Spiritual Satanism: The Ouija Board

in #religion8 years ago

For the duration of this article, please take everything you think you know about Satan, Demons, and Satanism and push it aside. I am here to challenge what you think you know and the world around you. Not everyone who reads this will agree with the information provided. Thank you for keeping an open mind.

The purpose of this article is to explain how you can properly use a Ouija board. This method will ensure that you do not experience any Enemy attacks during or after your Ouija communication. This article is intended for dedicated Spiritual Satanists, for those who are interested in Spiritual Satanism, and for those who wish to use a Ouija board safely.

First let me explain why people use Ouija boards. Ouija is a tool for communicating with spirits and beings who are able to influence and travel on the astral plane. They are not toys or games like they are advertised as online. The beings you can communicate with include the Gods, human spirits, the Enemy life (Greys and Reptillian alien races), and possibly other spiritual alien life. If you choose to contact a God please remember that they are very busy and are taking the time to talk to you. Don’t waste their time and have a reason to speak with them.

Using a Ouija board requires concentration and focus. You should not have any distractions or interruptions while using your Ouija board. You may find using your Ouija board with other people is distracting. Our High Priestess Maxine prefers to use her board alone. I have also found using the board alone creates a more intimate experience. I use my board to contact my Guardian Demon, so it is important to me to form a bond with them. I prize the intimate communication.

The first thing you should do before you start using your Ouija board is to clean it. Especially if you just purchased or made it. How do you clean your Ouija board? You visualize the board and the palanchette being surrounded by bright blue satanic fire for a few minutes. This will rid your tools of any unwanted entities and energies. If you are using the board with more than one person, then I’d suggest all involved parties clean the board, but this is not required.

Next you will want to go into a trance. If more than one person is using the Ouija board then they too need to go into a trance. For anyone who is inexperienced in meditation here is a good method you can use to achieve the trance state. I will remind you that this meditation comes from Satan and the Gods. Sit comfortably and take deep breaths. Six counts to inhale, six counts to hold your breath, and six counts to exhale. If the count of six is too strenuous then take the number down. Do not force yourself to hold your breath. Only hold it for as long as you are comfortable. Continue these deep breaths until you are relaxed and, ideally, when you can no longer feel your body. This should let you fall into a trance after some time. The amount of time it takes for you to achieve a trance will range from person to person. The goal here is to become as relaxed as possible. Getting into a trance makes it easier to communicate with the entity you’re trying to reach.

After you’ve gotten relaxed, start focusing on the board with a clear mind. It’s normal for your vision to grey around the board or for the room around you to blacken. This just means you’re extremely focused. There is no reason to fear when this happens. Not everyone experiences this because we are all individuals.

Now you are ready to begin using the board. Lightly place your fingers on the palanchette and ask for the entity you wish to speak to or ask in general if anyone is available to speak with you. After you get a response, if the entity is willing to speak with you, ask the entity if it is of Satan. The Enemy will swear by some of Satan’s other names, but will not stand by the name Satan. If you do not use the name Satan you cannot be sure you are not speaking with an Enemy entity. This ensures you will be safe during your conversation and that the information you receive is accurate. If the entity is not of Satan then it will normally leave. If it does not leave then immediately say good bye.

During your conversation please remain respectful and keep your questions simple and direct. Try to stick to yes or no questions and questions that can be answered in numbers, unless the entity has something to tell you. This just ensures you will get answers. After you get used to using your Ouija board you may start to ask more complex questions. If you don’t get an answer or you are getting an unclear answer, try asking it again. If this doesn’t help then try to ask it in a less complex way. Stay focused on one question at a time and be patient while awaiting responses. Please don’t forget to say good bye when you are done speaking. It is incredibly rude to just walk away from the conversation.

Here is some other Ouija board etiquette that I make sure to do. I make sure the board and palanchette is facing the same direction, they are centered in front of the main communicator or a participant, and the palanchette is centered in the middle of the board. I make sure these things happen before and after my Ouija communication. These things aren’t required, but I feel these are respectful and formal. I only use my Ouija board to speak with the Gods, so respect is a priority for me. I treat my Ouija session as a ritual and will shower and put on clean, black clothing whenever possible. As I said this isn’t required. These things are done out of respect.

These steps, if done correctly, will ensure your safety while you communicate using your Ouija board. Many of these negative experiences you hear about that involve Ouija boards are completely avoidable. Most people are reckless, disrespectful, and unknowledgable on the Ouija tool and the entities they are communicating with. Be the one to shed new, positive light on the Ouija board. After you have used your Ouija board you may find that some of these steps are unnecassary, such as the trance state. We are all individuals and some of us are more skilled in spiritual communication than others.

This article is comprised of my personal experiences and information from the sources below.

I do hope you have found this article interesting. If you have any questions please ask. I’m not here to force you into Spiritual Satanism. Spiritual Satanists do not push Satanism. I’m here to give information to those who want it. I will continue to post various topics about Spiritual Satanism, so stay tuned. All of this information can be found on the website below. I would not have this information if it wasn’t for Satan, the Gods, and JoS Ministries.


If you missed my previous articles you can find them below:


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interesting post, I am on the side of mrwang, however I certainly am not very informed in this area. I have recently been clued into the ARCHONS. Are these the gods with a little g? I am still trying to digest the idea of alien entities infiltrating our consciousness and our world. ( I don't have a problem with the idea of extra terrestrials , I believe , for sure!) It does seem to ring true in many many respects and it shows itself in our Shadow governments and corporations and those who truly rule this reality we are living. They are service to self and maybe not all human....or under the control of a malevolent master from another dimension? who knows!, but I will get to the bottom of this puzzle. One trip down the rabbit hole really isn't enough..though the hole is long and confusing with all the disinformation that is placed in front of us. Unfortunately it also seems to fragment us instead of unite which is what we need to do to overcome this illusion of pain and suffering we no longer want to tolerate!

Thank you for sharing.. was hoping to learn more about "Spiritual Satanism" but I see you might have already shared that in another post.

This stuff is definitely not my cup of tea and I know I wouldn't ever get near a ouija board ever again... but it's information and knowledge from somewhere I never want to find myself dealing with. Yeesh.. kinda gave me a chill reading this

I appreciate the time you took to read this especially since this isn't your thing. I do have an introduction to Spiritual Satanism posted. Feel free to check it out here.


yea just read it and the comments/debate you had with a satanist... interesting stuff.

Not my thing.. but good to know

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