@papa-pepper Combination Photo Contest Week 4 Entry 1: ~*~The King Of Bugs~*~steemCreated with Sketch.

in #quinneaker7 years ago (edited)


Its a beautiful day in The Garden of Eden!

(This is my thumbnail cover promo photo)

I went out onto the land on this sunny day to see if I could get some cool photos for the Steemit Contest King @papa-pepper new contest "Combination Photography Contest". If you haven't checked it out yet then do so as there are lots of really fun entries. 

Many posts a week I try and acknowledge @papa-pepper as he really holds high standards for what a quality Steemit post is and is a great leader/example for new and old Steemians alike. 

This is a perfect contest for me as I take photos every day and also live in a place where there are constantly plants and animals! In fact I got an even more epic snake photo the other day but could not get a "proof" shot (which is actually the hardest part of the contest rules hahaha) 

Today though I got a really nice photo shoot in with the sun and the King of Bugs, MANTIS!

What makes this post even cooler is that this is Mantis on Moringa!

Moringa is a SUPER DUPER FOOD of which I made an extensive post about last month here. 

This was my favorite of the day, but heres another one I really like because the the sun shinning through. 

Here is one more as the Mantis really is so cool. 

The mantis almost is not like a bug. They seem to have a super intelligence and keen sense of observation and awareness. They are the only bug that I have ever seen that looks directly into my eyes and seems to see me as more than a huge potential predator. Maybe they are aliens......

I had a lot of fun with this contest. I will likely get in another entry this week as The Garden of Eden is alive and full of life and it sure is nice to go out onto the land and capture then share the beauty with you all!

I am who I say I am and these are MY photos! Heres The PROOF!

If you liked this post you can check out my post from last contest titled "@papa-pepper Combination Photo Contest Week 2 Entry 1: Giant Grasshopper Blowing In The Wind; Bonus GIF!"

I love photography because it is a way to really excentuate the beauty all around and more importantly to share it. I am grateful to be able to share with all you cutting edge Steemians here on this revolutionary platform!

As always I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback!



When taking photos of a praying mantis I am still astounded at how present they are. They seem to love getting their pictures taken, and getting attention in general. They stand super still, turn their heads to stare you straight on, sometimes tilt their heads or give you the perfect profile shot. They are definitely a one-of-a-kind bug -- never seen anything quite like it! Awesome photos @quinneaker--as usual! <3

Good shots indeed, I like your attention to details

Thank you!


its realy an amazing creation
love it :)

animals that have long bodies and almost like dinosaurs.
a very good post.

Yes most bugs are quite ancient as far as evolution of creatures on earth go.

and sometimes insects of predatory animals ..
yes i like you same post2 ..

The mantis looks like paper of tree if i don't see well, i can't notice that's a green insect , but very nice shots, good luck for this contest.

Is your screen really small?

Thanks for the compliment.

Hahaha! I wanted to say the camouflage of the mantis is amazing my friend.

Yes it is amazing how the bugs adapt perfectly to their environments!

@quinneaker Awesome posts sir... I thoroughly concur along with you. Adore it..

Try a new tactic

Not a nice comment.

@ quinneaker that praying mantis is amazing! cool shots :)

Like a big grasshoppers.

Kinda but way more powerful, they EAT grasshoppers for breakfast.

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