7 Sneaky Reasons to Sexually Objectify Women; and why we love it!

in #relationship8 years ago (edited)


Ugly women and feckless men are the ones who are most vocal about “sexual objectification”. If not hideous, they are wound up tighter than spandex on a 300 lbs woman.

Sometimes a sexy chick can’t appear in a movie without cries that it’s anti-feminist or even “anti-woman”. Suicide Squad got some of that hate from moralistic asshats.

The gorgeous Margot Robbie herself said she loved playing Harley Quinn! Despite her, and despite that her costume came straight from the comic, with both the movie and the comic have millions of female fans, some squares decided that she’s so sexy that it’s not good for womanhood.


Here are 7 Reasons in Favor of Women as Sex Objects

  1. Tits

  2. Ass

  3. Legs


  4. Economic Stimulation. Everyone knows sex sells. You can’t sell things with sex if you don’t sexually objectify women to some degree. Unattractive people don’t sell clothing and cosmetics. Stop this practice and the economy would suffer. It is a necessary part of the free market. Take it away and many jobs would be lost. People would become destitute and their families would starve.

  5. Erotic Stimulation. Great sex makes anyone who is not asexual feel more alive. Without thinking of the other as a sexual object, this is just not possible.

  6. Virtual Reality Simulation Technology. Sex is what will encourage advancement of virtual reality technology. You know that it will first cater to the straight male libido. Above anything else, if you don’t like it, just think how you will benefit some time in the future when you can go to a virtual reality world that conforms exactly to your virtuous and self-righteous worldview

  7. Women love it! Just check out ‘25 of the Hottest Most Naked Women on Instagram’ —no one is forcing them!


Satire aside, ‘sexual objectification’ is not the distant and cold thing that it sounds like. It’s a healthy part of sexuality. It would be impossible to have a sex life without some degree of objectification.

It is a type of worship.


There are more women who love to have their beauty appreciated by a random glance or a compliment than who consider that ‘harassment’. The most attractive women choose to share their photos with a world that begs for it.

It is in feminine nature to enjoy being adored. Who is to say that there is something wrong with those women who enjoy being admired for their physical appearance and sensuality? That it somehow makes them lesser people? I say it makes the world go round!


The real problem:

That in this day there are people who still try to tell women what to believe, how to express themselves. That is anti-feminist (ie. an attempt to limit the agency of females)

We are not children who need to be informed by condescending fucks with political agendas that

"You are dehumanizing yourself by being so sexy! Did you know that?”

The harsh truth, which we keep to ourselves to not hurt anyones feelings (perhaps even to keep world peace), is that many people are naturally jealous of a beautiful woman. WHY?

She is the most desired and powerful thing on Earth.


If not, wouldn’t diamonds be worth a lot less?

Not everyone can be beautiful or sexy :(

We all have limitations and have to accept our lot in life. There’s no reasons to hate on those who use and celebrate their natural advantages.

Hate toward 'sexual objectification' is just a sneaky way some people try to increase their own personal power through an attempt to limit the power of another.

Life is not fair, genetics are random, so harden the fuck up and deal with it. Or, more politely,

@halo ;)


'My persuasion can build a nation'
Women have been conned into not embracing our femininity, and part of that is our physicality and sexuality. It is one of our evolutionary advantages over men, and a very powerful one. Men use all of their advantages to get ahead, why shouldn't women do the same? Men aren't shamed for using those advantages, why should women be?

Enjoyed this post. Thanks for sharing!

Calling it an advantage is insulting.

When a dog rolls over to impress his owner.

Does the dog have an advantage over the man?

Thanks, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I had fun making it. Perhaps later on I will make a less controversial version lol

The first three is pretty much what sells, and people know it and exploit it

Yes! It helps on a beautiful face too. Sometimes it is exploitation, but often the women are compensated well. Thats why I think it's important for women to know their worth in this regard instead of trying to pretend that sexual value doesnt exist or is inferior.

Ugly women and feckless men are the ones who are most vocal about “sexual objectification”. If not hideous, they are wound up tighter than spandex on a 300 lbs woman.

This is what a feminist looks like.

You calling me ugly?

Definitely not. So do you have a problem if someone admires your beauty in a sexual way?

No but I am somebody who is put off by the worlds mass sexual objectification of women in general. The fact that steemit has a #steemgirls tag but has no market for a steemguys one tells us this is the world we live in! If I object to it, I am not saying nobody should look at me that way or blaming a woman who wants to be seen that way, I'm saying there is something wrong with a world that promotes women in this way while promoting men as more heroic or independent etc etc.

When I read a post like this, I'm sorry but all I see is another feminist like myself getting defensive about what they like to objectify. In other words, you're making it about you when it's more about the society that reinforces it.

I don't think the world promotes it, I think it's a completely natural thing. I believe that in trying to supress this aspect of women in society as a whole, it is just trying to take away their natural power. That is why women were oppressed. That is why women are put in burkas. Now that women can actually harness their sexuality and use it for themselve, at their own volition, and that the value of it is recognized in our culture, people are trying to take it away.

We can't get to know everyone personally. Who says that valuing someone for intelligence or any other trait isnt just as objectifying? People are exploited for those skills too.

Don't get me wrong, as you already have with feminism, I am not against the female form, or women who want to express themselves sexually or even men who express their desires for such women. That is not the issue. The issue is that you (according to this post at least) are looking at women like we are some other breed or species to men.

  • If it's completely natural then why aren't there billboards with men licking spoons or eating burgers half naked?! Do you think the entire economy is attracted to women and not men?
  • If sex sold we would see a hellofa lot more dick and only half the 'sex' as you call it would be tits and ass! Sex is not what sells. Objectification and dehumanization is!
  • Tell me, if a man twice your size walked up beside you while you were alone and on your way home from work and said to you "man, you look good, I wanna do things to you!", would you feel complimented?! And please don't tell me it's different because you are a man and a women "should feel complimented" it is no different because we feel just as intimidated as any man our size would! It is an uninvited advance which makes it harrassment! We don't like it just as much as you wouldn't!
  • You say it is in "feminine" nature to enjoy being adored. It is in fact in HUMAN nature to enjoy being adored. The question is, what are we culturally expected to be adored for? As a man, you are more likely to be adored for your wisdom and success. As a woman... sex. Can you not see how belittling that is?

I agree that there are people who believe being feminist means being allowed to tell women to "stop objectifying themselves". These are small minded fools that think it is something that can be solved if we all just "behave ourselves". Culture isn't something any of us can just change by telling others what to do. It is just something to talk about to make people aware of themselves and what potential they could have if they considered what another world could be like. Recognising that the way we are is cultural and not natural allows people to step out of the stereotypical box our prescribed gender puts us in. That's all. We are not supposed to be telling anybody to put their clothes back on or to be ashamed of their sexual desires. We are supposed to be allowing everybody to be themselves by opening eachothers eyes with feminist theory. That's all.

I went on a bit of a rant there...

To make sure my point get through I leave you with a music video parody. Now tell me: if sex sells why do we never see music videos like this but often see ones like blurred lines?

@Beanz I really enjoyed the video, it is hilarious. Times are just starting to change for women, so maybe there will be more males as sex symbols in that way in the times to come. There are lots of male movie stars who have the perfect male form, muscular, chiselled jaw. They are objectified too.

I will continue responding to your other points in a minute. I appreciate the discussion.

@Beanz I don't think males and females are that different. Either can be feminine or masculine to any degree. Often male transexuals enjoy their beauty routines and being adored for their appearance.

Men wish that simply looking average would make them a sex object in the eyes of women as it does men. To take away this duality to make it so that both women and men are admired for sex equally, well then what reason would women have to not have sex as liberally as men?

There can't be real gender "equality" because, as you noted, men are physically stronger than women, and women are capable of bearing children.

What reason would women have to not have sex as liberally as men?

I don't understand this question. Are you suggesting women are not having as much sex as men?

As for physical equality, I don't think god is taking part in the debate. The fact that men are incapable of bearing children is irrelevent and the notion that men are stronger than women is a simplified theory of the way man and womans strength compares. That argument is for a day when I have the head to be more philosophical. Right now it's bed time!

I think that there are big differences in how (speaking of heteros) men and women pursue and engage in sexual activities. Big time. Not that one gender enjoys or has more sex than the other. Women are subject to most of the cost of sex (social, stigma, possibility of pregnancy, and can catch STDs more easily --just to state for the sake of example, I know you know those things) So I think that being admired as the gender that is pursued is the only true equalizer of this. What my point is; I don't think it would be a positive thing for women were sexuality to become depolarized. There are so many benefits that objectification brings now that women have so much freedom! It is an equalizer in ways.

The strength argument is about averages. Women can become like Ronda Rousey and be able to beat up most men her size or less, but on average it's not going to happen. If the whole world worked out and took martial arts then the 'inequalities' would still be there.

btw, I didn't mean to be trollish with my post, I just like some sardonic humour and exaggeration.

I'm a woman also I will disclose. Well I've been writing a post about Feminism (I identify as one too) So I will flag you when its up. It's a serious one so I'm working on it piece by piece.


I have never heard before that women are more prone to catching STD's. Can you back this up with a reliable reference? That sounds to me like something the social stigma of sexually active women might have just made up.

I'm afraid I just can't agree that objectification is an equaliser. I think your understanding of objectification is different from mine. To objectify means to dehumanise. Not every act of sexual admiration or attraction is objectifying. The act of dehumanising something you wish to pursue is to remove the emotional attachment to the experience. To objectify means to imagine what you desire is more of a possession, therefore does not need to be respected or loved or empathised with in order to obtain. It makes life easy for those of us who wish to be sexually active without concerning ourselves with the persons feelings.

In my view THIS is why men are more likely than women to have a one night stand and never call again. Men are used to seeing women this way. They are trained by the mass media to see women as fun temporary possessions or objects not to be empathised with. They are also trained not to acknowledge their own feelings making it even less likely for them to consider the feelings of those they have sexual encounters with.

Sexuality in my view is just a false image of power. It does not make us powerful, it is our lack of power that leaves women clutching for the one thing we have that the people who have power want. Sexual expression is women's liberation, but not power.

So I will flag you when its up.

I presume you meant to say tag lol...

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