be bombed with thousands of requests from users.

I don't understand why @dantheman downvoted your comment either. Your comment did look like a lot of the same spam the bots posts, but one look at your account and it is pretty clear you are a legit person =)

I'll follow you and throw upvotes your way on the content of yours I enjoy. Maybe that will help your rep out a bit. I am somewhere between a minnow and dolphin... maybe a tuna? lol Hope you like tuna votes =P

Thanks man, now i fallowing you too, yes i think the only reason to @dantheman downvote my comment was that he thought that I was a bot, i only hope i can recover my reputation.

I gave you my vote and saw your rep go from 42 to 43. It's not much, but every bit helps. Hopefully Dan will see this and correct it. I can understand the frustration with bots and down flagging them to help users on the network, and I could maybe even see not liking replies which don't add much value to the conversation, but I don't see that as worth a flag which can completely change someone's experience on Steemit. I wrote a post yesterday on how to improve your reputation which you may appreciate. Good luck on your journey and once again, thank you @smooth: you're like Tron fighting for the users. :)

I am haveing a very similar problem can either of you help?

Thanks @lukestokes, before @smooth upvote the post my reputation was 2, now is 43 thanks to all you guys.

I'm still wondering what good, if any, do bots play here. Most ebery other web enterprise goes to great lengths to combat them.

Bots are assisting with curation and are almost a necessary thing right now because there's more and more posts flying in every day as the platform grows. No matter how hard people try, unlike bots (namely @cheetah) we all have to sleep sometimes and deal with things IRL while a bot never gets tired, hungry, or has anything else to do other than police the current system as it stands right now.

For the most part the newly added rep system has all but eliminated the annoying bots because they were killed in a glorious blaze of "death by flagging" when many of us manually curated them into oblivion with a quickness.

Hi @alifton, as far as I understand, the problem with bots is that they were generating too much spam, for now we are more than 60,000 users, what represents a small portion compared to facebook or twitter, maybe when we are millions of active users, no bots will be necessary for assisting with curation.

@ocep85 From my understanding of the roadmap presented, that is exactly what we're all hoping for. Millions of eyes could quickly do the work of thousands of bots. However, until we have that kind of user base bots like @cheetah are the best stop gap at our disposal to help real human users in deciding what is and isn't appropriate.

@cheetah was trained (very well I might add) to spot likely plagiarized content someone simply cut and paste to Steemit, in the hopes of slipping one by and gaming the system for financial gain through copyright infringement.

Just to be clear, @cheetah was designed to never flag a post but instead comments on it and allows a real human to make the final call on how to vote given the evidence presented. If you'd like to know more about @cheetah @anyx would be the best person to ask because he knows way more about @cheetah than I do.

for my account? impossible

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