Sarcasm Doesn't Travel Well Online! Why Do We Use Sarcasm? Is Sarcasm Really Our Chasm?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

How many times have you been speaking with someone online and wondered why the other said a particularly strange and illogical thing, only to later learn that they were being sarcastic - but you didn't know? This occurs for me so regularly that I learned to stop being sarcastic, since it is more valuable to me that I am understood than that I am thought of as being 'witty' or 'funny'.


In truth, I have learned that sarcasm generally isn't really very funny or attractive and the quote I heard a lot as a child now rings true:

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit."

What is Sarcasm?

A common dictionary definition of sarcasm is:

  1. a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain

  2. a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual

So it is clear that Sarcasm relies upon some form of unpleasant aspect that is somewhat like a weapon. Sarcasm is intended to be felt to be understood and that is part of why it's effects backfire when used online - since to have a felt and bonded connection with another via the electronic and inherently non-emotional internet is much more challenging than in a direct, physical interaction. The idea is that we will feel the presence of the sarcastic reversal of logic and will either laugh due to the humor involved or even be hurt and rejected, thus receiving an insult instead of humour.

Sarcasm is generally an act of aggression in denial

There is a reason why people sometimes suddenly become aggressive or angry and even violent whereas previously they had been placid and apparently peaceful (on the surface) - which is to do with the way we can be holding denied emotions that surface when triggered. While our emotions are denied, they effect our thought process without us consciously realising and due to the denial involved we ourselves will often actively deny that this is occurring. Since we typically deny the emotions that we don't like much - like anger and fear, the common outcome is that we are being run by denied anger and fear to some extent and each of us expresses these denied emotions in ways that are unique to us. Some might suddenly become violent for no obvious reason, but others might attempt to use cutting sarcasm. The way to know the truth is the FEEL the truth of what is going on beneath the surface and the more you do this, the more you will be able to feel the presence of what is in denial - so much so that you may be able to know other people better than they know themselves!

With all of this in mind, it can be understood that while we ourselves may sometimes be using sarcasm habitually - perhaps as a defence mechanism to attempt to cover up our own fear or lack of sense of self worth; the ultimate outcome is that sarcasm, at best, is a kind of heartless attack and at worst is just a complete waste of time and energy!

Sarcasm online generally doesn't work anyway!

The difference between delivering a spoken sentence that is sarcastic and one that is not is generally one of tone and accent - so some of the words are accentuated in such a way that the suggestion is that there is some kind of low IQ/Intelligence involved that can't understand the words and thus needs them to be spoken slowly. So to attempt to translate this online in a direct way, simply isn't going to work unless we actually wriiittteee the wooooorrrdsss ouuutttt liiike thiiisssss.. because, like.. that tooootalllly maakes life easssier, riiiight?

Generally, though, we don't actually do this when writing sarcastically and so much of the sarcasm is lost - which exposes the fundamental flaw of sarcasm for all to see.. SARCASM IS UNINTELLIGENT! So like a gun that points backwards it is generally true that sarcasm only results in us looking like an imbecile. There are some ways to use sarcasm in a universally funny way, but in my experience, we would feel better about ourselves and our interactions with others by simply learning to interact in a positive way that uplifts all involved, rather than attempting to ridicule and get 'one up' on the others in our lives using such weak tactics as sarcasm.


Sarcasm.. S'Our Chasm!

A Sour Chasm, indeed!

What do you think/feel on this? Are you able to comment non sarcastically?

If you have any thoughts, feedback or inspired, related ideas then let me know in the comments below. * Cue sarcastic comments * . lol

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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You could write about anything and get me interested. That's not sarcasm!
Going in to this article I was slightly defensive of my "right" to use this mode of speech, but your points are totally valid. Sarcasm isn't funny. Funny is funny. However, in the right situation and with the right person, I do think the occasional, extremely inappropriate remark can generate a lot of laughter. It's all about the relationship of the people communicating, and more importantly, the intent. I will be rethinking my use of this "lowest form of wit" and ideally I will always review my intentions and how my words feel before I use them, online and off.
Thanks for the brilliant thoughts my friend! Always a pleasure.

Thanks for your kind words and willingness to explore the unknown! :)
The problem really is that we are capable of existing and thinking without engaging deep feeling and so we lack at least 50% of the information we need to understand the situation that can only come through feelings. <3

chuck approves small.jpg

Thanks Chuck! :)

What most fail to understand is there is a human it is targeted at.

Generally, yes - though usually when there is a target 'outside' there is also a reflection occurring where an internal attack of self against self present too. We are very effective at creating unconscious self hatred and then projecting it out onto others - we cannot give what we do not have and if we do not have love, it follows we cannot give it either.

I've never looked at sarcasm that way before, as an aggressive form of a self-defense mechanism, but that really rings true.

yes, I feel it is true too.

Wit is another interesting topic to write about. Not sarcastic. As a mom, I often experience negative talk. Mommy guilt. On all levels. I was not raised in a very emotionally intelligent environment - and am trying to turn that around. I like your "feeling is healing" tee shirt. Not having a high emotional IQ led a good number of family members to suicide. Not knowing how to deal with the pent up emotive self. I appreciate this. You are right on some levels, but it does depend on others involved and the relationship. Example. My in laws. Are all cynical and sarcastic. And yes, they are toxic poison. I'm not blaming them (they have been lurking about so much lately!) but that relationship has caused me to dumb down my emotions and my wit and I find I'm a worse person when dumb, sarcastic, negative, over tired.

I feel you are opening up to the right understandings here and can quite quickly accelerate your own emotional health and balance. 'negative talk' primarily takes the form of judgements which are not the truth, yet we are convinced are the truth or maybe fear to be the truth. to clear these requires a combination of expression of the associated emotions and a deliberate, conscious release of the beliefs and judgements involved. the more this is done, the more that peace will be the lived experience.
just because others are themselves unhealed and sarcastic/caustic does not imply that we must join them - you might be surprised what occurs when your own patterns shift in a deeply felt way - these others may choose to join you in your evolution in some way, or they may move away more often - which would be the right outcome, since we all have a right place and not everyone can join us there.

This is a good place to start. I've been grieving and going through the anger stage of it quite a lot, so that has definitely contributed itself as a barrier. But a barrier I am very consciously aware of, talking through, writing about and working hard to correct and change course! :)

the right way to heal anger is to feel it deeply and allow it to vibrate and for you to make sounds in an uncontrolled way. this is best done in private since most people don't understand this requirement for balance and may judge you are 'crazy' etc.
emotions are energy in motion, so if they aren't moving they aren't really being given acceptance.

Very true. Online and texting where you cannot see the other persons face is not a good time to try and be sarcastic. It is generally misconstrued and misinterpreted.

Must.. Resist.. Sarcastic.. Reply! 8D

hahah upped my friend!

'Just like a Vegan to deride something which is essential to normal society.

Neither sarcasm nor the death of animals is essential to life. 'Normal' is entirely subjective.

that was sarcasm, btw :)

In other words, you ain't got jokes.

German by chance?

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, dear boy - let's aim a little higher shall we? ;)

I read the article.

I prefer the low hanging fruit.

hehe, everyone has to start somewhere! :)

What is the highest form of wit? Maybe they were being sarcastic.

I'm not sure if the highest form of wit has yet been discovered - but wit can be powerful - so maybe the ultimate form of wit can heal the sick and clean up the oceans... or at least just bring a feeling of joy and warmth instead of discomfort and attack.

There it is, the racist strikes again saying Germans aren't funny. So now we know he hates Germans and Russians. Who else lipstick boy? Who else do you hate?

Hahahahaha this guy.

I'm very German man.

It's a stereotype that Germans aren't funny.

Not only that but it has been found to be true in a survey of over 30k people.

You're a racist bitch who hates Russians, Slavs and Germans. Check the tape. I don't do self deprecation, I'm proud of my shit lipstick boy. I've been to Germany, watched their programming, they're funny as fuck. 90% of Hollywood "comedians" are not there because of their talent. Try to figure something out for once you loser.

I'm not sure why you insist on stalking me.

Will you please just leave me alone?

Oh, no no no lipstick boy, you are the one who stalked me and dropped my score from 31 to 8 with your butt buddies, don't act like a victim when you actively and out of spite destroy reputations while being totally incapable of intelligent debate.... Don't act like the victim when you are an exposed racist.

Ooh hey @kryptik we're butt buddies now!

lol you're ridiculous. Have it your way. I'm far from a racist sir.

You absolutely are a racist, YOU engaged ME when I opposed anti Russian racist propaganda and then mocked the suffering of Russians and Slavs and then insulted the German people. You absolutely are a racist exposed.

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