Quote of the Day #177: Well Done Is Better Than Well Said!

in #quoteoftheday7 years ago

Getting things done is the key to victory!

How many times have you heard some fool flapping his gums about this or that? How they are going to do big things and make big moves? Haha, that kind of talk goes on constantly amongst the insecure and the fake it til you make it crowds. They are all about the hustle and powering through the day, taking massive action and doing huge things to up their status in the game.

Most of these fools are all HOT AIR, and nothing more. The ones who talk about what they are going to do and hype it up like nobody’s business are the guys that are grasping at straws when the push comes to shove. The alternative to this mentally handicapped way of operating, is to simply just do the damn thing.

Progress reports along the way are fine and keeps you on task and can keep interested parties and associates in the know, but don’t just publicly push out all of the things you’re going to do, when inevitably you will never do any of them. Just get yourself knee deep into some shit, come up for air once in awhile, and make those moves be seen, and they will be seen if you’re really pressing it and grinding like you say you can. What you do is far better than what you say, every single time.

Did you like today’s quote? Consider an UPVOTE or a RESTEEM, that’d be cool!

Check out yesterday’s “Quote of the Day #176” if you haven’t already done so.

Let your actions do the talking!

Follow @sandstorm for cool lifestyle, travel, and food content.


Some people sure do talk a big game! Some times you just go out and dominate and don't even say a word! Everyone takes mental notes at that point!

I like that , action speaks better than words for sure!!!

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