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RE: Humans are Humans! Can't We Drop This Superiority Complex Already?

in #rant8 years ago

Even the statement of "Humans are Humans!" alone has a level of Superiority Complex. Do agree with changing this mental attitude of ours. Some humans have embraced that idea that humans are animals. Or that humans are simply beings.
People do seem to reflect their own problems on what they think of themselves and others...
Could write a book for a response as you made some good points. Just to add (food for thought) to "Non Aggression Principle" maybe the idea is life without conflict. These thoughts within and outside of this complex seem to create conflicts which are the base of complexity.
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Steem_Land tweeted @ 29 Nov 2016 - 17:57 UTC

Humans are Humans! Can't We Drop This Superiority Complex Already? —… /

@SteemUps @SteemitPosts @steemit @steemiobot

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I don't have a huge issue with the view that humans are animals, just so long as it's universal (i.e. either ALL humans are animals or NONE of them are.) I see the problems arising when trying to pick and choose which humans are humans and which are animals. This was something I had to struggle with being raised Jewish, a specific group of people being G-d's chosen didn't make sense to me. Either all people are 'the chosen' or none of them in my mind.

I can agree to generalizing it out to Life is Life...and life deserves respect. It does broaden the argument and it'd probably have taken the rant into a slight different direction. I can try that one in a future rant type post, lol.

I can buy in that the ideal is life without conflict, but I do have to recognize the need to deal with those who are aggressors. I don't like the idea of fighting, but I can't deny the potential need of defense. Not every conflict involves malice either, so many have started more due to miscommunication and misunderstanding...often viewing each other as the aggressors.

While I don't have easy answers for removing conflict across the world, many are over what are seen as limited resources. Simply starting with the mindset that others also have a right to survive can bring things a long way.

Yes everyone and everything has equal right to life (and opportunity).

Very much agree with the misunderstanding part. People simply don't understand each other. If they did things would be different.

All on can do is make the best of one self. Good to see that you are open to this and improving yourself to well, improve yourself. :)

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