All @bellyrub refunds have been completed. (Last 24 hours)

in #refund7 years ago

Total refund today.

Need to refund total: 17.681999999999995 SBD"
Need to refund total: 0.1 STEEM"

Please do not send in any steem for bids, @bellyrub only takes SBD

Please check your wallets if @bellyrub missed your bid, it has gone ahead and sent you a refund.


I transferred 5 days ago for 1 SBD and still get nothing ...
5 days ago Transfer 1.000 SBD to bellyrub

a lot of negative comment do you upvote manually ?

Zeartul still owes me 10.0 SBD for your fall double vote promotion 5 days ago which I never got a vote from either zeartul or bellyrub
Thank you.

Refund received. Thanks.

We sent 10 SBD 4 days ago for upvote to the link article. I did not get upvotes and the money was not returned. I wrote a message on the discordia channel on Steemit Chat. No answer. I do not see any money back. So I have to get them lost?
4 days ago Transfer 10.000 SBD to zeartul

In the future, I will no longer use upvote services @bellyrub.

You weren't supposed to transfer it to zeartful, he is only the creator of @bellyrub. You were supposed to send your bid to @bellyrub who will then upvote your post.

Hi @zeartul
I have sent 6sbd to @bellyrub and only received an upvote of under $3
Can you please let me know if that is normal or I have done something wrong?
Thank you very much

He also ate away one vote of mine. Since then I have never used Bellyrub! I asked Zeartul to refund the money, but that he also didn't!

How much have you paid?
And how long time ago?

I paid 0.25. I think about a week ago.

Bellyrub is not designed to profit every bidder. You receive an upvote based on how many other people bid in the same 2.4 hr round. You have to be lucky and patient to profit from bellyrub.

What is this all about? I'm like new to steem.... Please explain me :(

@rahulbasu, bellyrub and other bots like it are available on steemit to upvote, resteem you posts. But you have to send some steem money to their wallet. Since, the voting power decreases when you vote, the vote you recieve from them might be worth less than what you paid.

@zeartul Great Post for new user of steemit

Hi again, I sendt you first 3SBD, then 7SBD, but no upvote or refound recived :(

I see I had sent my transfer just before your $7 and I am in the same situation as you, still awaiting refund. Come on @zeartul

Thanks for the update

Hi there
I sent money 14 hours ago and still nothing. Can I have an update please? =)

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