A Rational Approach To Racism

in #racism6 years ago (edited)

When it comes to the issue of racism, whether it is good or bad, a few things come up that are often hard to argue about. I will try to make 5 bullet point paragraphs and address them briefly.

  1. Intelligence and in our case I.Q has nothing to do with aggression and initiation of crime. If anything it proves that the group of people with low I.Q within one state entity will be likely get caught on the act more often when performing a crime. In other words, the occurrence of crime from relevant ethnic groups will be the same but the not-so bright one is more likely to get caught. Moreover, I.Q has to do more with a cultural background map of thought rather than objective evaluation of mental processing.

  2. Stereotypes matter. Stereotypes provide a perspective of reality. You don't need to take everyone as an individual if you have an overall idea from an adequate sample. In the same way, consider a company that makes chocolate and has more incidents of reported food poisoning than other brands. As a non-racist towards the brand in question, you will continue eating the same defective brand and treating each new candy-bar as an individual even if from time to time you get sick. It is not a wise nor practical thing to do. One can just go with another brand and simply opt out from surprise sessions of diarrhea.

  3. Stereotypes exist for a reason. They create mental landscapes about how the world works by averaging down great amounts of information into a distilled, overgeneralized image. The same applies when someone contacts a research sample. You don't need to ask every ethnic group to come up with demographic distributions of a given act. You get a sample and then you consider that as a given. It works much like asking every single person of that group/category. In addition the human mind is not designed to take into consideration every single aspect of the constantly changing reality. It summarizes information in order to be able to act. This is also the reason why one is more likely to help those in their nearest vicinity rather than try and help starving children in a remote village in Yemen.

  4. Which bring us to the most important part of this debate. It's ok to be racist due to points (1), (2) and (3). It is also rational because culture does matter when it comes to our species. Everyone agrees with that. Even minorities defending their unique cultural background. Sometimes, It just happens that part of a specific culture is rooted in violence, deception or hustling. 100 years ago in New York, it was sensible to be racist towards Italians due to the heavy cultural involvement in immigrant mafia. Sure, they were good Italians with no such ties, but the risk to take would be far greater. We use the same reasoning when it comes to avoiding dangers. Our ancestors that survived, would rather get away from a bush making noises in the wilderness, rather than try to find out if it is the wind making the sound or a poisonous snake.

  5. Culture is a set of behaviors chosen by a group of people. The fact that we have different neighborhoods, bureaus, states and finally countries is because people divide themselves into the groups they prefer to belong into. The existence of countries is proof of racism within human culture. It exists as a natural occurrence of continuing human evolution that lasted hundreds of thousands of years. This is also why immigration sparkles up this debate. Because people from other groups with a different cultural background enter another group and they clash. This is also why trying to eliminate racism is similar to trying to change fundamental behaviors of our species such as loving one's children.

Note that in politics the matters are never about right or wrong. Racism is not inherently bad or good. Politics are about which group has the louder voice and the most people to cheer about. There is also the case of strong minority or fat tails like Nassim Taleb notes. In our case, average people don't vote because they are ok with the state of things. Those who vote are those who want things from society. Usually these people are the minorities. So because these minorities elect politicians, the get their favors done and they are the first to raise "racism" issues.


While some stereotyping is understandable, stopping there is a lazy and paranoid way to live. I think we owe it to our fellow human beings to take more care not to over-generalize when each person is an individual.

Although a good thought in theory, in practice it never happens. This is because how our brains are structured and our consequent behavior. For example is one does something then it can brake our trust even if their behavior was pretty solid before.

Our world is so fast paced that is impossible to just take out time and evaluate individuals around us. If anything we are forced to stereotype things and situations as much as possible for maximum efficiency.

I still think you're over generalizing. If you live in a diverse culture and have some trust in other people as individuals, then you don't live life that way.

I used to live in NYC for quite some time. Ask anyone and they would agree they felt safer in China Town rather than the Bronx.

It is what it is. We all do it. We just don't realize it

I'm not denying that it's a framework with which to begin, but we also do not live life with default frameworks.

Racism is a never ending cycle and still carries on into society as of today. Does educating the public slow it down, or does ignorance of individuals block it totally

You lost me on your first point. High IQ is associated with low aggressiveness and vice versa.

IQ is the most accurate psychoanalytic model, free of cultural limitations, that we have in our hands. It DOES measure intelligence, quite efficiently. If we deny that, we should also deny the progress of the last 100 years in statistics.

Just because smart people can oversee the consequences of their actions better and will restrain themselves more often when they are angry, does not mean they are less aggressive, but only that they show less aggressive behaviour.

IQ is not a model.

IQ may be free of cultural bias, IQ tests aren't.

The only thing you can be sure of is that IQ tests are quite good at measuring how well you will do on other IQ tests. No amount of advance in statistical methodology can prove that IQ is a measurement for intelligence.

Whether IQ tests measure intelligence or not is a matter of definition, and you would need an intelligence test other than an IQ test to see if they measure the same thing.

Statistics can't prove or validate models anyway, only disprove them with a certain likelyhood, because no model can ever be proven to be "the one". Thus Popper. The advancement of statistical methods can't help here.

IQ is a measurment of the g-factor (whatever that means) and said measurment has a correlation with a plethora of things, from increased likelyhood to have academic success to living longer (ncbi is your friend).

I don't think you understand statistics.

EQ is indeed poppsychology.

IQ is a measurment of the g-factor. If you dismiss IQ, dismiss EVERYTHING psychology and psychometry has produced.

I've skimmed through the post and I must say you didn't debunk IQ. You just reframed it as something that is NOT and then you refuted the strawman. IQ tests measure your abillity to comprehend PATTERNS. That's all. There's nothing cultural about that.

Arbitrarily assigning "asbstraction" as cultural doesn't do much to over 1000 of citations over the last 100 years about the g-factor.

To get this over with: IQ measure the g-factor. Fuck intelligence, fuck being smart and every other buzzword. G FACTOR.

Said g-factor is correlated with a plethora of abillities and real world consequences. And that correlation is more than enough to imply there's predictability.

You raise an interesting question.
To what extent are groups of people responsible for their group's reputation?
If every Spaniard I meet kicks me in the crotch, and every Belgian I meet gives me a beer; eventually I'm going to learn to prefer the company of Belgians.
Am I 'hateful' for grouping the Spaniards who haven't kicked me in with the ones who have?
Are the ones who kicked me responsible for giving me a poor impression of Spaniards generally?
Am I obliged to continue to treat everyone equally in spite of my experiences?

The point is not how you perform this mental exercise but what you will do in practice.

And in practice you will be more vigilant in an area with a minority with bad reputation rather than a good one.

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Thanks for sharing

I have found the ones calling foul are mostly looking for it so they can milk it. Racism is everywhere on both sides whether we like it or not.

I think a person's race means very little, it's a fairly arbitrary human construct, is a mulatto white or black? what about an octoroon? Most people are some shade of pink or brown in between. What is more important is your culture and socio economic status.

A funny thing about stereotypes is that people know the most negative stereotypes about themselves and then project those on other people. For example a person who identifies as a black person is a lot more likely to know that there is a stereotype about black people liking chicken (who the fuck doesn't like chicken?) and then feel slighted when offered chicken by someone not even aware or thinking about the stereotype.

A mullato hasn't had enough time to develop a stereotypical response within a society. Give it some time though.

Everyone loves Beyoncé and the Rock. If you do subscribe to discredited theories on race then mulattos have hybrid vigor and actually score very high on various scales. But what about an octoroon?

What if someone thinks of themselves as an accountant and not black? Do you have the same reaction to a black man in a suit with a briefcase?

Oh I do love the piece. People run and hide from this topic asif it was the devil, yet the truth remains and unfortunately lots of people live in denial about the fact that races and cultures are different and that very any of them don't mix well. As for politicians, there are so many of them these days that you just can't trust as they, for the sake of being paid will play these differences against each other for gain regardless the harm it creates.

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