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RE: Students offered extra credit to determine their level of ‘white privilege’

in #racism7 years ago

Do you really believe that Systemic Racism doesn't exist, in edicts and mandates and unwritten acts, do you believe that a History of racism and the Present State of Black Culture and the lack of Representation of Black Culture in a perspective of Role in Civilization are not factors of Racism?

Do you seriously think that those opinions don't indicate anything about racism, and actually something severely important, you deny racism really exists and have no rebuttal to the misrepresentation of black culture and the atrocious Peonage that many black people have suffered for 100 years after the end of "Slavery" while being segregate, lynched and denied Civil Rights while being Subjugated to Racist Laws and there is no chance for you to resolve the How and Why do you think Racism went away, or isn't in the workplace, because firstly it's undeniable, fact of life, everyday the sun rises in the east, every day black people are Discriminated against by White People. This was history, this has changed from Legal Discrimination to Private Discrimination, this is Reality, this is My Source, but keep asking where's your source or dismissing things offhand without anything more than a one word explanation as if that could suffice for anything less than So what if it's just opinion, it's vastly important on the subject of race that we examine the opinions of people of how much racism has decreased and how much racism we still have, but so what, it's opinion.. Yeah. ok.. It was nice chatting with you until it was clear you take me to be an idiot.


lol I didnt notice these other replies till now. If you want to start breaking out the insults and ad hominems Im 100% game. Bro you are obviously way too emotionally attached to this topic calm down. I guarantee every study you cited had some sort of conformation bias or something. Do you really think its just a coincidence that Africa is one of the most fertile environments on the planet and yet Africans never advanced past the stone age without the help of Europeans?

I'll tell you what. When Im done with a few articles that Im working on I will do one on this topic and through the might of actual non bias facts I will destroy you. My other reply was meant to come off as non facetious for the sake of keeping the conversation civil but if its a battle you want that is what you will get. And yes I take you to be an idiot.

You are trolling me arent you? Either way I will write that article for the luls.


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