Self-voting caught red-handed (Comedy Openmic Round 2)

in #punchline7 years ago (edited)

When another steemit user accuses you of voting for yourself.

And you're totally guilty of it. ;p



You forgot to vote for yourself

Shoot! Thanks for the reminder.

I’ve done it a few times on accident lol, the iPhone isn’t the best way to steemit

I've done it more than a few times, and more than accidentally....but I've changed my ways. ;p

I just realized that I could, lol, I thought it was a mistake

So what is self-voting? Is that when you vote your comment up? shouldnt you do that sometimes?

I see no problem with it. If I see people upvoting their posts and comments, I don't care one bit....but my opinion changes the larger you become. And even then, I'm pretty lenient. I say, you got where you are. You deserve to reap the rewards. Operative word being "reap" not "rape".

I think there are good posts that should definitely hit the trending page, and the only way for them to do so is if they upvote themselves. I think that's totally fine, personally. Just don't overdo it. A lot of people on here gripe about it like a bunch of Communists.

Not to say there isn't something worth griping about, but it's like the second a whale trends himself, the whole community has a gripe fest about it. I'm sorry, but he's a whale for a reason. He got there somehow. And it wasn't because of anything YOU did!

Ahem...ok. Soap box done. I think.

I upvote all my posts to start.
Whattt? Noooo!!!
Still I upvote all my posts to start. -:)

I honestly don't see anything wrong with it. How else are we lil' guys supposed to make any headway on here?

If you believe in yourself, why not?

Greetings from Xilitla

I believe I believe I believe!

Haven't done that since i join steemit. Even in other social network i don't like my own post

nice post
please come on my blog

Hmmmmm. I won't say it.

I've been self voting my posts. Never comments. Is that evil? Am I unpure? My goal is to hand out more to people in my comment section than my self vote was worth. Am I still being a douche? I don't want to be a douche...

No. You are not impure. Or a douche. You are constantly contributing to the community and have since you started. Have a little bite of the pie, why dontcha?

haha I think its a fine line between giving yourself some votes for your hard work/you are just starting out and upvoting your own comments to show at the top of the feed/pay yourself. I saw a dude give himself an upvote close to 1$ for each thing he commented like "haha". We all want to be rewarded for our contributions in the world in general, but people are just tacky

Yes, this is a bit tacky.

I always self upvote when I post something, I don't see any reason not to reward myself at least a tiny bit for creating something others aren't very likely to bother with. If I were making $100+ per post, I'd probably reconsider.

Good answer

Greetings from Xilitla

See, now you make me feel better! I'm of a similar philosophy.

No worries, I know some people get upset over it, but dag gom, unless their vote is worth a hell of a lot and they're upvoting everything I post, they can chill the hell out.

oh! please don't feel guilty, if you believe in yourself.

Like a pat on the back, right?

Ha ha..I might have done it a few times. Of course always by accident :) I will make sure it doesn't happen again. But what do you think about people using large amounts of delegated power to self vote? I've seen 2 examples here on Steemit so far and I'm sure there are a lot more, being only here 2 months.

Nah. You should make sure it DOES happen again! I don't think people are too stuffy about it unless it becomes tacky (like on upvoting too many of your own comments), and/or selfish (as in stealing thousands from the rewards pool from posting a picture of your own snot).

I'm not sure if you are joking about the snot picture !?

I AM joking about the snot picture, but I might as well NOT be. As is the quality of some things that trend on self-votes.

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