
That's awesome! I meant to get back to this after reading it with my wife, and just now remembered.


No problem mate. If falling behind were an art form, I'd be a savant.

Strangely, neither the image nor link in my original comment are displayings. So:

There is a tremendous genealogical book you may be interested in:

It is incredibly well researched and I bought two copies: One for my Dad and one for myself and daughter. Our clan, as you can see from the poem, has a pretty storied past.

And, as a poet, the ability to claim descent from Alfred Lord Tennyson, and an indirect connection to Shakespeare, makes me pretty haughty when arguing with other poets ... which, surprisingly, amongst poets is not as obnoxious as it would be for everyone else.

Anyway, let's not be strangers.

BTW, the name's Paul. Most everyone calls me Quill.


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