Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Some conclusions

in #religion7 years ago

Last week we looked at the significance of the structure of the Genesis creation account and its association with the Sabbath and a seven day week.

The seven day week amongst Israelites was rather unique considering they were leaving Egypt which had a 10 day week. This was another means of getting Egyptian traditions, gods, fleshpots, etc. out of the soon to be formed Israelite nation.

400 years in Egypt had substantially affected their culture, identity and religion.

Another purpose of the Creation account was to establish the Creator’s ascendancy over the previous gods they had encountered and would encounter. Instead of a gods of the sun, moon, water, etc.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob was instead the Creator of all these things.

Then as a defining covenant a seven day week was given to the Israelites with its Sabbath to set them apart from all surrounding nations.

In ancient times weeks of all different lengths existed.

An eight-day week was used in Ancient Rome and possibly in the pre-Christian Celtic calendar. Traces of a nine-day week are found in Baltic languages and in Welsh. The ancient Chinese calendar had a ten-day week, as did the ancient Egyptian calendar.

A six-day week is found in the Akan Calendar. Several cultures used a five-day week, including the 10th century Icelandic calendar, the Javanese calendar, and the traditional cycle of market days in Korea. The Igbo have a "market week" of four days. Evidence of a "three-day week" has been derived from the names of the days of the week in Guipuscoan Basque.

More recently and once again likely in an effort to create a national difference and establish a break from the past:

Between 1929 and 1931, the USSR changed from the seven-day week to a five-day week.
In 1931, after its brief experiment with a five-day week, the Soviet Union changed to a six-day week.
The calendar was abandoned 26 June 1940 and the seven-day week reintroduced the next day.

Globally we have eventually gravitated towards and settled on the 7 day week because it is astronomically and therefore calandarically superior.

The discussion of the astronomical significance of a 7 day week is a complex topic and best left to its own post.

Now let’s delve a little deeper into the other books of Moses to see if the literary structure that seems so apparent is utilized elsewhere.

Right off the bat we notice that Moses’s life is broken up into 3 periods of 40 years:

  • In Egypt being raised as a prince of Egypt
  • In Midian receiving his spiritual training and preparation for his mission
  • Leading Israel in their sojourn in the wilderness.

The account of the plagues of Egypt in Exodus.

There were ten plagues of Egypt.

We see that they are divided into a very similar literary structure as with the creation account, except this time there are three groupings of three and one final one that once again breaks that pattern for emphasis.

Plagues 1, 4, and 7 are to be communicated to Pharaoh in the morning.
Plagues 2, 5, and 8 are to be communicated to Pharaoh at no stipulated time.
Plagues 3, 6, and 9 are initiated without warning.

Moses is then forbidden to see Pharaoh again and the final plague is unique and stands alone.

This is a very beautiful structure, there are many more intricacies to it as you analyse the complex interplay between its many elements. I will leave these for you to discover for yourself. Since now you know how. Simply look for relationships between repeated elements or concepts.

The Final plague the eventually results in the freeing of the Israelites from Egypt is prefigured by the institution of the Passover.

The Israelite year is also stipulated to commence.

Just as with the creation account, where the defining covenant of the Sabbath was introduced, another defining practice, "the Passover" is here introduced using the same literary device for emphasis. Similarly where the seven day week was introduced here the start of the Israelite year is here stipulated.

In each instance the attentive reader or student of the passage is given clear clues as to what the most important aspect and purpose of the account is, through using a simple literary structure, to group like elements, to create on final stand alone element or climax to the account.

Previous parts of this Series.

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Where do these notions originate?

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Delving a little deeper

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Into the detail

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Some conclusions


Great post and discussion.

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The number 10 represents a fullness of quantity. 10 plagues means that egypt got pwned, utterly.

Each plague was an attack on a specific egyptian deity.

PlaguePwned Egyptian Deity
Nile turned to bloodHapi, god of the Nile
FrogsHeket, Fertility goddess, head of a frog
Lice, (from the dust)Geb, god of the Earth
Swarm of FliesKhepri, god of Creation, head of a fly
Death of livestockHathor, goddess of Love, head of a cow
Boils and soresIsis, goddess of Medicine and Peace
Hail-fireNut - goddess of the Sky
Locusts from the skySeth, god of Storms and Disorder
3 days of complete darknessRa, the Sun god
PassoverPharaoh himself, the ultimate power

Yup, plenty more to this story when digging deeper.

"Egypt got pwned "- best comment is best.

What is the main point of the Bible?

It is the written account of Salvation History - The history of God's Covenants with Man.
Covenants are not mere contracts or agreements. They are promises that are made between family members. The Bible is the record of the process of Man being invited to intimately take part in the very existence of God.

sitting on the balcony reading article from gavvet about religion stuff and the church bells start to ring.
Interesting timing... maybe someone tries to tell me something. :-D

holy father 10 votes and 4 dollars 20x more than my biggest till now! ty guys on the balcony again and smiling much love cheers

Who keeps ringing that bell? I can't concentrate.

Interesting to see a post about religion on steem, keep up the good work

there are more if you look

they are everywhere! let those who have ears... :)

Why were there so many plagues enforced onto the Egyptians?
Was it because how they used to defy God and worship their Emperor as one or was it all the evil and morbid things like killing all babies?

It was an all-out attack on primitive religion and polytheism. It is the recorded instance of I AM WHO AM asserting himself and his sovereignty.

So, are you okay with your god visiting so much violence and suffering on an entire group of people? Innocent Egyptian families and children that had no part in the decision making and no awareness of what was even going on.

Even before the death of the first born, this plagues seem to imply a total lack of concern about humanity in general.

I don't get choked up or indignant about it. Life has always been rough. The trick for us is being able to look back thru history and prehistory to see the design. It is called salvation history, and the Bible is the record of it. But you're not going to understand the meanings behind the stories unless you are prepared to learn about the writing style, target audience, and Traditional interpretations. People who read the King James Version and then contend that it is the 100% accurate literal word of God (as if God dictated the finished work in English), deprive themselves of the chance to learn about ancient cultures and ideas. Similarly, people who read the more brutal stories and then exclaim, "I can't possibly believe in such an unfair God!" have given up rather than choose to mine the stories for deeper meaning.
The Hebrew stories are very rich, and only fools like Richard Dawkins are comfortable writing them off as fantasies about some bearded man in the clouds.

All I can say is "Amen"

All I can say is "omigosh!" Thanks very much for your input! :)

Yes! All I can say is 'Amen' too...

I have always had a different view about this. I believe that the earth was created by God but there was no time involved. Hence the different ages...ice age etc...one day could have been a million years. Seeing that there is proof of evolution everywhere, that is the only thing that makes sense in my mind.

Perhaps we can get into evolution next week.

I can talk about this for hours with the kids in class. Very interesting topic to discuss and just to hear everybody's views are amazing. I am just saddened by the vast amount of kids especially in my class that do not have a religion anymore...living in a free world, just makes me sad and I can't force them to believe what I believe.

Well, luckily you cannot! Noone should force others to think the way they do!

such a sensitive topic to post on. It's really hard to comment about religion with a pure honest heart without offending anyone who subjectively see different. I will say this in hopes it doesn't offend anyone nor you @gavvet..religion is a weapon a massive weapon at that. The book is written and reads like a mythological tale:) What's the old saying walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, must be a duck:) Anyhow i'm more of a spiritual person like someone who meditates often, idk whatever makes you happy is fine with me...beLIEve in santa for all I care lol...I knowledge aka KNOW I am! Great Post!!!!

If all you see is a Duck, you need to look a little closer...

Oh no:) I read it and decode it, I get way more than that from the bible. It has so much numerology and astrology to learn and increase enlightenment. The aspect of the church's and rituals achieved in church something I choose not to partake in anymore. I am a illuminated being I know the power withing those text, cheers!

I hate it when people shy away from religion and politics. They end up meeting at coffee shops to talk about sports, the weather, and Donald Trump. And they remain afraid of offending someone with their musings. Political Correctness (politeness) prevents honest discourse.

Very good read, I'll surely look forward to future posts....

Thank You for sharing such a nice post about religion
And I'm glad I follow you

Since I first started to read the Bible, it never came in my mind this question until you brought it up. Great !

Hopefully it results in more

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