Reputation Advice from Someone in the Top 0.38%

in #reputation8 years ago (edited)


Out of 18,235 active accounts over the last 7 days, Steemit's reputation system thinks I have the 70th highest reputation with a 64.4 score which puts me in the top 0.38% as far as reputation scores go. Whether or not that's an accurate reflection of my character, likability, or usefulness to the community is beyond the scope of this post.

Before we get started, here's a quick ~1 minute intro video to set the tone:

To the extent my reputation number has value and gives me a platform, let me share with you some advice which I think will increase your reputation on Steemit while also making you an all around better human being (in my entirely subjective opinion).

It's a simple test you can run before taking any action:

Ask yourself, if everyone in the community did this, would it harm or help the community?

It's really that simple.

For those who like examples, I'll run through some. I'm not trying to single out anyone or shame anyone.

If everyone sent random people on a direct message when they post a new blog, would that lower the value of the chat and cause people to leave?
Answer: Don't DM people you don't know with links to your new post. Even with people you know, make sure you're adding value to them based on your relationship with them.

If everyone started sending .001 SBD messages to others linking to their latest post, would the wallet turn into a massive wall of spam and lower the value of that feature?
Answer: It doesn't matter how important you feel your cause or post is, your reputation will be harmed if you do this because you are very likely to get flagged.

If everyone started posting full articles on Steemit from other sources (yes, even if you reference the author, and it's not downright plagiarism), will that harm the network?
Answer: I'll leave it to @cheetah's excellent post by @anyx to answer this one. You're most likely not the exception to the rule.

If everyone plagiarized other people's work, how would we reward original, creative work?
Answer: It's sad to even have to say "Plagiarism is bad, mmkay?" but I see many people (some with other cultural backgrounds) who seem to be confused by this simple concept. If it's not yours, don't post it, unless you have permission. Simple as that.

If everyone responded with criticism, overly dogmatic opinions, close-minded thinking, poorly expressed negative emotions, or other abusive or threatening language, would the network be an inclusive place for exploration and learning?
Answer: Be respectful, even if you're outraged. Rise above the muck and show yourself dignified and worthy of high reputation. Don't be a doormat, but learn how to disagree and walk away when needed. If you're worried more about your honor than the well-being of the community, your reputation will ultimately suffer.

If everyone fed the trolls, would we attract more trolls?
Answer: If someone truly is a troll that is clearly lowering the value of the network for everyone, do us all a favor and flag them. A good hint here should be their existing reputation. If it's higher than yours, you might want to second guess your perspective. Maybe pull some people aside in chat with a higher rep than you both and ask for a mediator.

If everyone flagged content they don't like or, worse, responded when flagged with a flag of their own, will it decrease the value of the network?
Answer: I've heard multiple reports of flag wars and retaliatory flagging. I get that it used to be a downvote, but the current Steemit interface has it as a flag which implies its usage should be for preventing abuse, plagiarism, identity theft, and the like. If you don't like someone's views, I suggest you move on or leave a comment if you want to engage with them. If someone is flagging you for no reason whatsoever and is not responding to dialogue about why they are flagging you, it might be appropriate to flag them in order to lower their reputation to the point where they can do no more harm to others. But be careful here... Often flags come from people who don't understand the interface and think they are upvoting. I've been flagged in this way, but a simple comment cleared it up.

You should still be unique within the community!

The test above is certainly open to valid critiques. For example, if you want to do a makeup tutorial and then consider the net negative effect to the network if everyone did a makeup tutorial, it might hinder your creative expression. So how are you to know which things would be beneficial to everyone on a small scale and detrimental to everyone on a larger scale? This is where we get into deeper philosophical moral concepts about voluntary interactions and community social norms. Unfortunately, some people have very low emotional intelligence levels or are lacking in mirror neurons / empathy to even recognize the negative impact their actions have on others.

What can we do about the stupid people?

I don't know for sure. As a member of the "stupid people" category myself (trust me, we all are, given various contexts), I can only give my own experience in becoming less stupid over time. Learn from your mistakes. Evaluate what others in the community appreciate and what angers them. Practice empathy like a skill you need to hone.


- Be Humble.

Recognize, even when you know you're right, you might be wrong.

- Be Kind.

Use language which respects everyone involved. You probably don't know someone else's backstory, their struggle, or their pain.

- Learn and use NVC.

Violence is a tragic expression of an unmet need.

And also, remember, you are awesome.




Great advice! I've also noticed that just leaving a friendly comment and an upvote on new introduction posts that seem sincere but haven't received much attention is an easy way to get some new followers (without asking) :)

I agree with this! I was very lazy with following people pre-feeds, but now I have just browsed the "new" section and everytime I see a real new user on the introduction post I try and leave a warm welcome and see if I can help out in any way.

Its all about connections, the rewards will come with time and more users. :)

THAT is an AWESOME attitude my friend. You earned a follower on that one @acidyo!

Its all about connections, the rewards will come with time and more users. :)


Glad to read your comment from the early history. :)

And that helps newcomers feel welcomed, too. I have a truly deep love for the one person who commented on my first post and benefitted from following them. Win win!

Yes, @wang is the best! Oh, wait, never mind. Hehehe. sarcasm

Hey wait i think that was me!

It totally was you, @jsteck! I was impressed that you had obviously read and understood my post, and then with your introduction, which showed many kinds of savvy, from story framing to recommending the white paper. Then you posted the Minnow Code of Conduct, which answered so many of my questions while reassuring that a get-rich-quick approach was hollow and affirming the power of human decency. I definitely look to you as a voice of wisdom, especially about how to tap and contribute to the real potential of Steemit. Thank you! Curious what you'll post next. :)

That makes me feel good. Thank you! I've been mostly commenting instead of posting. But I did write a few posts in my head and they were AWESOME! This morning I posted about smoothies and pie.

That's a great idea to not only grow your following, but also provide valuable answers to new members. Well done!

You hit on many points in a very honest and open way and did not project yourself as some sort of reputation giant. I was about to comment that you are very humble, but as I scrolled past the picture I saw that you touched on that as well.

I also believe the think twice mentality is very important. Yes the first person to send out $.001 SBD to multiple users is innovative (whether or not anyone wants to admit it), but the following people who attempt to do this are lazy and should have repercussions (in my opinion)

If everyone flagged content they don't like or, worse, responded when flagged with a flag of their own, will it decrease the value of the network?
Answer: I've heard multiple reports of flag wars and retaliatory flagging. I get that it used to be a downvote, but the current Steemit interface has it as a flag which implies its usage should be for preventing abuse, plagiarism, identity theft, and the like. If you don't like someone's views, I suggest you move on or leave a comment if you want to engage with them. If someone is flagging you for no reason whatsoever and is not responding to dialogue about why they are flagging you, it might be appropriate to flag them in order to lower their reputation to the point where they can do no more harm to others. But be careful here... Often flags come from people who don't understand the interface and think they are upvoting. I've been flagged in this way, but a simple comment cleared it up.

That led me to create a dialogue about a potential solution to the current flag system, where people do not need to give any reason for their flagging of content. New Content Flagging System With Feedback which also got flagged without a reason which is a bit ironic.

Can you touch on how you know that your rep is 64.4?
Where is this viewable?

And could you also expound about the metrics that go into the reputation system? I understand that whales can drop someones reputation far lower than a minnow flagging a whale, but is it a certain number of upvotes of a total number of vests that can change your score?

Great post and the video (while brief) completely set the tone and was a great addition.

I follow you, so I always appreciate seeing your helpful posts.

i think the exact number is derivable from the number at the bottom of your steemd profile. but its not visible anywhere directly that i know of...

Thanks you @bendjmiller222! Yes, I've been thinking a flag with feedback would be really helpful. I hope they implement that feature.

Click on the link for that 64.4 text to see where I got the score from steemwhales. Check out as well. @blueorgy knows more about the reputation score than I do. Thanks for the follow and your warm comments here.

RE: "stupid people" ehh.. they aren't always stupid. Sometimes they are just new. Sometimes I find leaving a helpful comment goes a long way. A lot of my comments haven't met with a positive response, but when someone "gets it", and appreciates it, it feels pretty good.

Yeah, I used the word "stupid" there instead of "ignorant" because "stupid" is the negative, judgmental emotion we often connect to when we get frustrated at someone else's actions. "Ignorant" is probably a much better way to think about it.

Odd... I just noticed you had two flags on your comment. I wonder if people like @zebbra2014 and @warplat are flagging while thinking it's an upvote? @billbutler was getting a bunch of flags also from @zebbra2014. Odd.

I upvoted your comment to counter-act the flags.

It's revenge flagging. They post copy/paste articles. They got flagged by me on one post, so they flagged everything I've ever posted. It happens.


If everyone started posting full articles on Steemit from other sources (yes, even if you reference the author, and it's not downright plagiarism),

This is a popular misconception, and i wanted to clarify. What youre describing is downright plagiarism .

Fair use says you can take a decent sized chunk out of an original work to use in your larger work, cite the author, and its not plagiarism. This is because if im writing an article critiquing, for example, "to kill a mockingbird", its going to be a sucky article if I can't quote "to kill a mocking bird"

Fair use does NOT say you can take a full original work, reprint it, and its not plagiarism if you cite it.

Fair use does NOT say you can part of an original work, reprint it with nothing added, and its not plagarism if you cite it.

The test is (and i think this applies very much to steemit) whether the quoted text is part of something new, or if its meant to stand on its own.

the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

If you site the author (and aren't participating in identity theft), then you would not be claiming to be the author, so that's why I said it's not plagiarism.

Is it a violation of fair use? Yes, I think so.

fair use
(in US copyright law) the doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder.

I believe, going by the definitions here, fair use and plagiarism are two separate, but closely related topics.

If the ultimate goal we are trying to define is, "Is it okay?" the answer would be no, for multiple reasons. Even if it's not plagiarized (you cite the author) and even if you had permission from the author to post it in full here, @cheetah's post explains why that would still not be beneficial to the network.

the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

I should have said "copyright infringement" i think of the terms as interchangeable but youre correct.

I've seen a number of interactions you've had here on Steemit which have, in my opinion, been less than respectful. My recommendation to you would be to re-read this post a few times and take to heart the humility section. From my perspective, you are quick to correct others or accuse them when it might be more effective to ask honest questions, assuming you may be wrong instead of assuming you are right. I, for one, would enjoy interacting with you more if you took that stance. I hope you are open to this constructive criticism as my intentions truly are to help you and improve the network here.

You and certain others here are clearly trying to set yourselves up as "content police" -- trying to decide what is acceptable content and what is not. One of the things you obviously think isnt is anyone correcting "experts" such as yourself.

what you seem to be looking for is a system where the the "top .038" (if you will) deliver pronouncements from upon high and everyone else falls all over themselves to agree with those pronouncements regardless of their merits (or lack of merits, as the case may be.)

that said, I certainly won't trouble you with my "disrespect" any further.

Except to point out that sycophancy is not the same as respect. And honest intellectual criticism is not the same as disrespect.

I think you will find as time goes on that such a system is ultimately unappealing to most of the people most of the time. Even when theyre being paid to adhere to it.

and just for the record, even though you were technically correct that i used the wrong term "plagarism" rather than "copyright infringement" it is quite common (though technically incorrect) to use the terms interchangeably. The meaning was clear from the context, and making a big deal + getting up on a high horse over what amounts to a grammar mistake (annd misspelling the word "cite" while doing it ... well, res ipsa loquitur


Nicely put. I have to remind myself daily to play well with others. It gets easier the older I get.

I'm 37 now. You just gave me encouragement to grow older sooner because I should would like it to be easier. :)

Thanks for that post. It's good to see people who actually care about creating the right environment on a social media platform. We've all probably had some bad experiences on previous platforms - but that shouldn't keep us from trying to do better here.

Thank you. I'm so glad you appreciate it.

"Ask yourself, if everyone in the community did this, would it harm or help the community?" I think this is great advice for life, not simply on Steemit. I certainly haven't tried this, but will certainly start.

Excellent! That was my hope in sharing it. It's not just about Steemit but can really help to make the world a better place.

I am maybe one of the few who needs to leave sweet and kind replies to get more people to interact with because of the stories that I post. I am a fiction/horror writer and I tend to scare people away before they even know me. I might have a sick way of telling a story but I am a hell of cookie baker and my smile melts every heart! Thank you for sharing this great post! Very helpful and welcome! Keep up the great work!

Thank you! I'm not a fan of the horror genre myself, but I know it's a really popular one, so I'm sure you'll find a great following. Kill 'em with kindness! ;)

Be Humble.
Recognize, even when you know you're right, you might be wrong.


There have been more times than I care to admit where I have left some opinionated comment thinking I am 100% in the right, only to be embarrassingly proven wrong

Been there. Done that. Have the TShirt.

Wait, I'm wearing a Steemit TShirt right now... maybe that's a bad example.

Love it man, these aren't just good tips for rep on steemit these are good tips for life!

I'm so glad you think so. I was hoping people would agree with my "making you an all around better human being" claim. :)

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