Why the natural sciences are important for understanding EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING.

in #redfish7 years ago (edited)

Hello friends and Steemers,

Today I'm going to be giving you the lowdown on natural sciences, and why we all owe it to ourselves to pay them our attention.

Ahhhh, where to begin... well, for starters, we live in an ever dynamic environment where information is presented at rates beyond comprehension - after all, this is called the age of information. When dealing with a barrage of information, we find ourselves struggling to decipher what is real (metaphysics), what is of value (axiology), and even how do we know what is real and of value (epistemology). It is through this struggle that we find ourselves confused in the Information Age, and you may not even realize it. "But Zachariah, I'm very self aware, and know my core beliefs. I am a sound and stable human.. how dare you?"
In all honesty, you probably are... BUT STILL! Let me continue please. <3

Let's talk about the scientific method. The scientific method is a PRACTICE AND SKILL TO MASTER. Through the scientific method, one seeks out the underlying truth behind any and every observation ever made. What is nice though, is that through this practice, any truth you have reached is very hard, dare I say impossible, to refute without participating in the same practice and providing proof of conflicting results. With sturdy proof, no one can argue contradictions with out going through the same process, yet again! It is a beautiful cycle, and in participating it you are deciphering the natural universe and reaching that underlying truth we all desire so badly in the Information Age!

"So Zachariah, tell me this then... why do you preach learning the natural sciences vs simply understanding the method used to prove them?"
The answer to this, I believe, is fair and arguable. The natural sciences are taught in grade school. You are practicing the scientific method before you may even realize it. ( earth sciences, physical sciences, chemistry, etc. ) You have already had a taste of this type of argument for truth, and I hope after reading this you either feel proud of yourself for giving it the attention these studies deserve, or feel the need to go and practice. If one is to take these studies seriously, then that means they are practicing the method of seeking truth; the skill is awake and practiced! Though, I pray this wasn't the end of your practices. In addition to practicing the scientific method, you have began the journey that is understanding the nature of EVERYTHING. From the very core of our planet, to surface functions. From subatomic physics, to man-made ideas such as politics and economics. See where I'm going with this? That's right - the greater your understanding of the nature of everything and the underlying truth, you are able to decipher what is of value, what is hog wash, and how you know which is what. You are a rounded individual, capable of arguing any observation you have made. Most importantly, you are forced to be humble in this practice. In the eyes of solid, contradictory evidence you are sufficiently stumped until you can revise and republish.

So, to wrap everything up, I hope you can understand why it is important to consider the natural sciences and how they are argued. Having practiced there, one can apply the scientific method to all aspects of our existence. You can decipher what is important, how to make good political and economical decisions, and ultimately be a fair and honest, humbled individual.

If you have made it this far, I, Zachariah, thank you from the deepest, most thankful pit of my existence. Let's bring new meaning to "progressive society" and grow beyond imagination. Thank you and have a blessed day!
PS. Upvotes, follows and RESTEEMS ESPECIALLY are so very appreciated. Give and receive (:



Nice! I have a few theories on that too. If we accept "Everything" and understand that "everything" is made of parts that we can't fully observe - we rather "feel" them, than we can conclude in a logical manner that everything is (or, at least, can be) right and wrong at the same time, that it's only a matter of perspective. And, maybe the most important aspect is understanding that everyone (and everything) has the right to have a perspective on any matter. That's when the conflict dismantles itself.

I will post a future article on this topic

Incredible. I'm happy you speak of perspective. This word has made its way from my vocabulary to my core where I reason and rationalize. I'm absolutely in love with the idea.

Check out my latest post @zacharius

scientificly understanding things sound very heavy, but understaning it with logic sound so easy. but for me both work the samd yet so difficult.
nice to see you 😃😃

@ekavieka it isn't necessary for everyone to do it all the time, only when there is a truth to be reached, or a "truth" to be reasoned with. Once established, then you can argue through recognized truths! In a utopian society, I imagine the information of the universe accessible to everyone, and everything understood. Progression sufficiently complete! Mission accomplished if you will. The only thing to do then is to simply live and let live. Hehe (: one person need not get carried away with this, it is important to live. (: pleasure seeing you!

live and enjoy. 😃😃😃😃

Hi, great post ! for a follow and upvote please reply to this message and follow and upvote my latest post @chrizbiz Let's grow together!!! :)

Let's. Followed, voted. Thank you!

I agree with the scientific method, that is why it is so sad to see intentional ideological deceptions within science motivated by philosophical world-view and/or money. Most science we are accustomed to is "theoretical science", and the theory can be 'tweaked' every time it's proven wrong, regardless of the number of times each 'tweak' proven wrong. @ironshield

Hi @ironshield thanks for your comment. It is a sad, sad world we live in, in regards to truth. What is nice though, is that the scientific method has been presented, it is practiced, and it will never go away! The recognized truth can only grow, as long as there are people seeking it.

I think using the scientific method inherently helps improve critical thinking, which as you said leads to an individual being able to make the best choices possible.

Right. After so much practice, it almost becomes habit to crudely apply it before accepting things blindly. One benefit I see from this is that one won't be so easily persuaded through manipulation of emotions!

Emotions are what make us humans though, I think they need to play a role in the decisions we make.

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