Banjo Report for Friday, September 01, 2017

in #report7 years ago

Banjo Report for 2017-09-01 00:19:47 UTC

These are commands available for @banjo on SteemSpeak presented here in report form.


Quotes from The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

Why aren't defects fixed more cleanly? First, even a subtle defect shows itself as a local failure of some kind. In fact it often has system-wide ramifications, usually nonobvious. Any attempt to fix it with minimum effort will repair the local and obvious, but unless the structure is pure or the documentation very fine, the far-reaching effects of the repair will be overlooked. Second, the repairer is usually not the man who wrote the code, and often he is a junior programmer or trainee.

$follows banjo

Here's who's following @banjo and their total MVESTS.

banjo's followers: 584 (682.673 MVESTS); following: 0 (0.000 MVESTS)


Reward pool information including the value as implied by the internal price feed as well as Poloniex.

Total Reward Fund: 688,098 STEEM (Worth: $1,000,494 internally; $1,069,129 on Bittrex)

$rewardpool golos

Reward pool information including the value as implied by the internal price feed as well as Bittrex.

Total Reward Fund: 227,908 GOLOS (Worth: 818,234 GBG internally; $36,548 on Bittrex)


According to Mongo:

Today: 493 new accounts (63.401 MVESTS delegated); 20179 active accounts; 6491 posts (3501 authors); 33746 comments (3250 authors); 332487 votes (17905 voters)

Yesterday: 2886 new accounts (258.000 MVESTS delegated); 33800 active accounts; 19104 posts (8668 authors); 76471 comments (3566 authors); 814495 votes (25257 voters)

$voting 1440

What is the split between upvotes and downvotes in the last 24 hours?

As of 1 day ago:

324841 upvotes by 17786 voters with 86,472 MVESTS, average weight: 54.430%
1929 downvotes by 216 voters with 14,468 MVESTS, average weight: -36.790%


Current hardfork summary.

Current: 0.19.0; Witness Majority: 0.19.1; Last: 0.19.0 (2 months ago)
Version Votes by Top 100 Witnesses:



1 MV = 1M VESTS = 484.954 STEEM = $705.123 = $753.495 on Bittrex



1 MG = 1M GESTS = 264.607 GOLOS = 949.992 GBG = $40.715


Current supply of STEEM.

Supply: 254,568,695 STEEM (Worth $370,142,883 SBD); $3,497,884 SBD (0.945% of supply); 70,857,936 Liquid STEEM (27.835% of supply)

$supply golos

Current supply of GOLOS.

Supply: 126,459,223 GOLOS (Worth 454,013,405 GBG); 5,129,747 GBG (1.130% of supply); 36,651,026 Liquid GOLOS (28.982% of supply)


Current price of the assets as seen on the exchanges.

Poloniex: USD/STEEM: $1.3494; USD/SBD: $0.9471
Bittrex: USD/STEEM: $1.5537; USD/SBD: $1.0704
Bittrex: USD/GOLOS: $0.1604; USD/GBG: $0.1155

$calcreward ...

Here, we're looking at the top trending post to see the impact it has on the reward pool.

Introducing Mangosteem - Steem Powered Web Chat
About 19 hours old; Net votes: 457; Comments: 79; Views: 1194
Total Pending Payout: $683.369 (0.068% the size of reward pool).


Total posts promoted for today and yesterday, including the total burned. This is presented as a ratio of the daily reward pool for comparison.

152 posts promoted today totalling $208.239 (0.021% the size of reward pool).

408 posts promoted yesterday totalling $720.995 (0.072% the size of reward pool).

This bot is currently being developed by @inertia. It's written in ruby and uses radiator to access the blockchain and steemdata-rb to query report data.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63914.63
ETH 2664.93
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77