The evolution of Adam - Inheritance and Redemption.

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

Integral to organic evolution is the concept of inheritance.

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Inheritance, in this sense, relates to the passing down of traits from one generation to the next by means of reproduction.

If traits are not be passed down, from one generation to the next, using a relatively predictable mechanism, then the genome of a species would be too fluid.

Under these circumstances, new mutations or genetic recombinations, whether beneficial or not, would have little lasting effect.

The process of natural selection and even artificial selection would not function and would not produce, over many generations, desirable enhancements to a species or render them more suitably adapted to a changing environment.

The notion of inheritance makes its appearance already in the first chapter of Genesis.

All the plants and animals, including humans, are to be fruitful and multiply and to bring forth after their kind, to thereby replenish and fill the earth.

We see the notion also relating to behavioural traits in Exodus...

...visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.

...relating to how often children will follow in their parent's footsteps and thereby reap the same consequences for generations.

Later in the New Testament, we find the principle of inheritance relating to actions and resultant consequences in the familiar phrase...

...for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

The scriptures paint an early picture for the notions of determinism where A leads to B and B to C if there is no intervening change.

The consequences of the fall devolve upon the whole of humankind as a result of the actions of Adam in Eden, but similarly the remedy or redemption from the fall comes by way of one man.

Just as Adam was no ordinary man, so the remedy would require a Redemer who was no ordinary man, possessing no ordinary traits through inheritance.

From Mary the mother of Jesus Christ, he would inherit mortality or the ability to die. From His Father, even God, Jesus would inherit immortality, even the ability to live forever.

Being the inheritor, by birth, of both of these traits he would have power over death and be able to bring about the redemption from death.

Those who accept Christ as the Redeemer but question his divine sonship miss the role of inheritance in this aspect of his divine mission.


Previous parts of this Series.

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Where do these notions originate?

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Delving a little deeper

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Into the detail

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Some conclusions

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Some more conclusions

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - The implications.

The evolution of Adam - a conundrum

The evolution of Adam - Who is Adam

The evolution of Adam - Two trees and choice

The evolution of Adam - Partaking of the fruit and feeling naked

The evolution of Adam - Was there death before Adam

The evolution of Adam - The biological purpose of death.

The evolution of Adam - The need for a Redeemer


...relating to how often children will follow in their parent's footsteps and thereby reap the same consequences for generations.

I have always contended that religious textbooks explain sociology and science and I am for the merging of the latter.

However, I penned a blog about the dangers of conformity and this fits right in. Many people follow religions without understanding the consequences of their own beliefs. Dogmas are dangerous because they work like "predictive programming" at the core of a static conformism that only a crisis, a revolution of the Mind, can alter.

I have been enjoying your series I had no idea this concept of passing down traits was even mentioned in biblical text. I left off at the honor your father and mother part! lol On another note I'm trying not to let it ruin my day. I feel like I just got fired. I see you took me off your up-vote bot. I was really relying on that for the tiny income and SP it gave me for each post. It also motivated me to improve the work I was putting out and I think I've been doing a great job adding quality content to the platform. Any explanation for taking me off? I do appreciate the time you had me on it. But can't help feel a bit bummed out. Hope you are well. -Dan

bots can be flaky

Thank you @gavvet. I see it working again. I don't want to get all about money and kissing rear ends. But your support on here has made a HUGE difference for me and so many others. Besides the's been a great source of motivation. It shouts out "I appreciate what you are doing here, keep up the great work". So thank you for that, Sincerely :)

@gavvet helped many people here. Including me. Most of us probably wouldn't last the first month if it wasn't for him. Cheers!

It's vital the whales spread the rewards around to the little guys like us to keep us in the game. And @gavvet is one cool cat that understands this. What a great team player!

i agree with you bro

Excellent post, the Bible says that we are joint heirs with Christ, which means that the order of the inheritance exists from the foundation of the world, where did the Christ come from? of David's lineage. Hence a passage in the word refers to JESUS as the son of David.

As we inherit the divine, we also inherit the sinful nature, thanks to the act of love of God the Father to offer his son to die for us the plan of redemption of humanity was carried out, henceforth all we accept that JESUS is the savior of the world, we have access to the throne of grace, to the divine inheritance.

We, in this corruptible body we are heirs of pacados, but by Jesus we can change our history, he through his sacrifice on the cross justified us forever and thanks to him we can be called children of God.

@darlenys)1 very well attitude


all are potentially divine. all are sons & daughters of themot high.
we evolve through soul evolution as well as dna evolution.

We inherit the evolution of Adam, since we are human made from dust that will soon return to dust, but our soul and spirit came from God an inheritance of the Divine which will never die so we need a Savior who inherited the immortality of the Divine.

Great words.

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Definitely thought provoking. Like the inclusion of laws like cause and effect, sowing and reaping.

It is really so. How often children repeat the fate of their parents! Make the same mistakes and getting similar result. No wonder they say that if you want to raise good kids - start with yourself. When people think about this, and will start to atone for his sins, then he may save his children from much bad. And if not, then let then do not complain that his family bad luck, that the children live in misery.

Thank you @gavvet for posting this series.

Appreciated how your writing brought into focus.....Christ Jesus is the Saviour.....the God-Man....God's solution to fallen man's problem of separation from God....thus the need for a Redeemer.

All the best to you and yours.

Am I really the only one wondering why there is a #science tag on this?

This is like the contradiction extremis, maybe there's some sarcasm involved or something hidden in this fiction I didn't notice yet ;-)

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