Humans are Humans! Can't We Drop This Superiority Complex Already?

in #rant8 years ago

It's understandable to focus life and efforts on the self, family and circle of friends. However those outside of this focus still deserve to be able to live their lives, especially when they are following the Non Aggression Principle themselves. These people deserve to not be harassed (which is border line aggression in itself) especially by others that have zero first hand knowledge of their actual situation. There is no way hearsay and other third hand knowledge can trump that of the person with first hand experience of an issue. Being white, I can't tell an African American about how they themselves feel or expect my thoughts on the matter to overshadow what they themselves have directly lives through. Have enough respect for these people that they know their own lives, without simply thinking, I read something in a book or once heard such and such, so I can tell them how to live their lives.

For example, I recently received a comment demeaning LGBTQ people in general, essentially implying that they deserved to be killed in horrific ways and that any story about this community was required to be included under the NSFW category.

Of course this person isn't a part of the LGBTQ community. Nor had they ever had first hand knowledge of living with such sexual orientation/gender identity and how they are treated by society. The vast majority of the society around me treats this community with respect, but the nut-jobs, bigots and those who try to make themselves feel more superior by putting down, harassing or inciting violence are always on our radar. This is knowledge really only acquired by first hand knowledge, not third hand preconceived notions.

It's funny how these nut-jobs play the victim complaining that topics they don't like are being shoved in their face...yet it's on MY BLOG. If they're following me, that's their doing. If they saw it in a list of posts, THEY clicked on it. If they sought of the LGBT tag, again THEIR doing. But no, they have to play the victim. It's absolutely ridiculous to think that a topic such as this needs to be hidden inside the NSFW area, in fact it's a case in point of why such exposure is important to actually RAISE AWARENESS.

Writing articles and giving insight into the lives of people with completely different first hand experience is important. It's how we are able to give a glimpse beyond the news clips and rhetoric spewed by many. Expecting anything that makes you uncomfortable to be hidden away behind closed doors is not only a sad view to have, it's dangerous. Life is a constant game of finding out What we don't know and requiring contrary information to be hidden away directly does against this goal. If taking on new information or perspectives doesn't fit your model of things, maybe it's time to update your model rather than play the child sticking their fingers in their ears screaming "NANANANANA, I'm not listening to you."

If you're uncomfortable seeing new information and perspectives, that's your problem, not mine. Harassing someone because you happened to click on it, is just plain ridiculous. You're the problem, not the victim.

This same concept generalizes out well beyond aspects of sexual orientation and gender identity, such as sex, race, religion, nationality, political affiliation, the list goes on. If we truly want to progress as a world, we ALL need to be able to listen to people who are experts of their situation. A man can't really know what it's like to be a woman in society, they may have some ideas, but it's not the same as living it and having those imprints established.

Listen to people in different situations. They are the first hand experts of their lives!

A human deserves human respect and it's high time for the bigots and haters out there to get over themselves. I'm sorry that you're full of fear that you might not know everything. I'm sorry that you can't just keep trying to cram a square peg into a round hole frustrated that it just doesn't work. I'm sorry that you watched the Jerry Springer show for years so you could tell yourself, "At least I'm better than them" to make yourself feel better. Those who troll others or put them down just to try and convince yourself that you're superior are the true bane of society. They actually get enjoyment on some level by putting others down. These are the people who should be banished into the NSFW area or worse.

I have no respect for those whose sole method of furthering themselves is by putting others down.

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I love your fire and righteousness! Great article. Thank you, for sharing!! 2 of your followers sent me to your page and I'm going to follow you.

Thank you! Ranting is one of my favorite things to do, even though I try to make most of them more happy/inspirational ones. Lol.

I appreciate the follow and your followers passing this along to you. :) It's amazing seeing something this old getting read, let alone a comment. TYVM!!

Steemit time is about 4 to to me, this post is about two and a half years old to me. Lol

Isn't using the term nut jobs a form of mocking and borderline aggression?

To a degree, but that's also why this is labeled a rant.
While it 'takes a village to raise a child' it also 'takes a village to raise a crazy person.' At some point those acting nonsensical, aggressive and crazy have to be called out for doing so.

actually it doesn't (take a village to raise a child)
there have been a great number of children raised alone by two (or even one) parent on isolated farms, mining/hunting camps, or on the road. When I was on the road (OTR trucker) I met a few such myself.

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human nature is hardwired. It can't be changed by present day technology. It can only be understood and worked with.

While I do like the bulk of sykochica's blog posts, the nut jobs comment did contradict the point. After all, Humans are Humans! Can't We Drop This Superiority Complex Already?

By referring to a certain type of person as a nut job does illustrate that the writer is superior in some way. I just think the rant is just a rant, and to be taken in the context that the writer was annoyed while writing it. That's probably why the contradictory flaws exist.

I'm not perfect either. If I was perfect, I would have been smart enough to avoid jumping into this fire with my 2 cents. :)

The one thing I will agree with, is that if homosexuality helps deter the ever-growing population problem, that's one reason (out of many more) to support that right to enjoy that lifestyle.

I also agree with asexuality too. People who have sex with themselves and never procreate. I know, that's the long winded way of saying masturbation helps deter the overpopulation problem too :)

the rate of increase is decreasing and in the countries with a high standard of living it's the population is declining.

the best way to decrease the popultation of the planet is to increase the standard of living for everyone.

This probably isn't the best place for a long winded debate on population since that isn't the focus of this particular article. I'll abstain. If you ever write a blog article on the topic, I'll be interested in reading your views on the topic. Following you.

silly me...i thought that was EXACTLY the focus.
oh well.
In other news...a foot ball player didn't sit down when he was supposed to...or was it stand up?

I can understand the point of using the term nut job in here. If this had been anything other than a rant, I'm sure the term wouldn't have been in there. At the same time though, arguments of posts on my blog being 'shoved in their face' are completely flawed and arguments (which I didn't copy into here) that people deserve to be murdered just for being lgbt, black, white, muslim, christian, etc. and without aggression is also flawed.

I have no respect for those whose sole method of furthering themselves is by putting others down.

Politicians? :D

More seriously, I have also troubles to see a direct connection between a post on LGTB and a NSFW post. At the end, everything will turn to be NSFW...

Exactly, that was what I found to be the most ridiculous part of that.

Even the statement of "Humans are Humans!" alone has a level of Superiority Complex. Do agree with changing this mental attitude of ours. Some humans have embraced that idea that humans are animals. Or that humans are simply beings.
People do seem to reflect their own problems on what they think of themselves and others...
Could write a book for a response as you made some good points. Just to add (food for thought) to "Non Aggression Principle" maybe the idea is life without conflict. These thoughts within and outside of this complex seem to create conflicts which are the base of complexity.
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Steem_Land tweeted @ 29 Nov 2016 - 17:57 UTC

Humans are Humans! Can't We Drop This Superiority Complex Already? —… /

@SteemUps @SteemitPosts @steemit @steemiobot

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I don't have a huge issue with the view that humans are animals, just so long as it's universal (i.e. either ALL humans are animals or NONE of them are.) I see the problems arising when trying to pick and choose which humans are humans and which are animals. This was something I had to struggle with being raised Jewish, a specific group of people being G-d's chosen didn't make sense to me. Either all people are 'the chosen' or none of them in my mind.

I can agree to generalizing it out to Life is Life...and life deserves respect. It does broaden the argument and it'd probably have taken the rant into a slight different direction. I can try that one in a future rant type post, lol.

I can buy in that the ideal is life without conflict, but I do have to recognize the need to deal with those who are aggressors. I don't like the idea of fighting, but I can't deny the potential need of defense. Not every conflict involves malice either, so many have started more due to miscommunication and misunderstanding...often viewing each other as the aggressors.

While I don't have easy answers for removing conflict across the world, many are over what are seen as limited resources. Simply starting with the mindset that others also have a right to survive can bring things a long way.

Yes everyone and everything has equal right to life (and opportunity).

Very much agree with the misunderstanding part. People simply don't understand each other. If they did things would be different.

All on can do is make the best of one self. Good to see that you are open to this and improving yourself to well, improve yourself. :)

Upvoted and resteemed!!!!!!

In my experiance people who post comments like this can usually be found somewhere else calling students special snowflakes for wanting safe spaces blissfully unaware of their own hypocrosy.

I'm not quite sure I follow, sry. Could you elaborate?

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the second half of Nov 29. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $8.71 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Nov 29 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

It is absolutely outrageous that you have got 1SBD for this post while some trash, few sentence posts get 20-30 SBD - the ultimate show of disrespect of these few, mindless and inconsiderate whales towards great, quality content creators and contributors to community like you. I started to think that it is because of your gender or posts related to LGBTQ.
@dantheman @ned, I hope that after the fork those profit driven whales will power down quickly, cash out and never come back. They destroy this community and turn it into their junk incentivized market.

They get offended? My reply to them is:
So what? Grow up and stop getting offended or GTFO.

I can't stand that all "Boo I'm so offended because you hurt my religious/political\traditional beliefs". The problem is in their head, nowhere else.
There is nothing offensive in any behaviour that has no direct or indirect negative impact on someone's physical or mental health. If these morons think that LGBTQ are affecting their mental health that's because they are cognitively deficient in the first place, themselves. They actually harm their own mental health by having retarded reactions due to their unsustainable cognitive conditioning since birth that made them attached to unsustainable values.

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