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RE: Ultimate Psy-Op Contest: @v4vapid contest : The Removal Of Our Inherent Power

.. i love YOUr replies ! - )))

i feel .. and .. i C .. YOUr Po(in)tS .. - ))

and .. i 'agRee' the majority of humanity 'feels' .. ??
" held back " ?? ... within 'their' .. belief system - ((

It also "ap.pears" .. tHERE is an "outside" SourCe .. of contrast .. ??
.. a CON-TROLL .. mechanism .. 'acting' .. as MasTerS - ))))

How about this ... if ... t'HERE is only now ?? - ))

(( the difference between, "time" & "change" .. - )))
(( is the same parallel between, "coincidence" & "synchronicity" - )))
(( = "problems" & "challenges" = "solutions" & " EPIPHANY" !!! !!! - )))

SO .. NOW .. is .. ALL-w-AYS .. 'nEw' - ))

Certainly 'fear' .. is paralyzing !! !! - ((

but .. it is a 'self conditioned' .. rES'pOn'SE .. a 'choice' - )))
.. warranted or not ?? - ))
and .. only 'needs' to be .. temporary - ))

" .. . most are not strong enough to overcome this hypnotic state.."
.. not yet .. ha ha .. !!! !!! - )))

BUT .. "the CONFIDENCE" .. is G(ROW-in)G !!! !!! - ))
AS-KING QUEST_i'ONs .. MUST B(R(in)G).. AN(S_WE)RS - ))

YeaH !!! HUMANITY !!!!!!!! - ))

ChallengeS & EPIPHANIES .. take shape .. simultaneously !!! - )))

LetS TeLL .. OUR OWN .. STORY - )))

Dr. Iving .. into the CONTRAST !!! .. is for OUR BENEFIT ?!?!? - ))
LIKE a COSMIC .. ElastiC B_anD !!! !!! - )))

but .. it will only stretch .. so far .. into un(K)NOW-in(G) !!! - )))

SO .. i imagine .. the E(Pi)C + OVER-WHELMING JOY !!!!!!!!!!!!! - ))
WheN .. ALL of E(ART)H !!! .. FEELS the "T(R(U)T)H" .. for the'M SELF !! - ))

TO THE MOON ??? .. ha ha !!! - )))

and .. WE will not "need" ... space suits !! - ))
ha ha - )))
.. unless .. ??? .. for FUN !!! - )))


FeeLinG .. & .. REALIZING ... the (yo)U_N_i-VERSE "H_AS" .. the'iR B(AC)K - )))

The 'soothing' .. reLiEF .. of .. 'self' .. realization - ))))
FeeLinG .. the " LOVE & AppreciatioN " .. for OUR 'choosing' 2 B HERE .. NOW - ))
ha ha - )))

WE are "EACH" .. LOVED !!!!!!! .. BEyoND OUR 'ability' to deSCRIBE !! !! - ))

OUR "CO-S_m_iC" .. P(are)NTS .. are .. VERY HAPPY .. with .. ALL of US ! - )))
.. just ask them - )))

.. thanks ALEX -))))
.. it's feels GREAT .. to sPEAK FREE-LY - )))))

To JAM .. with YOU - )))))))
ha ha - )))

.. you kNOW .. WE've .. (( got this )) ... right ?? - ))))))))))
Can you FEEL .. the 'global' .. SMILE COMING ?? - )))))))

CRY_p_TO .. is the "LeaDinG EDGE" of sOMeTHinG .. Bi-((GG))-eR - )))
(e.g.) ... this CO'n'versat'i'ON .. due to .. crypto ?? !!!!!!! - ))

Oh .. the sMILEs - )))))))))))))

lovelovelvoe )))
greb'Z )

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