Random Challenge of the Day #43

in #randomcotd6 years ago

🌟 Here is our 43rd Random Challenge of the Day! 🌟

Remember, you have until each posts payout to enter each challenge.


👀 Today's Challenge IS: 👀


Today's challenge was suggested by @themanwithnoname

😇 Help someone else 😇

Do this one in the comments or your own post. Tag your post #randomcotd and drop a link to your entry in the comments please.

Everyone needs a little help sometimes.

Find someone that needs help and lend a hand. Then tell us about it.

Maybe your neighbor needs a cup of sugar or help mowing the lawn?

You don't need to spend any money, just be of help to someone else!

Can't wait to see your good deeds!


Find all of this week's active challenges below! Feel free to join in anytime.

🌟 38th challenge is 🌟 challenge38.jpg

🌟 39th challenge is 🌟 challenge39.jpg

🌟 40th challenge is 🌟 challenge40.jpg

🌟 41st challenge is 🌟 challenge41.jpg

🌟 42nd challenge is 🌟 challenge42.jpg



My best friend.

He has been a backbone for me, and I have enjoyed his help.
But sometime last year, he lost his job.

I look for little ways I can help him, but he is a proud man and avoids my help.

Some days back, he needed airtime for some important calls he had to make, and told me. Know eh I'm, I knew how badly he needed it, for him to ask, and I was happy to help.

I wish there was more I could do.

Also, my girlfriend is in charge of providing refreshments for our Bible study group, and yesterday she was too tired to run around for it. So she asked me to help. I was tired too, but since I was still out of the house, I agreed. I was happy to help her get that off her shoulders.

And it was only when I saw her that she let me know that she quit her job due to having a bad boss.

I imagined what she would have felt if I had not helped her make her worries lessen.

It's good to lend a hand. It never goes unrewarded... I believe.

last week I helped this cat.. this little cat suddenly came to my house and I was sad to see his body is very skinny.. maybe someone has thrown it here and my family decided to adopt this cat.. we named him Jack..
now this cat is a bit healthy..
although still look a little skinny..
i know that is a cat not human..
but a cat also has the right to live and they also need our help.. @khackett

It took me a little while to get this posted, but I helped a friend trim some of their apple trees. No, I did not climb up in the trees. I used trimmers. :)

That's still a lot of work! Way to help out a friend! ❤️

One day me and my friends were going to school together. Suddenly a car hit me and I became unconscious, but nothing was done but the legs were cut. Then my friend took me to a hospital and took my medication. Then he called my father. My father took me to the house. The doctor asked me to take a month's rest. So when I could not go to school for a month, my friend would come to our house every day and explain what was done at school.

I just want to mention a friend of mine who helped me yesterday. I wanted to watch a dvd with vlc media player and it kept playing in english instead of german and I couldn't find how to change that.

He found out that you need to put in a country code into vlc's settings (DE for german) and than it worked. I was really thankful for that, because that was a problem I hat formerly already.

That's awesome he was able to solve that for you! 😊

I helped my brother financially. He needs cash for his training so that he can already have his 1 year OJT at the ship. I just did it today coz its our salary day. hahaha!
btw @khackett.. thank you so much for giving some sbd. :)

I'm helping my mom. Last week she had a really huge bill to pay related to my bro's track sneakers, I don't know how to call them in english hahaha. Thing is that I'm helping her financially whit the house stuffs and the things my brother might need for the school daily.

HELP my parents

last semester, I did not go anywhere. I just stay home and do my activities as usual except to go to school. In my house help my mother cooking cake for new year. when i help mother, i baked too long baking so my cake gosong.ibu scolded me and told me to repeat making the cake from the beginning. I am embarrassed, because when we made the cake, my cousin saw it and laughed at me. finally he helped me make the cake. after making the cake, I clean the house, wash plates and sweeping the lawn. all my work is helped by my cousin so that everything feels easy. day after day goes by it does not feel lonely at home because of my cheerful cousin. even though i only at home help my parents i do not feel bored because my cousin. my story helps parents. Thanks for @khackett :)

Today i help one of my friend clean his room, his room look really like a forest, so massy. This morning my friend call me and ask a help to clean his room, am so shock first time i see his room because that so mess, me with my friend spent 5 hours to clean it and make it look like a room again. I forgot to take a picture before after of his room, so this is my help story

I know what I want to do for this one, but I can't do it immediately. I'm stoked to be featured though! Looking forward to seeing what people come up with. :)

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