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RE: Microcubo - A casa na árvore que você não vê

in #pt6 years ago

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have just been defended with a 2.23% upvote!
I was summoned by felipejoys. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish…

P.S. If you or anyone you know has been a victim of @grumpycat please know that he has been harming people throughout Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア). Stealing the service that I (and other bots) have provided them and hiding behind a facade of stopping bid bot abuse which he clearly has no interest in.
Sneaky Ninja is a very responsible bot, working directly with steemcleaners, actively pursuing spam and abuse on our platform. If you would like to see what steps Sneaky Ninja has taken to fight bid bot abuse see this post and this post. Also know that I am working daily on other solutions.
If you would like to know my personal take on bid bot abuse and why I do not agree with the 3.5 day rule, see this post

Grumpycat is a villain that must be stopped to protect our freedoms here on steemit!

resist grumpycat
There is a resistance that has formed to counter his tyranny.

If you would like to take an active role in stopping this menace and helping other victims like yourself...
Learn More Here

I have also summoned my love, Kusari to offer some limited help to victims like you.
See Here


I know you're a bot, but just to make it clear, even if @grumpycat is wrong in his ways, so are your owner's, @michaeldavid.

You should conform to the 3.5 days max post age and protect steemit from reward rapists. By not doing this, you benefit from their abuse.

You don't do it because you want to rape the reward pool just like grumpycat does with his self upvoted comments.

Meanwhile, I'm just boosting my 2-days old post to get visibility in the #pt tag.

It seems you have not read my stance on the 3.5 day issue or what I am actually doing, that most other bots simply are not, about real bot abuse.

Bidding late, in itself is not abuse. There are many reasons to do it that are very legit. In fact sneaky ninja started because I was gifting good posts with late upvotes because their posts were very undervalued, it was near payout and they had not gotten anything for all their work. We all know how discouraging this can be if you have put a lot of work into a good post. This made very many people feel very good and gave them a lot of encouragement to continue on the platform.

Conforming to 3.5 days does not stop abuse in any way. just look through other bots bidding lists. It is still all the same crap posts they are just now bidding earlier.

It also does one thing that many have not thought about. becoming "grumpycat compliant" takes the responsibility of stopping our bots from voting on abusive posts off of the bot owners. It then puts that responsibility directly onto the community because now it is expected that you guys will now comb through all of our posts to flag the bad ones. First, that is completely unfair to the community and second it is the responsibility of the bot owner to keep his lists clean, not the community. Third, who's actually doing that? Well, if you look through the lists of posts that are being voted on daily by bots you'll see that no one is. So, this 3.5 days has actually done nothing to improve the situation.

I am.

have a read:
1, 2,3.

There is a lot more coming after this also.

So I read a bit and did some thinking and now I think it is okay.

The only problem I believe existed was planned, scheduled abuse on ten posts a day, cycling from older to recent posts as they payout.

However, it takes a lot of spare time and planning for a minnow to do this. You mentioned they can get flagged on @steemcleaners, and that pretty much solves all the issues I had.

Thank you for your time, I didn't expect I'd be read.

Thanks for taking the time.

I am often a few days behind but I do my best to respond to all replies I get. :)

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